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Are you an altruist or an egoist? (Wikipedia)
 Giving alms to the poor is often considered an altruistic action.
Altruism or selflessness is the principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures and a core aspect of various religious traditions and secular worldviews, though the concept of "others" toward whom concern should be directed can vary among cultures and religions. Altruism or selflessness is the opposite of selfishness.

Altruism can be distinguished from feelings of loyalty. Pure altruism consists of sacrificing something for someone other than the self (e.g. sacrificing time, energy or possessions)

an altruist or an egoist test

1      Firstly, a question you'll find everywhere: You and your enemy are surrounded by terrorists. What do you do?

        Fight to save yourself, and your enemy if he gives you 1 million dollars/euros/something else.

        Fight to save your enemy.

        Fight to save you both.

        Fight to save yourself.

        Kill yourself.

        Kill you both.

2      If you were offered 1 million dollars/euros/something else for killing your friend and you are told that you will be killed if you don't, what do you do?

        Kill your friend. Firstly, you get lots of money and secondly you don't die.

        Kill yourself. (Why??)

        Say no and get killed.

        Do it but feel bad about doing it.

        Kill your friend, then kill yourself because you feel so bad about it.

        Claim that you will kill your friend, then leave town.

3      If you see a child being bullied, what do you do?

        Tell the bullies to stop.

        Tell the bullies to stop, but back off if they start threatening you

        Fight the bullies.

        Watch it with disapproval, but do nothing.

        Watch it feeling nothing, and if the bullies offer you money, then help the bullies.


1. What do you think about the video films?

2. Are you an altruist or an egoist?

What do you think about egoism and altruism?
3. You and your enemy are surrounded by terrorists. What do you do?
4. If you see a person being bullied, what do you do?

5. Are you willing to sacrifice your life for a complete stranger?
6. Would you kill a stranger for a billion dollars?
7. Would you risk your own life to help people in danger?
8. Are you willing help friends in difficulty?
Are you willing help friends in financial problem?
9. Do you want to be a super hero?
Tattoos in the Workplace: What's an Employer to Do?
( By Barrie Gross, AllBusiness)

Tattoos used to be considered part of a counterculture. It's probably a fair statement to say that for years, many people associated tattoos with gangs, bikers, and other groups that were thought to operate outside of the social center. Today, tattoos have gained wider social acceptance and more and more people, men and women alike, have them. People with tattoos work in a variety of industries and hold entry-level jobs as well as top executive positions. So, what's an employer to do? Is body art a workplace issue? Does having a visible tattoo say anything about an individual that is relevant to his or her job?

In today's global marketplace, employers are taking more seriously the need to provide a work environment that welcomes employees from many different backgrounds. The competition to attract and retain skilled workers has resulted in corporate cultures that strive to demonstrate the value placed on individual and group contributions. And there is increasing attention paid to offering a company culture and benefit package that supports a variety of lifestyles. Should someone with a visible tattoo be treated any differently?

Depending on what and where the tattoo is, there may or may not be an issue for employers. The laws still tend to support employer dress code/appearance policies in general and employers retain some flexibility in creating rules that require employees to present themselves in a way that is consistent with the employer's image. But that doesn't mean that banning tattoos altogether is appropriate. In some cases, it can still violate the law.

 Many employers have policies that do not allow visible tattoos. Depending on the employer's industry and the type of job, this may make sense. For example, the odds are that a four-star hotel may not want the concierge to have large tattoos of skulls and crossbones on the back of each hand. But the same hotel may have less concern if a dishwasher in the kitchen has those same tattoos because direct contact with the hotel's customers is minimal. From a business perspective, the issue for the hotel is to write a policy that draws appropriate lines between jobs in which visible tattoos may or may not be appropriate.

This example is probably a simple one. It can get more complicated, however, if an employer is not thoughtful. For example, what if a bank employs a valued administrative assistant who never has contact with customers? His desk is located in the corporate headquarters and his interactions are strictly internal. Is it okay if this person arrives at work one day with a star tattooed under his eye? The answer, in part, is dependent on the corporate culture and the bank's general attitude toward tattoos. It also, however, is dependent on the difficulty in recruiting and retaining good administrative assistants.


1. What do you think of tattoos? Do you want to get tattoos?

2. What do you think tattoos in the workplace?
3. Do you think that tattoo is a counterculture?
4.Can having visible tattoos really hinder your job opportunities
Can an employer fire someone who having visible tattoos?
5. Is it acceptable for doctor’s /nurses/ teachers have a tattoo?
Will having tattoos affect one’s career?
6. Why do 'normal' people get tattoos?
7. What to do you think that girls with visible tattoos?
What to do if your girlfriend is having a visible tattoo?
8. What to do you think about piercings?

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