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Married men live longer, study shows BBC
Married men are mentally and physically more healthy than single men, and therefore live longer, according to a new study.

 Marriage might be the end of a man's single life, but can lead to a longer life overall, latest research suggests.

 A report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Preventionfound married men were more likely than single men or those living de-facto to have visited a doctor over the last 12 months.

 Moreover, married men were more likely than their cohabiting counterparts to schedule a checkup for blood pressure or screening for diabetes.

 Researchers suggested the phenomenon could be due to persistent reminders from loved ones to take better care of their health.

 "When men have the means to access health care, spouses may play a role in their use of health care by directly encouraging men to seek preventive care and by indirectly evoking in men a sense of economic and social obligation to the family," the authors said.

 "The results suggest that cohabiting partners do not play a similar health-promoting role."

 The research is the latest in a string of studies highlighting positive health effects from marriage, at least for men. Harvard researchers last year found that marriage had a positive impact on the diagnosis, use of definitive therapy and mortality rate of male cancer patients.

Getting Married and Getting Heart Disease: A National Study (nairaland)

A report of an 8-year study of heart disease, based on a nationally representative sample of more than 9,000 people in late mid-life. When the study first started in 1992, the participants ranged in age from 51 to 60.

The participants were contacted five times from 1992 and 2000. Their marital status, cardiovascular health status, and health behaviors were assessed. Other information (for example, socioeconomic status) was also recorded.
Do you think “married men are mentally and physically more healthy than single men, and therefore live longer”?
How long do you really want to live?
If you could live to 120, would you really want to?
Do you really want to live longer than your loved one?
The pros and cons of single life?
The pros and cons of married life?
What do you think about this report” getting married and getting heart disease”?

7 mistakes you do everyday that ruin your mood
1) Consumption of wrong data: How would it feel like if you were feeling full then you kept eating lots of food? Of course you will feel really bad. Food consumption isn't any different than information consumption. If you are in no mood to know the recent news, to find out who went into a relationship or to know what your friends did then checking your Facebook home can destroy your mood. Consuming information when you don't feel like it is like eating while you are full and this is why so many people end up feeling bad after checking their Facebook home (see also Why checking your Facebook home will make you unhappy)
2) Compulsive checking of important information: Lets suppose you were waiting for an important message or email. In such a case checking for that message every now and then might result in severe disappointment. The same happens to those who check their stock prices, social network updates or email very frequently.
3) When Eating goes wrong: Food can make us happy, this is a fact that many people know but just as you can get a temporary pleasure out of eating your favorite food you can also I) Feel really guilty if you believed that this food can affect your body shape or health II) Experience serious mood swings as a result of binging.
4) Physical vs emotional pain: In one study it was found that the areas in the brain that get activated as result of being socially rejected are the same as the ones that get activated when people experience physical pain. In other words just as your emotional state can affect your physical state your physical state can also affect your emotions as well. If you put your physical body under pressure then you are also pressuring your brain and emotional state (for example: not taking brakes, working late at night..etc)
5) Perception of time: If you are a procrastinator then i am sure you understand how you tend to feel more pressured as a the time passes. One of the external inputs that affects our moods is the passage of time. If you had certain tasks to complete then make sure you don't waste time at the beginning of the day else you will risk ruining your mood later on
6) Getting exposed to negativity: Whether its a discussion forum, a post with its angry comments or a verbal fight on a social network consuming this kind of information can dramatically lower your mood. In my previous article How words can change your brain and life i explained how getting exposed to few negative words can dramatically change your mood
7) Delayed long term objectives: Even if you stayed in bed and didn't subject yourself to any external input your thoughts will still affect your mood. So many people put their long term plans aside and as a result experience guilt, sadness and dissatisfaction with their lives every single day. Start on your long term goals today in order to end those bad moods. 
What are things that you let ruin your mood?
Can the food you eat affect your mood? What are the food can make us happy?
How to deal with emotional pain?
Can money issue affect your mood?
What makes you happy?
How to avoid negativity at work?

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