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A washed-up actor, who once played an iconic superhero, battles his ego and attempts to recover his family, his career and himself in the days leading up to the opening of his Broadway play.

5 Ways To Bounce Back From ‘Failure’ In Your Career (Dan Miller)

Can you ‘bounce back’ from a failure in your career?

Here is what I’ve observed. To come back from “failure,” a person must have:

1. Supportive Relationships
Without others who believe in us we begin to question our value and worth. If family and those closest to you find fault and criticize, find those who will encourage and cheer you on.

2. Uncompromising Integrity
Nothing destroys our credibility and opportunities more quickly than breaches of integrity. Once begun, lies, distortions and exaggerations tend to feed on themselves and require more of the same in an attempt to maintain the status quo.

3. Clear Purpose
Without a clear vision for the future we become wandering generalities. Be able to convey with confidence your strongest areas of competence. No one is attracted to someone who just “wants a job.” Know your unique value to an organization.

4. Vibrant Health
It’s tempting in times of feeling like a failure to allow ourselves pity parties and comfort food, thus deteriorating another area of our lives. Use times of rebuilding to make massive deposits of success in your health. With the guy above who lost $3.2 million I prescribed that he go to the gym every morning for two hours. The physical stamina and creative energy birthed there allowed him to very quickly bounce back with career success.

5. Optimistic Faith
Believing that we are part of a bigger plan and that there is a brighter future up ahead is critical to coming back from any failure.

What are the ways to bounce back from ‘failure’ in your career?
Can you ‘bounce back’ from a failure in your career? (for example: losing jobs or bankrupt)
What we can learn from failure? How to overcome your difficulties?
What to do when things go wrong?
How to have vibrant health?
How to keep optimistic faith?
What are the lessons can we learn from successful people?
「Mistake for Happiness」的圖片搜尋結果
Things We Mistake for Happiness and How to Correct Them 
by Kin Mabuan
A job you don’t like doing.
Sure, paying the bills and keeping a healthy savings account are valid reasons for why you should get a job, but it’s equally important that what you do for a living makes you happy. It’s simple: happiness at work makes you more productive, makes your coworkers and clients like you, and it helps you get closer to success.
Sometimes, however, the same job that you gave an arm and leg to snag becomes the thing you dread doing the next day. To be fair, it’s perfectly normal to grumble a bit about having to work over time all of a sudden, or being given a last-minute deadline on a Friday night, but if you can’t get through the day without whining about your job and still claim that you love it, it’s time to rethink your reasons for why you’re staying in that company.
Watching too much television.
Television has gotten a lot of flak thanks to programs that capitalize on our insatiable need to be validated at all costs. To be fair, there a lot of good programs out there, ones that will rehydrate your interest in the arts and in science, or teach you how to cook a mean slab of rib eye.
There are times, however, when we mindlessly flip through channels and indulge ourselves by watching shows without giving what we see and hear much thought. We rely a bit too much on shows to explain everything for us and take this as the ultimate truth.
An obsession with perfection.
One of the funny things about pursuing perfection is that no matter how many times we are told that nobody and nothing is perfect (except maybe Emma Watson), it doesn’t stop us from wanting to achieve it. This is a good trait to a degree, but if our fixation on wanting everything to be perfect gets in the way of actually accomp

Sense of humor is one of the few things thalishing things, then we won’t really achieve anything.
Having too many friends on social media.
Never has making friends and staying connected been easier until social media happened, but you got to admit that it’s not always the best way. It can be quite flattering to have a lot of followers in your social network until all you see on your dashboard is crazy narcissistic behavior put on display.
Of course, social media isn’t bad per se. On the other hand, it can be an easy source of angst, frustration even. A lot of people have picked up the habit of posting everything that goes on with their life, and while it can be harmless to find out what your friend had for lunch two hours ago, not everyone is in the mood for fifty versions of a single selfie all the time. There are many other ways social media can drive people into their wits’ end, but the point is you don’t have to bear with them.
Making fun of other peoplet will never go out of style, and it’s amazing to be funny and to have friends who can crack you up. Sometimes though, we become too comfortable with our funniness. We barely 
notice that we cross certain lines. The thing is we don’t realize this until someone calls it out or when we start losing friends one by one.

How to find happiness? What are the things to do for your happiness?
What to do if you don’t like your job?
What are the pros and cons of having too many friends on social media?
What are the pros and cons of social networking sites?
What are the pros and cons of watching television?
How to develop the sense of humor?
Are you obsessed with perfection? What are the problems with perfection?

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