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Different Fortune Telling Methods (buzzle.com)
 #4 Western Astrology
Western astrology is one of the most popular forms of astrology amongst people. Inevitably, every day in the morning, don't you find yourself turning the newspaper page to the horoscope section, reading what your zodiac sign has to say for the day? Western astrology is based on constructing a horoscope which includes the position of the sun, moon and planets at the time of a person's birth. There are twelve zodiac signs that represent basic personality types and traits of individuals falling in the particular zodiac.

 #5 Tarot Reading

Tarot reading revolves around the theory that playing cards can be used to know the insight of a person's life. Primarily, tarot cards were used for playing games, but later it was believed that these cards were guided by a spiritual force to let one know about his/her fortune. There are 78 cards in the pack used to read the fortune, each interpreting some distinct feature or characteristic. Although each card has several meanings, it is the reader, who decides which meaning applies correctly to the given situation or question asked.

 #6 Crystallomancy

Crystallomancy or crystal ball reading is a form of astrology developed by gazing into a crystal or sphere to predict future events. Some believers claim that scrying (crystal ball reading) visions arise out of some supernatural mystical insights, while there is a different school of thought that believe it arises out of the subconscious mind of the practitioner, also called the scryer. Crystal gazing is done in a dimly lit room which allows the scryer to go into a state of trance to actually gaze into the future and come out with accurate predictions.

 #7 Cheiromancy or Palmistry

Chiromancy or palmistry is a form of astrology that involves reading a person's hand to evaluate his character and future life. Most people look at palmistry as the most accurate way of fortune-telling, although there is no conclusive proof that supports the claims made by the palm reader. Usually palm readers begin analyzing by reading the person's dominant hand. Both hands have their significance though, and both are looked at before coming to a final conclusion. Sometimes, the choice of hand to read also depends upon the reader's deep intuition and experience.

 #9 Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese tradition, which originated from Vastu Shastra in India. Feng Shui literally means, water and wind, which are believed to have a personality of their own, that directly affects the arrangement of furnishings and layout of an object or building. Therefore, it deals with the correct arrangement of furniture, location of doors and windows and also the color theme of the walls. The practice of this fortune-telling method is diverse and there are many different schools and perspectives to the same theory.

 #12 Numerology

This form of divination needs no introduction. It is the study of numbers to know the personality of a person. In numerology, it is believed that each number (1-9) signifies human traits or nature and gives an insight in your personality. Name and birth date are used to form a particular number between 1-9 that has certain geometry and interpretations. Numerology is considered to be highly accurate and helps in giving you a deeper awareness about life.

 #13 Oneiromancy

Using dreams to predict the future, is oneiromancy. Dreams come in various forms, not all convey a message, but some definitely do. These dreams are repetitive in nature and there lies an important message or warning, which generally pertains to events of the future. Dreams are the way in which the subconscious of a person tries to communicate with the conscious. Thinking about a certain problem before going to sleep, is like activating your subconscious to come up with a solution or answer, which is then communicated to the conscious mind in the form of dreams. There is a universal interpretation of few symbols and patterns. For example, dreaming of mud indicates money and prosperity.

 #15 Face Reading

A person's face is where emotions like, anger, sadness, happiness, joy and so on, are first revealed. This form of fortune-telling helps one know the true nature, strengths and weaknesses of a person. Face reading is more of a self-development tool than future telling. However, it is believed that tapping your potential, identifying your purpose in life, strengths and weaknesses, ultimately leads to being an invaluable tool for fortune-telling. Face reading is most commonly used in sales and business applications, to know the characteristics of the person being dealt with.


1. Do you believe in fortune telling?

Do you believe in feng shui/ palmistry/ crystal ball reading/ tarot reading?

2. Can we really predict the future?

Can you tell us any other different fortune telling methods?

3. Face reading-- is your personality written all over your face?

Can face reading form of fortune-telling help one know a person’s true nature?

4. Blood type and fortune telling-- does your blood type affect your future?

5. Do you believe that dreams to predict the future?

6. Why do some people believe star signs?

Reasons why people believe in superstitions?

