周六(8/31) 1. 給您好心情2.麵包事件3.電價

8/31周六聚會 本周六 8/31聚會 時間: 6:30pm~9:00pm地點: 快提café  新北市板橋區文化路一段38710

(沿著新埔捷運站1出口左方向走約100公尺 看到信義房屋旁的巷子進入)電話詢問 Billy  Tel: 0976217450 (02) 22540821
15 Things to Quickly Put You in a Good Mood (by Tess)

Everyone struggles with a bad mood now and then. It's a part of life, especially when too many irritations or inconveniences happen all at once.

Read on for tips to help you put more spring in your step and happy in your mood.

1.  Move!

The number one tip experts give for changing your mood is to exercise. Choose something you enjoy doing, yoga, walking, rollerblading, or a dance video workout,

A short and fast workout can relieve stress and release feel-good endorphins. Think of your athletic shoes as happy shoes!

2. Choose healthy food. Small healthy snacks throughout the day keep your body satisfied. Eat less white rice, pasta, bread, sugar and potatoes. Incorporate grains, vegetables, nuts and seeds in your diet.

3. Make memories. Spend your money on experiences. Sign up for a painting class, go to the museum, or a concert. Experiences create wonderful memories.

4. Get out in nature. Go to the big room with the blue ceiling and green floor. Take a walk in the woods or watch a sunrise. Sitting outside for five minutes a day is enough to feel good and change your mood. Five minutes!

5. Touch. Physical affection is powerful. Give and receive a kiss, a hug, a pat on the back, a touch on an arm or go for a massage. Touch is transformational. Warm fuzzies feel good.

6. Be kind. Look for a way to compliment someone. Anticipate and meet the needs of the people around you. When you bring happiness to others you also bring it to yourself. The smallest act of caring can cause a mini-bliss explosion.

7. Look for good. Look for what’s good in your life. Look for reasons to be thankful. Focus on the positive. You can't be unhappy and positive at the same time.

8. Recharge. Go to bed and get up at the same time everyday. Creating a routine and getting seven hours of sleep will allow you to wake up on the bright side.

9. Make a happy face. Smiling makes you happy even when you’re feeling sad. Smile at yourself in the mirror. Smile at the people you love and even the ones you don’t. We underestimate the transforming power of a smile.

10. Listen to music. There's not much a great song won’t cure. Runners listen to their iPods while running marathons because it’s less painful.

1. How to always be in a good mood?

What makes you happy? List things to make you happier?

 2. Do you think foods that can make you happier?

 3. Does exercise make you happy?

 How exercise can make you happy?

 4. How to get out of a bad mood fast?

 Ways to let go and overcome a bad mood?

CF not content with Top Pot punishment (China Post)

The government should fine Top Pot Bakery according to the Fair Trade Act instead of the Act Governing Food Sanitation to levy more severe punishments over the addition of artificial essences into the bakery's bread while claiming it uses only natural ingredients, the Consumers' Foundation (CF) said yesterday.
CF board member Hsieh Tien-jen (謝天仁) said that the government should also look into the legal responsibility that Dee Hsu (徐熙娣, also known as Xiao S) should take for helping to promote the bakery.
The chain was recently busted by the Taipei City Government and Taipei prosecutors for adding artificial essences into its bread.
The bakery boasts in advertisements that its bread is made with natural ingredients and zero flavoring essences. The city government later fined the firm NT$180,000 for deceptive advertising and handed the case over to Taipei prosecutors.
1. What you think about top pot bakery event?

2. What do you think about food safety and quality?

3. Should government take care of food safety?

Is the government obligated to take care of its citizens?

4. Do you care of food safety and food standards?

What can you do to make you care?

Lawmakers object to electricity price hike plan(China Post)

 Several Kuomintang lawmakers yesterday expressed their objections to an electricity price hike by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) slated for October.

The MOEA said that it will not increase prices for households that use less than 500 kilowatt hours of electricity, meaning that approximately 85.7 percent of households will not be affected.

KMT caucus whip Lai Shyh-bao (賴士葆) said after the conference that a final decision has yet to be made, but that four lawmakers expressed opposition to the proposal.

Discussions centered on whether or not the government should stop subsidizing industrial and financial institutions as well as households that use a large amount of electricity, Lai said.

1. What you think about the price of electricity price increase?
2.Why electricity bills are rising?
3. How to save money on electricity ?

 周五(8/30) 1.破冰打開話題 2.費洛蒙?
周五原聚會點  改至地點: 快提café 
(沿著新埔捷運站1號出口左方向前走約100公尺 經過新埔郵局看到康是美 從信義房屋旁的巷子進入) 連絡電話: 0976217450   Billy

說吧!英文讀書會 將於 915 星期日 下午6:00 舉辦簡單地 聚餐會
會中用餐/小遊戲/ 暨分享英文學習心得
預計每人餐費 250元左右 僅收100 其餘由本會贊助廠商補貼支助
(地點暫定: 艾隆意式麵館  新北市板橋區仁化街32)



Ways to breaking the ice (magforwomen.com)

Breaking the ice between you and the another person is surely not rocket science. But, it is also not something you can do without the application of mind. The idea here is to be creative. You cannot come up with a line that has been used for centuries and expect the person to feel comfortable talking to you. You may come across as a person who is desperate to talk to him. They say the first impression is the last impression. Hence, it is very important to come up with a line that is spontaneous, witty and original.

