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過年期間 有部賣座電影 機器戰警 機器人已取代我們的工作 進入我們的生活領域 甚至女友
請來聊聊   機器人女友及取代性
By Frank Lake

The Japanese roboticist Hiroshi Ishiguro, from the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, has created a small surrogate girlfriend for men (and women).  The Japanese roboticist unveiled his creation in April, but it is now on sale everywhere across Japan in Seiyu (Japan’s Wal-Mart).

The android was originally called Geminoid F, but Ishiguro renamed her Chizuko (which means “the child of a thousand storks”) and is also the name of Ishiguro’s first girlfriend who dumped him for a five-foot tall accountant.  Ishiguro programmed Chizuko to call him, “Stud.”

Ishiguro teamed up with Kokoro Co., Ltd. to create the realistic-looking female android says she was modeled after a woman in her twenties. She has long black hair, soft silicone skin, and a set of lifelike teeth that allow her to produce a natural smile.  Here’s Chizuko with her model:

The Robots Are Going To Take All Our Jobs: Isn't It Wonderful?

(forbes.com Tim Worstall)

There’s an interesting piece at Quartz about how robots are just about to take all our jobs from us. And as we know there has been a number of people shouting that this is a complete disaster for us all. Civilisation will be ruined when no one has to stand on an assembly line anymore. I rather differ from that view: I think it’s going to be absolutely fabulous.

There are two points to make here. One is about the whole offshoring thing. It can only go so far for there’s a limited number of poor people in the world to exploit:

Already, China is losing jobs to countries with even lower wages. But eventually, “you run out of places to chase the [cheap] labor,”

Some might say that’s terrible: what are we going to do when there’s no more cheap labour? I look at it the other way around. When there’s no more cheap labour then there’re no more poor people, are there? For by definition people who are getting good wages just aren’t poor. So once we’ve run out of places where we can chase that cheap labour then we’ve actually solved one of humanity’s longest running problems. How in heck do we cure poverty? And we’ll have done it by the only logically sound method known: making everyone rich. Hurrah!

But the major point about the article is that robots is now getting so cheap that soon enough just about all assembly and factory jobs are going to be done by such robots.


1. What do you think that robot girlfriends on sale in Japan?

Do you want to get one? why or why not?

2. Will robots taking all our jobs?

Are you worried about robots taking your job?

3. What are the benefits to having a robot girlfriend?

4. Is it a good idea to having robotic polices?

Can robots take the place of teachers?

Can battlefield robots take the place of soldiers?

5. What are the benefits to having a robot in your home?

6. Will robots ever take over the world?

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of robots?

How to beat back-to-work blues

How to beat back-to-work blues (by Astha Gupta)

After the fun and frolic of holidays, it's never easy to get back into a routine. Read how to readjust.

How to beat back-to-work blues

 It was a free fall while you were on holidays but now it's back to the daily grind of rush hour and deadlines. No wonder you feel it's all gone too quickly. Focus on the following to start afresh.

Take it easy

To help make the transition from holidays to work, pace yourself for the first two days. Return calls, get up to speed with what has happened and ensure you go straight home to rest. "One of the reasons why some of us can get in a funk is because we return to work full bore — it's the same syndrome as getting a cold or flu in the first week of your holidays," says Dr Meredith Fuller, a Melbourne-based psychologist. Make sure colleagues and clients don't bombard you, and allow yourself little breaks such as walking around the block or sitting outside to have your coffee in peace.

 Remember to be positive

Count your blessings and thank your stars for the refreshing break. Don't think of work as a burden but a time to make a fresh start. Wear brighter colours and pop your favourite holiday picture onto your screen saver.

Let the creative juices flow

When we are in a relaxed and alert state — after a rejuvenating break — our creative juices flow well. "Resist the temptation to flop back into your usual chair in your usual posture," adds Fuller. "Brainstorm, lie outside on the grass, or borrow someone else's office and reflect on your work." What could you do differently? How could you incorporate any aha moments from your time away? Do a mind-map, and impress everyone with your enthusiasm.

 Blues are temporary

Remember that after a week, you will be over the sulks, and ready to engross yourself in your work life again. Be easy on yourself for the first week back — watch a movie, go for a massage, sleep longer or plan your next vacation — whatever makes you happy.

 Focus on a new project

Perhaps you simply need a fun activity one night a week to keep your mind engaged, and your body healthy. Try dancing, fencing or something wild. It may be work related — perhaps you could join a new professional association, volunteer for a task force, or shadow someone from another department? "Keeping active is the key to feeling alive. You don't have to go on holiday for that," Fuller says.

Don't make any drastic decisions

Fuller advises against making any major decisions right after a break. "Don't resign and don't dump your girlfriend," she says. Your judgment could be clouded by the haze of holidays. If you're unhappy coming back to work, examine if it's because you're no longer on holiday or is it really your work. If you feel nothing's improving even after a month or so, then that's your clue to rethink your job or even your career.

Put your health first

Getting back to work and into healthy patterns can be a challenge. "Start your first week back with healthy breakfasts, drink plenty of water and avoid too much tea and coffee," says Natasha Meerding, spokesperson for the Dietitians Association of Australia. She also advises that we should incorporate some physical activity the moment we are back. Being physically active can help with alertness, improve mood and prevent weight gain.

1.How to beat back-to-work blues?
2.What to do when you've lost the passion for your career?

You’ve lost enthusiasm for your job. How do you get it back?'

3. How to maintain enthusiasm for work?

4. Are you burned out on your job?

5. Would more holidays be good for people?

How to have nice holidays?

6. What factors can stimulate and keep your passion?










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