7. Do you believe in luck?

Removing the president from the people?( Focus Taiwan)
The brazen Jan. 25 ramming of the Presidential Office front gate by a disgruntled truck driver has left the office of President Ma Ying-jeou grappling to come up with measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.
The office has begun blocking off overnight access to part of the road leading up to Ma's doorstep, Ketagalan Boulevard -- a road wrought with symbolism as the site of many high-profile protests and peaceful demonstrations over the years.
Q: What do you think about The office has begun blocking off overnight access of Ketagalan Boulevard?

 Around-the-corner convenience stores in Taiwan
The number of convenience stores in Taiwan has broken the 10,000 mark, averaging one such store for every 2,000 members of the population, the highest density in the world.
Q: What do you think about convenience stores in Taiwan?

Chinese budget airline planning more direct flights to Taiwan
Taipei, Feb. 19 (CNA) Chinese budget carrier Spring Airlines is planning to offer a direct service between Shanghai in China and Hualien in eastern Taiwan, its Taiwan branch manager said Wednesday.
Wang Shu-yu said the airline hopes to obtain the support of the Hualien County government to operate direct charter flights between Hualien Airport and Pudong Airport in Shanghai.
Q: What do you think about the budget flights?

 Celebrities mourn death of Taiwanese entertainer Frankie Gao
Taipei, Feb. 18 (CNA) Local celebrities Tuesday are mourning the death of Taiwanese singer-entertainer Frankie Gao, who died of leukemia Monday at the age of 63.
"How can someone so cocky be gone," singer and former legislator Yu Tien, a close friend of Gao, said tearfully that day after a visit to the hospital where Gao died.
Taiwanese comedian Chu Ke-liang was also choked up, saying: "I respect him, he was brave ... I am really sad" after learning about the death of his long-time friend.
Q: What do you think about the death of the Taiwanese singer?
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Internet Rumors – Why You Should Never Share False Rumors(thatsnonsense.com)
Rumors can be Damaging, Distressing and Dangerous to Individuals

One very real consequence of rumors is that they can be damaging, distressing and even dangerous to the people they target. We see this in the offline world time and time again, be it school-ground rumors or even rumors started by the paparazzi.

What many fail to realise or comprehend is that online rumors have the same possible consequences. Just because a rumor is being shared in the digital world does not make the consequences of it any less real.

This is especially important to remember when passing on rumors about specific people, since online rumors have the potential to impact on people’s lives in a very negative way. For example viral rumors that take on the form of hate campaigns that condemn specific people for their actions are often circulating Facebook and Twitter but do not provide any verifiable sources, and these can lead to much distress for the person targeted and potentially even lead to forms of vigilante “justice”.

It is extremely irresponsible to help circulate unverified rumors that target specific people, or companies. After all, if a message began to circulate with your name attached, would you want others to spread it without due diligence because it might be true?

False rumors can be distressing for individuals for entirely different reasons as well. For example “share to donate” rumors that claim sharing a photo results in Facebook donating money to help a sick child. These rumors use photos of ill and disabled children without the permission of their families. Scammers trick users into circulating these photos with false “share to donate” captions and seeing these photos circulate so widely under these false pretences can be very upsetting for the families involved.

Rumors that are designed to stir up racial hatred are extremely popular on the Internet and these rumors are mostly false, or exaggerated. Before you circulate unfounded rumors regarding ethnic minorities, think about whether it has been designed to cause tension between difference races.


1. Why rumors spread fast in social networks?

What are the disadvantages of online rumors?

How to stop online rumor?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern media?

Has social media ruined the news?

3. Why people like gossip news?

Why do some people like celebrity gossip?

4. Can you trust the news?

Do you trust online news more than newspapers?

How do you get the news you trust?

5. Why some people like spread false news online?

6. Why spread of false information causes dangers? 

Is it spread false news online against law?


Princess sickness  (Wikipedia)

Princess sickness (or princess syndrome, Chinese:公主病) is used to describe spoilt females, especially teenagers, with symptoms like being self centered, self-indulgent and eager to be princesses. Similarly, males with resembling characteristics are regarded as having "prince sickness."

princess syndrome. (xomba.com)

princess syndrome. (In Chinese the phrase is 公主病)


What is it and where does it come from? I think most of us are familiar with girls acting like princesses and being daddy’s girl, but I decided to get online and do a bit of research into this phenomenon and find out more.
First, princess syndrome according to the Urban Dictionary:
A mental state that a female exhibits out of reverse sexism. Because she is unaware of her sexism, she will claim to deserve supreme aristocratic rights from a partner due to her looks or her child-bearing “pain.” Any brainwashed man will give her tangible things and emotional sublimity to stop her, and she will only demand more.
Example: “Look at that lady; I’d go out with her, but she’s got princess syndrome. Hookin’ up with a good lookin’, intelligent guy like me would just make her condition worsen.”
Another definition found on the Web: When a girl is deluded into thinking that she is a ‘princess’ & everyone else–such as her friends, family, & peers, are of secondary or little importance.
1. Is it “princess syndrome” a problem?
Do you know anyone who has princess syndrome?

