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Foods That Make You Smarter


These delicious berries are one of the best foods for you, period, but they’re very good for your brain as well. Since they’re high in fiber and low on the glycemic index, they are safe for diabetics and they do not spike blood sugar. Blueberries are possibly the best brain food on earth: they have been linked to reduced risk for Alzheimer’s, shown to improve learning ability and motor skills in rats, and they are one of the most powerful anti-stress foods you can eat. Avoid: dried, sweetened blueberries.

Green it: buy local and organic, and be mindful of seasonality. When blueberries are out of season, opt for cranberries, grapes, goji berries, blackberries or cherries to get your brain boost.

Wild Salmon

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for your brain . These beneficial fats are linked to improved cognition and alertness, reduced risk of degenerative mental disease (such as dementia), improved memory, improved mood, and reduced depression, anxiety and hyperactivity. Wild salmon is a premium source, but we’ll highlight a few other sources on this list for vegetarians and people who just don’t like salmon. Avoid farmed (read: sea lice infested) salmon.


Try sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seed, and tahini (a tangy, nutty sesame butter that tastes great in replacement of mayo and salad dressing). Seeds contain a lot of protein, beneficial fat, and vitamin E, as well as stress-fighting antioxidants and important brain-boosting minerals like magnesium.


One more for carb-lovers. (The brain uses about 20% of your carbohydrate intake and it likes a consistent supply.) Beans are truly an amazing food that is sadly overlooked. They’re humble, but very smart. Not only are they loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals and protein, they’re ridiculously cheap. An entire bag of beans usually costs only a few dollars and will provide many meals. Beans provide a steady, slow release of glucose to your brain – which means energy all day without the sugar crash.


Things are looking increasingly better for chocolate. It’s got brain-boosting compounds, it’s loaded with antioxidants, and it has just the right amount of caffeine. Chocolate sends your serotonin through the roof, so you’ll feel happy in short order. Dark chocolate is also rich in fiber. (Remember, fiber = healthy cardiovascular system = healthy brain .)


In addition to being another rich source of Omega-3’s, tuna, particularly yellowfin, has the highest level of vitamin B6 of any food. Studies have shown that B6 is directly linked to memory, cognition and long term brain health. Generally, the B vitamins are among the most important for balancing your mood. B6 in particular influences dopamine receptors (dopamine is one of your "feel good" hormones along with serotonin).


Garlic – the fresher the better – is one of the most potent nutritional weapons in your arsenal. Eat it as much as your significant other can stand. Not only is it fabulous for reducing bad cholesterol and strengthening your cardiovascular system, it exerts a protective antioxidant effect on the brain. (alternet.org)


1. What are the foods that make you smarter?

How foods affect our mood? What are the foods that making us happier?

Is sweeten food good or bad? Is chocolate good brain boosting compounds?

What are the foods that improve our memory? How to improvemory?

Is vitamin really good for us?

Does eating fish make people smarter?

Is garlic good or bad? What are the benefits of garlic?

What kinds of food can help providing energy all day?

What do you think about Alzheimer’s disease?

Playboy Mansion
The Playboy Mansion (also known as the Playboy Mansion West) is the home of Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner. In Los Angeles, California, nearby Beverly Hills, the mansion became famous during the 1970s through media reports of Hefner's lavish parties.

The mansion has 22 rooms including a wine cellar, a game room, a zoo and aviary (and related pet cemetery), tennis courts, a waterfall and a swimming pool area (including a patio and barbecue area, a grotto, a sauna and a bathhouse). These features and others have been shown on television.

The game room (game house) is a separate building on the north side. From the fountain in front of the main entrance, there are two sidewalks, running past a wishing-well. That on the right leads to the game house and runs past a Hollywood Star of Hefner. Its front entrance opens to a game room with a pool table in the center. This room has vintage and modern arcade games, pinball machines, player piano, jukebox, television, stereo, and couch. The game house has two wings. Left is a room with a soft cushioned floor, mirrors all around, television. There is a restroom with a shower. The right wing of the game house has a smaller restroom, and entrance to a bedroom. This bedroom is connected to another, which has an exit to the rear backyard of the game house. The game house has a backyard with lounge chairs, and gates on either side. (Wikipedia)


1. What do you think about playboy mansion?

2. Do you want to have a mansion that including a zoo, tennis court and swimming pool? Why or why not?

3. What do you think the famous building “帝寶” in Taiwan?

4. What do you think the playboy magazine? And the magazine founder?

5. What do you think about the riches lavish lifestyle?

6. Doo you hate the rich people? Why do people envy the rich?

7. What do you think the money and wealth?

8. What do you think about the house price rises?

9. Why the super rich getting richer?

宋耀明:連勝文說朋友帶他去Playboy Mansion  自由時報

宋是連留美同學 指連去過海夫納豪宅

〔自由時報記者張文川、郭安家/台北報導〕國民黨台北市長參選人連勝文,不滿資深媒體人周玉蔻說他在美國求學期間曾參加花花公子派對,控告她侵害名譽、求償五百萬元並登報道歉;台北地院昨傳喚連勝文的哥倫比亞大學碩士班同學、律師宋耀明作證,宋耀明說,周玉蔻今年初曾致電詢問此事,他告訴周「連勝文當時有一陣子沒來上課,回來後說朋友帶他去Playboy Mansion(花花公子創辦人海夫納所住豪宅)」。

連陣營否認去過派對 反嗆宋惡意指控

連勝文競選團隊發言人錢震宇昨天回應說,連勝文沒去過Playboy兔女郎派對,更沒去Playboy Mansion;這是很嚴重的惡意指控,且宋耀明說不出細節,提不出證據,錢震宇強調,連勝文與宋耀明於國外認識,近廿年也只在公眾場合見面三次,最後一次見面還是七、八年前;「不熟的人說的話,可信嗎?」




宋耀明表示,印象中有一陣子沒遇到連勝文,再次見面時,他寒暄問「怎麼這麼久沒來上課?」連回說「我去了加州,台灣的朋友帶我去Playboy Mansion」;宋說「當時我心裡想,要不是因為連的身分,誰會這樣巴結他?」




 宋耀明說,他沒去過海夫納家,不知裡面在做什麼,但年輕時看花花公子雜誌報導,印象中那裡有辦一些派對,參與者有海夫納、名人、兔女郎,不是任何人可以隨意進出的地方,「當時連勝文沒有社會經歷,卻有朋友帶他去這種場合 ,我認為這是討好、巴結的行為」。




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