1. ‘Hi’ followed by a warm smile

Though it sounds very simple, it can be very effective. If you have a great smile, use it to your advantage. Walk up to him and greet him. Charm a person with one of your best smiles.

2. Talk about the weather

This is one of the best ways to stir up a conversation with almost anyone. There is always something to talk about the weather. ‘Isn’t it cold?’ or ‘God! It’s hot.’ are some examples.

3. ‘Have we met before?’

This can be later followed by something like, ‘Oh, you resemble someone (or an old friend) so much. You must meet them.’ After this, you can have the rest of your conversation stirred along.

4. The ‘Ask-for-help’ method

Now you have to do this well. Some amount of acting skills would help. Act as if you accidentally dropped something down, like a bundle of books or a bunch of pens. Do this when you are close to him. He would naturally try to help you. You can start a conversation from here. If he doesn’t bother to help, you seriously shouldn’t be trying to talk to him.

5. Witty funny comments

Casually comment about something around you. However, make sure it is funny enough to crack him up. You could talk about anything or any person around you.

1. How to break the ice when meet new people?

2. How to start a conversation with a girl or a boy you crush on?

3. How to pick good topics to start conversation?

4. How to improve conversation skills?

Ways to sharpen your communication skills?

5. Do you think a warm smile is an effective communication skill?

6. What topics of conversation you should avoid at first meeting?
Billy 看到一則廣告 ,說有一種香水,含費洛蒙,擦了能夠吸引異性注意, 引起了好奇心 , 請各位好友來研究探討

Are Pheromones a Secret Weapon For Dating? (ABC news)

Odorless pheromones are secreted by many animals to attract mates. But they're also synthesized and marketed to consumers as potions to increase sexual attractiveness.

They've been sold for years, but new studies and claims are making these items hotter than ever. Paris Hilton knows. She added them to her latest perfume. But the debate remains: Do pheromones really work or is this just all hype?
"I think our product is the only product that has any proof behind its claims," said biologist Winifred Cutler, a leading pheromone champion and owner of the Athena Institute, which manufactures and sells pheromone products.
Cutler said she had proof they worked for 75 percent of customers who had tried her products, which sell for about $100 for 1/6 of an ounce.
"Our pheromones are sexual attractants. They do make the wearers more sexually attractive," she said.
Some scientists remain skeptical about the existence of human pheromones. "Maybe just the idea of knowing that you're wearing the stuff will help," said Dr. Stuart Firestein, a biologist at Columbia University who studies the science of smell. "There's certainly always going to be a very strong placebo effect in these sorts of things."
Sex pheromone (Wikipedia)
Sex pheromones are pheromones released by an organism to attract an individual of the opposite sex, get them to mate with them, or some other function closely related with sexual reproduction. Sex pheromones specifically focus on indicating females for breeding, attracting the opposite sex, and conveying information on their species, age, sex and genotype after emitted by males.

1. In your opinion, how do pheromones work?
2. How to make yourself an attractive person?
Ways to be charming?
3. What are the best way to attract the opposite sex?
Tips to attract the opposite sex?
4. How to attract a woman's attention/ a man's attention?
5. Do you regularly use perfume/ cologne? Why or why not?
6. Do guys/girs like it when a person wear perfume?
大家有看過<<香水>>麼?男主角是一名天材香水調製師,他發現女性的皮膚內有一種物質可以用來製成香水,那種香味古惑人心,足以讓人變得癡癡迷迷。著了魔的男主角不停殘殺女性,從她們的屍油中提煉出那種物質。戲中女主角恰巧身上飄著奇香,引起了男主角的注意,他想要得到這種香味…… (iamtatala.xanga.com)

 究竟人的身體是否真含有這種物質可以用來提煉香水?有的,這種物質叫pheromone(費洛蒙)。費洛蒙是甚麼東西呢?它包含了個人資訊,欲望、攻擊性、免疫系統等等。動物發情時會大量釋放這種物質,吸引異性交配,繁殖。例如豬公發情時會從鼻腔發放費洛蒙,足以讓母豬在二十公 呎的範圍內意識到他的存在。一群科學家不禁想,如何利用這種物質造福人類?號稱能吸引異性的費洛蒙香水便應運而生了。

 其實費洛蒙是一種氣味強烈的物質,使用時必須經過稀釋,這種情況就像百合花和橙花的香氣,花香淡淡的十分好聞,提煉成香油後卻會讓人產生頭暈作嘔的感覺。市面上能夠找到的費洛蒙香水一般的含量由15%-30%不等,經過稀釋的香水不會讓人覺得嘔心,反而有一種特別的香氣。有人說,在外國銷量第一的 Lure For Her/Him,味道就像瑪麗蓮露每晚都要塗上才肯入睡的香水 - Chanel No. 5


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