2. What to do if your girlfriend/boyfriend extremely jealous?

3. Is spoiling your girlfriend bad?

4. How to deal with a friend who needs to be the center of attention?


Affairs website Ashley Madison to be launched in Taiwan(China Post)
Ashley Madison, founded in 2002 under the slogan, “Life is short, have an affair,” has been launched in 30 countries worldwide and hosts around 22 million members.

Noel Niderman, founder and CEO of the website, is now aiming for Taiwan to be the third country in Asia, preceded by Hong Kong and Japan, to officially launch the controversial but popular website.

I understand that each country has its own unique culture, including Taiwan,” said Biderman. “However, the patterns of having affairs for people in different cultures are similar, so I am confident that the website will be a success in Taiwan, just like it is in other countries.”

According to Biderman, even though having an affair is not the best thing to do, it could be one way to save a marriage for some.

The feeling of being lonely is horrible for single people, but the feeling is even worse for married people because they could feel like they are trapped in a world with nowhere to go to.” said Biderman.


1. What do you think about this love affairs website?

2. Do you support the slogan, “life is short, have an affair,”?

Do you support the Ashley Madison website?

3. Is online chatting ok? Do you think its okay to have an internet affair?

4. Can you trust him/her? Trust in a relationship – trusting your girlfriend or boyfriend?

5. What do you do if you are married but fall in love with someone else?

25萬人想偷吃」婚外情網站攻台 婦團怒批:鼓勵通姦



AshleyMadison.com網站二○○二年設立,是由有出軌教主、獲選為「網路上最討厭的男人」的Noel Biderman所創立,他曾是美國運動明星御用律師,常處理球員和妻子的外遇糾紛,因讀到報導稱社交網站三成用戶訛稱單身,而開設此網站,專攻已婚社交市場,宣稱保密性強,十年來已有兩千兩百萬用戶。


Noel Biderman表示,想偷情是因不想離婚,想繼續在婚姻中,但生活少激情而出軌。據該網站統計,三十九歲女性最想出軌。因男性易有各種方式找到婚外情管道,但女性相對困難,因此提供此平台,但並非鼓勵出軌。

該網站業者說,在台設站是因台灣離婚率全球第三高,僅次於美、日,Noel Biderman昨受訪說,偷情有助重燃激情,讓婚姻維繫更久。針對觸法問題,他則說,即使沒該網站,也有人在偷情,不至於有法律糾紛。






偷情網站欲進軍新加坡 遭民眾和議員齊反對

 來源: 新華網新加坡頻道




說吧! 英文讀書會 每周一句 2014/2/19
Sorry ,  Billy 最近身體欠安 每周一句   快變成每年一句囉


sweep under the rug (the carpet)


- Swept under the rug (or carpet) is an idiom meaning to conceal something that is embarrassing that you don't want other people to know about.

Think about cleaning the floor. You have all the dirt, and are too lazy or out of time to find something to pick it up, so you lift the corner of the rug and sweep it there.


"The president tried to sweep the embarrassing incident under the rug"

Fig. to hide or ignore something.


You made a mistake that you can't sweep under the carpet.

Don't try to sweep it under the carpet.

The evidence was on film and the police couldn't just sweep it under the rug.

The phrase –also said "shove it under the carpet"

說吧! 英文讀書會 每周一句 2013/12/23
set the world on fire極為成功並引起轟動 

---Fig. to do exciting things that bring fame and glory. (Frequently with the negative.)


1.      Billy once set the world on fire with his singing.


2.      Her first performance has set the world on fire.


 3 I'm not very ambitious. I don't want to set the world on fire.

4 You don't have to set the world on fire. Just do a good job.


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