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這主題某周五曾討論過 周二的朋友未討論過

Billy認為這主題 可做延伸討論 來談談 韓國文化 韓劇流行 明星整型
永恆的愛情 外星人 神秘的外太空
Korean Drama ‘My Love from the Stars’ Sparks Mania in China (Cassandra Kwok)
 The hottest Korean drama, My Love from the Stars, has taken Asia by storm, particularly in China. From sold-out fan meetings to a boom in sales for food merely mentioned on the recently-concluded SBS drama, Chinese fans just can’t seem to get enough.
China has fallen head-over-heels for Kim Soo-hyun, who plays the title character, a gorgeous, yet mysterious 400-year-old alien who falls in love with a Hallyu actress, played by My Sassy Girl star Jun Ji-hyun.
China’s Jiangsu Satellite TV invited Kim to appear as a special guest judge on game show Super Brain on March 8. The show reportedly paid Kim approximately $500,000 for his eight-hour appearance and spent an additional $500,000 to charter a private jet and hire 600 security guards to control the massive crowds.

Chinese fans shrieked with excitement chanting “Do Min Joon,” the name of his drama character, as he made his appearance in a dapper black tuxedo very similar to his character’s style.

And the mania is not just reserved for Kim. On one episode, Jun’s character mentions that she loves chowing down on fried chicken and beer when it snows. Since then, Korean fried chicken restaurants in China have done a booming business, with accounts of three-hour lines and chicken shortages. News reports said a pregnant woman almost had a miscarriage due to binge-watching the show while eating just chicken with beer.

What exactly about this series has got China obsessed? The Chinese government is wondering the same thing. The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) members have been questioning why they can’t produce such addicting and impactful dramas much like Korea, according to the Washington Post. Some politicians have said that the rise of K-dramas in China has punctured the pride of Chinese culture.


1. Do you like watching Korean soap operas?

 What do you think about Korean soap operas? 

2. What do thank about the Korean culture?

3. Do you believe aliens exist?

Do UFO's Exist? Do You Believe?

4. What to do if you encounter alien?

5. What to do if you found Your Boyfriend/girlfriend is an Alien?

6. What do thank about Korean celebs and plastic surgery?

7. Would you like to travel to another planet?

Will we live on the other planets?

8. Why Chinese and Taiwanese craze about Korean soap operas?


甚麼樣的工作? 公司準備琳瑯滿目的食品點心 葡萄酒 視訊娛樂場地 舒適環境午睡 五星級健身運動休閒環境  免費托兒育樂中心 員工住遠一點 還專車專機接送 千萬年終獎金分紅 !好朋友來聊聊 您心目中的理想工作環境
Google Employees Reveal Their Favorite Perks Working For The Company(Kevin Smith)

Google jobs are some of the most sought after positions in the entire tech industry.

 Employees who work for the search giant don't have to worry about much besides their work. Google says, "the array of benefits of perks aim to ensure that Googlers remain happy and healthy in all aspects of their lives."

 Google provides its workers with a lot of perks, most are unheard of at the average 9-5 gig. Some former Googlers and a few that are still with the company listed their favorite benefits on answers site Quora.

Employees have access to free rental cars if they need to run an errand, free gyms on campus, and some offices even offer on-site daycare.

 While providing free food and drinks is getting more "normal" for start-ups these days, it was definitely my favorite and most-used perk at Google. I would start my morning at one building that had a coffee bar with full-time barista who would make whatever drink requested, for free. I would then head over to the building I worked in for free breakfast and take it to my desk. Lunchtime would come around and I'd head to one of Googles 25+ cafes for food. At Google you're never further than 150 ft. (or so) away from food, so micro kitchens with coffee, drinks and snacks are close by. If you stay to work late, you can grab dinner at Google too. Because Google's campus is not close to many restaurants, having food saves their employees lots of time while still providing plenty of variety and options.

A former Googler, describes bringing his dog to work:

My mild-mannered and quiet Shar-Pei accompanied me 2-3 times a week and became a constant presence in my team and work area. Though managing a dog between meetings can sometimes be challenging, having her with me meant that every few hours I needed to get outside and take a break which helped me manage my energy. In addition my dog brought a lot of spontaneous joy to my colleagues who sometimes sought her out when needing a break from an arduous task.

Employees can give each other "massage credits" for a job well done on projects. The massage credits can be redeemed for a free one hour massage on campus.

Besides massages, one engineer at Google describes what it was like when he got an injury while working at the search giant:

Free fitness classes, gyms, and organized intramural sports:

Every Friday employees can unwind and socialize with free beer and wine.

Maternity leave for Mom and Dad plus a bonus:

It's typical for mothers to get up off of work for up to six weeks after having a child but at Google it's another story.

At Google, new dads receive six weeks of paid leave while moms can take 18 weeks after the birth of a child. Employees' stock continues to vest and they continue to receive bonuses while they are on leave. 

The Goog even gives us a bonus, called "baby bonding bucks" shortly after our baby is born to help with expenses like diapers, takeout, and formula during our leave. I haven't heard of other companies offering parental benefits within a country mile of Google's.

Considerable death benefits:

If a Googler passes away, "all their stock vests immediately, and on top of the (not atypical, I think?) life insurance payout, their surviving spouse continues to get half of the Googler's salary for the next 10 years. And there's an additional $1,000/month benefit for any of the Googler's children."


1. What is your ideal job? What is your ideal working place?

2. Do you want to work at Google?

Can you get a job at Google?

3. What do you think about the Google?

Do you think Google company culture is great?

Reasons why you need to work for a big company?

4. Is a good idea that bringing a dog to work?

5. What other employee benefits you really want?

6. How much salary is enough?

How to ask for a pay raise? Do you want a big bonus check?

7. How to be happy at work? Ways to be happier at work?

Ways to keep employees happy?


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