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人生有夢最美 相信每一個人都有夢想 但隨著時光流轉 終身未能竟其志
Billy 總幻想有一天 做一件轟動的事 而成名天下 列如:上那個釣叉島
或在紫禁城插上國旗 (尿尿也可以)
在被大陸公安逮捕時 接受中外媒體訪問 成為媒體焦點  又或找個電話亭  換上鮮艷地紅色內褲超人裝 行俠仗義 除暴安良
偌大的照片 成為國際媒體頭條 一朝成名 我的瘋狂夢未實現 您的夢呢? 我佩服 陳美的勇氣

Sochi 2014: Vanessa-Mae calls herself a 'mad old woman'(By Rob Hodgetts)

 BBC Sport in Sochi Violinist Vanessa-Mae was delighted the Olympics gave a "mad old woman" like her the chance to fulfil her dreams as she made her Games debut.

The 35-year-old, competing for Thailand in the giant slalom under her father's name - Vanakorn - came last of the 67 finishers on a rain-sodden day.
Vanessa-Mae, a British citizen who has been skiing since she was four, ended 50 seconds adrift of winner Tina Maze.
The musician, who has sold 10 million albums worldwide, only started training for the Games six months ago but the world number 2,253 achieved qualification last month.
She finished 27 seconds back after her first run and last of the 74 who made it to the bottom out of a starting field of 89.


How to Fulfill Your Dream   (Edited by Steven chase)

Everyone has dreams, however it is a sad fact that we usually fail to act on or work for them. Often, our biggest obstacle is discouragement coming from our own minds. Unfulfilled dreams are often the cause of a life feeling empty or meaningless, while working to fulfill our dreams is often one of our greatest causes of happiness. Here are some steps you can take to fulfill your dream and live a happier life.

1. This first step is one that takes a lifetime for many people. You need to realize your dream. It takes many people fifty years or more to find their calling, and some people never find it at all. You need to look deep inside yourself for this one. What is it that you truly love doing?

 2. Change your mindset. As was said in the introduction, perhaps the biggest key to success is to stop discouraging yourself. The same way we program our minds to balance on a bicycle, we often train our own brains to discourage yourself, and then use "Being Realistic" as an excuse. Michelangelo said: "The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it." Change yourself to a "The sky's the limit" mindset, and your chances for success will be much more likely.

3. Set goals regularly. It has been noted that writing down goals tends to help them be fulfilled. Put a lot of focus on them, and think often of how you are going to fulfill them. Our own imaginations are one of our greatest weapons. Don't use it against yourself.

4. Don't just wish for it, work for it! If your goal is to make a million dollars in the next five years, your probably not going to do that by laying around, playing video games, and eating potato chips. In addition to steps 1-3, you still have to work your butt off.


1. Do you dare come out of your comfort zone?

2. “Childhood dreams”-- what do you want to be when you grow up?

How to fulfill your childhood dreams?

3. Do you want to be famous?

4. How to reach your goals

Ways to accomplish a goal?

5. Do you want to become an Olympic athlete? Why or why not?

Do you want to be a musician? Why or why not?

6. What kind of hobbits you interest most?

What kind of sports interest you most

7. What makes you happy?

8. Analyzing your career interests?

想像著 宏偉的音樂殿堂 當美妙的旋律響起 某人的咳嗽聲不斷 是怎樣的情景呢? 這使得Billy聯想到 周末的午後 在優雅的咖啡廳 與小三小姐 享受芳香的咖啡 鄰桌的客人 用手機高談論闊 整個浪漫的休閒氣氛 被破壞無存
Billy覺得這是篇好笑的文章  但我們要做個檢討省思 是否在我們的生活中
我們製造噪音 而不體貼他人呢?
指揮家送止咳錠 (New York times)

Maestros Confront Coughing【聯合報/張佑生譯】
Trying to suppress a cough during a musical performance is an unpleasant experience. But so is being reprimanded by the performer on stage.

At a Chicago Symphony Orchestra concert in November, the guest conductor Michael Tilson Thomas dealt with a bronchial audience by tossing cough lozenges into the crowd in between movements of Mahler’s Ninth. After giving a marathon recital of Bach and Beethoven to a reverentially silent Boston crowd earlier that month, the pianist Andras Schiff stopped in the middle of his encore to address a cougher in the audience.

I am giving you a gift,” he scolded the embarrassed offender. “Don’t spoil it!” That’s also the message the jazz pianist Keith Jarrett relays to his audiences, only his words are not printable here.

In this anything-goes age, it seems as if coughing in concerts is one of the last universally reviled forms of high-culture hooliganism. That vilification rests on the assumption that a person can control a cough, hold it in until a less exposed moment .

What Is Cell Phone Etiquette? - wiseGEEK

Cell phones have become an unavoidable part of modern life for many people, but their presence in so many places can lead to situations in which users are inconsiderate of others. Just as general rules of etiquette vary among cultures, so do rules of cell phone etiquette. Still, some basic principles cross cultural norms — common sense and courtesy are the cornerstones of polite cell phone use. Respecting public and personal space, maintaining privacy, and not disturbing others are some general principles a person should keep in mind when using a mobile phone.

Public vs. Private Use

Cell phone etiquette is usually at its most important in public spaces, where one loud talker can disturb a large number of people. How a person uses his or her phone in more private situations matters too, however, to those who are concerned with being considerate. Many people find it rude when someone takes a cell phone call on a date or during a private social engagement with others.


1. How to stop a cough during a musical performance if you were the conductor?

And what do you think the idea of tossing cough lozenges into the crowd?

2. Have you ever took part in- symphony orchestra concert?

3. Is it ok to bring your smartphone / ipod to a classical music concert?

4. What is the annoying concert behavior?

5. Things inconsiderate people do in public that you can't stand?

What are the most annoying behavior people do in public?

How to deal with rude people?

6. Are you dare to stop noisy conversations in public area?

How to stop noisy conversations on mobile phones in public places?

7. Do you think audiences should turn cell phone off in movie theaters?

8. Do you support the idea of non-cell phone area?

陳美滑雪圓夢 「最快樂的最後一名」























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