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「過年肥胖」的圖片搜尋結果         「肥胖」的圖片搜尋結果

Stay Slim Even AFTER Chinese New Year! (dreamsincredibles.blogspot.tw)

Chinese New Year.

My physical fitness instructor friend told me that almost 100% of her clients gain 1-3kg during the CNY festive season. If that is one worry you are worrying about, here are some tips for keeping yourself slim during CNY ;)

1) Drink a glass of water 30 minute before each meal.
Before each meal, drink a glass of water 30 minutes before. Sometimes, our body may mistake thirst for hunger so it is good to drink some water before your meal so that you will not overeat...

2) Drink a fibre drink 30 min before each meal
If water does not satisfy you, taking a fibre product 30 minute before each meal is likely to keep you full and fulfilling and you will thus tend to eat less. A good source of fibre would be HUNZA Fibre Plus or HUNZA Life Enhancer (which is not only filling but also helps to increase metabolic rate to promote burning of fats, prevents absorption of fats AND also removes existing fats in your colon.

3) Sit near the vegetables
When you are seated near the vegs, you have a higher chance of eating more vegetables. It is always good to take more vegs as compared to the rich foods like meats and seafoods (which are much for fattening than fats).

4) Stay away from soft drinks and beer
Drinking an excessive amount of soft drinks and beer during CNY can add on to your beer belly as well! Because they are high in sugar levels and carbo, you will tend to put on even more easily when you eat other goodies together with them.

How to stay slim after Chinese New Year?
What are the tips for losing weight after Chinese New Year?
How to overcome the post vacation blues?
How to eat healthy, and feel awesome?
Pros and cons of holidays?
Is eating meat good or bad for our health?
Pros and cons of eating meat/not eating meat?
Is a vegetarian diet really better for us? 
「Do You Believe in Fate in love」的圖片搜尋結果
Do You Believe in Fate or Destiny? by Aya Hajime chataboutyou

Fate or destiny refers to a predetermined sequence of events or outcomes.

Why do we believe in fate?

Many of us believe in fate because it offers us comfort and security. When bad events occur, fate tells us that this is all part of a greater plan. This gives our tragedies meaning.

On the other hand, if all outcomes are written in stone, then we have no control of our own destinies. As a result, lack of free will may cause feelings of helplessness, and worthlessness, which can lead to depression. If we cannot change anything, then there is no point in trying, and no ownership of action.

Fate and Free Will

A literal belief in fate usually precludes free-will. However, there are various non-literal interpretations that allow fate to coexist with independent action.

Here are 4 common interpretations of fate -
Some believe that there are a predetermined finite set of outcomes. Our actions may allow us to change paths, but all the possible outcomes are fated.
Some believe that what we choose is predetermined. In essence, all the choices that we make are already written in cosmic dust, and part of a larger plan. Although it may seem that we have free-will, our choices are simply an illusion.
Some believe that fate refers to our inexorable drive to survive. This most basic instinct compels us to act in certain predetermined ways, which may be seen as a type of fate. More generally, our genetic code affects much of our future actions and decisions, and thus our fate.
Some believe that the entire universe is deterministic, thus everything within it is deterministic as well (i.e., governed by a fixed set of physical laws). Given a set of initial conditions, we can accurately determine the outcomes based on these physical laws. This suggests that all of our fates were set at the start of the universe.
Do you believe in fate or destiny?
Why do people believe in fate, destiny and coincidence?
Why do people believe in fortune telling?
Can best friends become lovers?
What are the ways to find the right partner or spouse?
What are the tips for finding Mr. Right/ Miss Right?
Do you believe that love is forever?
Do you believe in soul mates?

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