週五(2/27) 1.休假後症候群2.學英文技巧

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「休假後症候群」的圖片搜尋結果  「Mistake for Happiness」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Cope With Post Holiday Syndrome (wikihow.com)

After spending a wonderful holiday over the New Year period, some people feel blue and find that it's difficult to function normally in their daily rhythm. As defined by the DSM IV, holiday blues, holiday depression, these commonly used terms depict the mental distress occurring after the winter holidays and festival season. This article is focused on experiencing the "blues” since this term suggests mild mental distress, a commonly occurring phenomenon when dealing with daily life stress and change.

Cope With Post Holiday Syndrome Step
Expect some letdown. The holiday season is both joyful and stressful at once. There is family to get along with, gifts to buy and return, people to visit, activities to throw yourself into, plenty of festive food to eat, sales to rush to, and parties to plan and attend. Topped off with the excitement of New Year's Eve, your adrenaline has probably been pumping a lot of the time during the New Year's period. Returning to the usual routine and probably quieter workplace than normal can dampen your spirits just by the absence of exciting things to do and look forward to. Equally, if your New Year's Eve period wasn't as enjoyable as you had hoped, you can be left feeling down about the lack of enjoyment you'd expected and this can sour your mood. Expecting to feel a little low is a way of telling yourself that this is a normal feeling and that it will soon pass once the routine re-establishes itself.
Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat Step
Be gentle on yourself with respect to your New Year's Resolutions. If you set the bar too high and you already feel as if you're slipping, don't berate yourself. Instead, look at your resolutions realistically and assess whether they need some tweaking to ensure that they're achievable. Discard the resolutions that required you to be too harsh on yourself and reform them into ones that can be met now that the heady atmosphere of New Year's Eve is behind you. Think of it as a double checking of the details, and simply fiddle with the fine print! •Ensure that any goals you've set are reasonable and most importantly achievable. Taking weight loss as an example, targeting for a size zero is unrealistic, but looking for 1 pound loss in a span of week seems to be more achievable.
Make healthy choices. After the many indulgences over the holiday period, it can leave you feeling a little out of shape and worse for wear in the nutrition department. Aim to return to eating healthy food, drinking healthy drinks, and ensuring that you keep getting a good amount of exercise. Eating well and keeping up regular exercise will enhance your mood and help you return to good shape and fitness levels.
Tell us your New Year holidays experiences?
What to do “some people feel blue and find that it's difficult to function normally after holidays”?
What are the ways to get back on track after holiday indulging?
How to make healthy choices about healthy food?
How to return to good shape and fitness levels after eating holidays?
What kind of exercise will help you lose weight?
How to achieve your goals for the New Year?

Your Top 5 Tips for Learning English ecenglish.com
Dear EC team,

Here are my 5 advices how to learn English. Hope you`ll like them.
1.Watch a film on your national language, try to remember every dialog. If it`s necessary watch it for the second time and then download an English version. The main thing is to be attentive! This is the best way to learn everyday phrases.
2.Find lyrics of your favorite songs in the internet, Translate them using dictionary and then sing aloud in spite of having ear. Work on your pronounce.
3.Turn on TV, find an English channel, take pen and a paper and try to write down the information given in the creeping line. It will be difficult for the first time but finally you`ll do that! Helps to write quickly and correctly. Pay attention to your spelling! Then translate written information using dictionary.
4.Of course you`ll have to learn grammar and read books with or without the help of teacher.
5.Finally, I think the best way of learning English is to talk with the English, of course systematically. This will give fantastic result in a short time.

Dear EC team,
Here are my hints or better said, the way how I try to learn English:
1.Try to use English every day. Quantity is not as important as periodicity.
2.Read books. There you can find common phrases which can be used in your daily life. Say them loud to remember.
3.Listen to English broadcast. For instance BBC has lots of material. I love various how-tos and lingos. As in <2>, you are in contact with applied contemporary English.
4.When looking for a word you do not know yet, always use more than one dictionary. My favourites are by Cambridge, Oxford, thefreedictionary.com and Longman Family Dictionary (can be accessed online, the last one is a printed book). Sometimes you can find something which is contained in only one of the dictionaries.
5.Do not hesitate to visit an English speaking country, if you can. A week gives you more than six months at home. And trust me, I know what I am speaking about.
What are your tips for learning English? How to talk in English fluently?
Do you think watch a film and find lyrics of your favorite English songs help you learning English?
Can you recommend some good English TV channels/movies?
Reasons why learning English is important?
Do you think read books is important for learning English?
Which English websites are good for learning English?
Do you think visit an English speaking country is a good way for learning English?
What other foreign language would you want to learn?

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