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3 Valuable Ways to Invest in Yourself

Investing in yourself may be the most profitable investment you ever make. It yields not only future returns, but often a current pay-off as well. The surest way to achieve a better quality life, to be successful, productive, and satisfied is to place a priority on investing in both personal and professional growth.

1. Develop your skills

    Advance your education -  extra classes, advanced degrees, relevant certifications, are all valuable investments. Take classes, either in person or online.

    Utilize available training – enroll in workshops, attend conferences or participate in webinars.

    Expand your knowledge – there’s lots of information available on nearly any subject imaginable. Read books, articles, white papers, anything related to the talent or skill you want to work on. Keep current – stay abreast of the latest trends or advancements. Subscribe to publications, read blogs of experts, and follow the latest news.

2. Explore your creative side

    Learn a new language –  take a class or use language training software

    Try gourmet cooking – enroll in a formal class, by a new cookbook, or ask someone you know who enjoys cooking in a different way.

    write something – a book, short stories, poetry, anything

    Explore the outside world – try gardening, bird watching, or landscape photography

    Enjoy music – play an instrument, learn a new one or join a music group of some kind.

    Create something tangible – paint, sculpt, make pottery, make jewelry or design your own clothes.

3. Nurture your mind and body

    Read – anything and everything

    Explore culture – attend performances, listen to different style of music, travel, or join an organization or group comprised of people from different backgrounds.

    Open your mind – engage in conversations with those who disagree with you. Look at an argument and try to make a case for the opposing point of view.

    Keep your mind active – play word games, (yes, even Words with Friends counts,) board games that include strategy, or try using your brain to perform simple calculations rather than relying on a calculator.

Care for your body. Your body is like a well-oiled machine. If you care for it in the way that you might maintain an expensive car, it will perform marvelously and last for a very long time.

1. Do you invest in yourself?

How to invest in yourself and watch your life change?

2. What are the skills do you want to learn or improve?

3.How to achieve your full potential?

Tips for improving your personal strengths?

4. How to improve your English skills?

5. How to enhance personal creativity?

6. How do you improve your knowledge?

7. Are you daring to try something new?

8. How to be successful in life?


What You Should Do If You Find Money Lying On the Ground


If you happen to find money that doesn't belong to you, there are several ways to respond:

1.Pick it up and take it to the closest store. If there is no establishment nearby, then report it to the police. This is the right thing to do. One waitress was recently tipped $12,000. She turned it over to the police, and has since received a reward. Her story can be read here.

2.Pick it up and pocket it, hoping that no one saw you. Many people would even steal from a friend's house, thinking that if it is just laying around, it's fair game. This is the unethical thing to do. Would you want someone to pocket your $100 bill that you accidentally dropped on the elevator?

3.Ignore the money. There are some people that are so wealthy, that it costs them more money to bend over and pick up a $100 bill, than it is to keep walking. Unfortunately, 99% of us cannot relate to that kind of wealth.

4.Point out the money to the homeless man nearby. While you had noble intentions, this money did not belong to you in the first place, which makes you as guilty as Communist leaders. They too, take money from one category of people, and give it to others, in the name of goodwill. True charity will come from your own pocket book.

5.Go home and put up an ad on Craig's List. This option will likely draw a crowd at the location of the currency, but chances are, none of these people truly lost the money. They are opportunists, and want to get free money, because they feel entitled to it, despite not actually working for it. This is the attitude of many people who are able to go out and work, yet take advantage of the system, and sit at home, living off of welfare checks.

1. What you should do if you find big sum of money lying on the ground?

2. What to do if you happen to find money that doesn't belong to you?


(1.pick it up and take it to the closest store/police station)

(2.pick it up and pocket it, hoping that no one saw you.)

(3.ignore the money.)

3. Will you point out the money to the homeless man nearby or donate that money to charities?

4. “Pick it up and pocket it, hoping that no one saw you”

Do you think this is the unethical thing to do? Do you feel guilty if you use that money?

5. Are you expect to receive a reward if you hand it to police? How much do you think is good enough?

6. What to do if your money is lost or stolen?

7. Do you think "honesty is the best policy?

8. Where do the most honest people in the world live?


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