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7 Steps to Starting Your Own Business   entrepreneurs.about.com

( Mitchell York)
Is WhaMake Sure Entrepreneurship t You Really Want

If you are thinking of starting a business because you lost your job and are having trouble finding a new one, then think about doing a better job search. Hire a career coach or get some training. Starting a business is much harder than getting a job, so it's worth the extra effort to look for employment in a better way, if that's your true preference.Also, think about whether you have what it takes to start a business in these terms: No one will tell you what to do (except your customers). You have to be self-motivated, willing to make many sacrifices, and be able to last for the long term while your business goes from startup to maturity.

Decide What Kind of Business You Want
Franchiseor independent? Service or manufacturing? Brick-and-mortal retail or online? Consumer or business-to-business? There are dozens of different types of businesses, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Like to work with the public? A retail store might be right for you, but you will face the tradeoff of having a lot of overhead (rent and utilities for example). Want to keep your business small with low overhead, and sell your expertise? Being a consultant might suit you, but there are only 24 hours in a day and that could limit your income.
 Write a Business Plan
With the dozens of business-plan-in-a-box resources available online, there is no longer an excuse not to write (not think, write) a business plan before you launch your business. Why write a plan even if you are the only person who works in the business? Because it forces you to answer critical questions that you must not ignore if you want to have a strong chance of success. It doesn't have to be long. Make it a single page if you don't have the patience to do more. But it should answer these questions:
- What is the purpose of the business?
- Who are my customers?
- What problem does my product/service solve?
- Who is my competition and why is my product/service's advantage?
- How will I price, position, market and support my product?
Assemble Your Team
While your team consists mainly of employees, think more broadly. You will need trusted advisors including an attorney, a tax accountant, an insurance advisor/agent. You may want to consider hiring a Virtual Assistant who's experienced in startups to handle the administrative tasks that come with launching a business.

Does superpowers really exist?
Hi, I'm really wondering if superpowers really exist? Like electricity, fire, water, earth, ice and else... I'm dreaming of one, and I need an answer! I'm paranoid.

Comment 1

People <> have super powers. People cannot somehow obtain super powers. Life is not a Harry Potter movie.

Comment 2

The powers of nature can, to a certain degree, be controlled, moderated, influenced and directed by people for our benefit. Those are not super powers.

You can buy or build generators that you, yourself, crank in order to create your own electricity. My super power comes from my knowledge that if I say "ON!" the lights will turn on (provided, of course, that I flip the switch at the same time).

Comment 3

    Look, up in the sky! It's a bird.... It's a plane..... It's superman! ! ! I'm sorry but superpowers don't and cannot exist. It's not physically possible to have those abilities and survive the consequences to even have those powers. Like the ability to fly, how is that possible? It's not! But it's good to keep your brain thinking and being creative so you can think whatever you desire. Just know deep down its not possible. But remember, we have thousands upon thousands of Batman's out there! Just not wearing costumes, and traveling in bat cars. There called, detectives! These detectives have the same intelligence of Batman, hence that's why batman was even created in the 40s or 50s due to the unbelievable work by police detectives. For example, Marvel's Captain America was created due to the heroism by American and allied troops on D-day. How they just ran onto the beach and took heavy fire and still had the will to fight, is amazing. So they created Captain America which in the comics he stormed the beaches of Normandy with the Allies as a secret weapon by the Americans. (answers.yahoo.com)

Part1. Questions:

1. What are the steps to starting your own business?

2. What kind of business you want to start? Why or why not?

What kind of business you think might suit you?

3. What to do if you lost your job?

4. What kind of business will make good money?

5. The pros & cons of starting a new business?

6. How to write a business plan?

How to attract and keep customers for a small business?

7. Why is teamwork important?


Part2. Questions:

What do you think the video film?

Do you admire heroes with superpowers?

Do Superpowers really exist?

Do you want be a hero with superpower? Why or why not?

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

What really is a hero, anyway?

If You Had A Super Power Would You Use It For Good Or Evil? How to use it?

來自星星的你 外星人&超能力真的存在嗎?



前蘇聯有一位知名的妮娜.庫拉金那(Nina Kulagina)女士,她本是一個平凡的家庭主婦,從1960年代開始,因為具有特異功能,成為蘇聯當局研究特異功能的對象。她可以在不觸及到火柴棒的情況下,讓散滿整張桌子的小火柴棒聚集在一起,也可以完全不以手碰觸,就讓放在倒置大玻璃杯內的小玻璃杯移動。其他著名的實驗還有在6英尺以外,以意念控制讓密閉容器內的生雞蛋蛋黃與蛋白分離。


1972年開始,美國中央情報局(CIA)為因應蘇聯的軍力挑戰,委託位於加州的史丹福研究所(Stanford Research Institute),展開對超能力者英科‧史旺(Ingo Swann)的研究。研究人員只需告訴史旺先生任一特定地理座標,他即可遙視該地區,並將地圖繪出。有一次在他事前不知情的狀況下,要求他描述南緯4920分、東經7014分的狀況。實際上那裡是一個距離澳洲、南極洲、非洲三地幾乎同等距離而位於印度洋上的一個小島。史旺遙視後正確地描述出當地的情況,讓研究人員大為驚嘆。

1978年,美國陸軍情報部門進行名為「星座計畫」(Stargate programme)的遙視研究計畫。當時選出具有遙視功能的六名軍職人員,其中表現最出色的美國FBI官員喬‧馬克莫尼格爾(Joe McMoneagle),進行了四千多次遙視,成功率為53%1979年,馬克莫尼格爾對蘇聯位於白海靠近北極圈的海軍機密軍事設施進行遙視,發現了藏在建築物內的最新型潛艇。
















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