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What is Reincarnation (wiseGEEK)

Reincarnation is a concept which is common to many religious beliefs and spiritual practices. According to the theory of reincarnation, when people die, some part of themselves lives on in another person or organism. Different faiths have different approaches to this concept, and there are a number of versions of the reincarnation myth found around the world. Western religions, for example, notably reject the concept for the most part, although texts such as the Bible do have references which could be construed as discussions of reincarnation.

Eastern religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism are probably most famous for their associations with reincarnation. In these faiths, people believe that their actions in life have an influence on their future reincarnations. By exhibiting good behavior, someone is said to be more likely to be reincarnated as a person, or taken out of the cycle altogether as a reward, while people who act poorly may be reincarnated as more base animals or organisms such as plants, in a form of punishment.

Many practitioners of pagan and new age beliefs support the idea of reincarnation. Some people claim to have memories of past lives, and suggest that souls are returned to Earth again and again to learn valuable lessons or to contribute something to human society. People who claim to have memories of past lives often have competing claims to previous lives as noted historical figures, such as Cleopatra, which tends to make such claims less believable.

Some tribal cultures also manifest some form of belief in reincarnation, usually in the form of superstitions about specific plants and animals. According to these cultures, their ancestors live on in the bodies of particular plant and animal species, and these organisms are therefore sacred to avoid accidentally using ancestors for base uses such as building a home or making dinner. These taboos may also lead people to make offerings to sacred plants and animals as a gesture of respect to their ancestors.

The abundance of reincarnation myths around the world is perhaps understandable. Many people find some appeal in the idea that a fundamental part of themselves will live on after death, even though their bodies may decay. Family members may also find comfort in the thought that their loved ones still exist somewhere on Earth, even if they do not make contact. In some societies, people may attempt to identify their loved ones in other people, occasionally adopting their reincarnated family members or contributing gifts to them.


1.Do you believe in reincarnation or rebirth?

2.Do you believe that heaven exists?

Do you believe that hell exists?

Why do people still believe in heaven and hell?

3. Are you curious about death?

What makes you curious? (ex: myth)

4. Can certain foods increase your life span?

Do vegetarians live longer?

5. Can we prevent aging?

6. How can exercise and healthy diet make you live longer?

Ways to increase your life expectancy?

7. Do you believe that good man goes to hell, bad man goes to heaven?


High school students praised for helping ailing stranger (By Tai Ya-chen and Aileen Chuang)

Taipei, Feb. 24 (CNA) The story of three Taipei high school students who stopped to help an elderly man unable to care for himself featured prominently in local papers Monday as an example of good Samaritanism.

Several passers-by took pictures of the three Daren Girls High School students as they helped the elderly man, who suffers from incontinence, clean waste from his pants legs at a bus stop in Taipei's Neihu District Saturday. The pictures and story received a warm reception from web users and the media.

"I would have regretted it for the rest of my life if I hadn't helped him," said Yu Kuan-wei, 17, one of the students interviewed by local newspapers.

Yu's classmate Lin Heng-an, 18, said they noticed the smell coming from the seated elderly man while waiting for a bus after school.

Suspecting the man had stepped in dog excrement, Yu, Lin and their schoolmate Yang Kai-ying stopped to help out. It wasn't until they kneeled down that they realized his problem was incontinence.

With tissues and wet paper towels provided by other students, the three went to work cleaning up the pants legs of the frail man, who said only that he was ill.

Yu and her friends then collected a small amount of money to call a taxi for the man so that he could get home.

The incident made the students get home an hour late, but they were greeted with encouragement, not anger, by their families, Lin said.

The Internet has also sung their praise, with some web users admitting that they would not have been able to bring themselves to do the same.

After hearing the news, the school said it will commend the three students for their good deed.

"We are really proud of them," said Principal Maria Wu.


1. What do you think of this news and those school girls?

2. Are you willing to help a stranger?

3. What good deed did you do recently?

Ways to do a good deed?

4. How to help others?

How to help the people in need?

Ways to help the elderly?

5. “Study: doing good makes you feel good” do you believe it?

6. Do you think aging society is a social problem?

Does an aging population hurt the economy?

7. Should you give up your seat to the elderly or handicapped?

說吧! 英文讀書會 每周一句 2014/3/3

to cut corners--不按常規/走捷徑

to do something in the easiest, quickest, or cheapest way, often harming the quality of your work


1.We've had to cut corners to make a film on such a small budget.

2. Companies are having to cut corners in order to remain competitive in the market.

3. They were criticized to cut corners in building the house.    


4. To keep your good business image, We can’t cut corners in making merchandise.

為了保持良好的商業形象, 不可不按常規制造商品.

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