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Necks cut open and spines severed alive, just so they can be made into $40,000 Birkin handbags and

By Wills Robinson For Dailymail.com

Crocodiles are cut open alive so their skin can be used for $40,000 Birkin handbags and luxury $2,000 watch straps, a horrifying undercover investigation has revealed.

In a video taken from a hidden camera, animal charity PETA has exposed how the reptiles are put through unimaginable suffering at a leather farm in Texas before they are brutally killed for fashion industry giant Hermes.

The animals at the Lone Star Alligator Farm in Winnie are forced to live in dirty, dark pits before they are dragged out by workers and placed on a table, struggling desperately to escape, and killed.

Their skin is then made into the handbags and watchstraps, which are known for having price tags in the thousands of dollars and are worn by a host of celebrities including Gwyneth Paltrow, Victoria Beckham and Ashton Kutcher.

Curel: Animal charity PETA has exposed how the reptiles are put through unimaginable suffering at a leather farm in Texas before they are brutally killed for fashion industry giant Hermes
Torture: After they are shot in the head with a bolt gun their necks are sawed open, sometimes with a box cutter, to sever the blood vessels

Torture: After they are shot in the head with a bolt gun their necks are sawed open, sometimes with a box cutter, to sever the blood vessels
Popular brand: The Birkin handbags, made by Hermes from the skin of the crocodiles, are a favorite for celebrities including Victoria Beckham
What do you think about Crocodiles are cut open alive so their skin can be used for watch straps, handbags?
What do you think about Birkin handbags? What do you think about Hermes?
What do you think luxury products?
Should we protect animal rights?
Why celebrities are a favorite for birkin handbags?
What do you think about celebrity’s luxury lives? 
「Friendliest Countries」的圖片搜尋結果
The World's Friendliest Countries  forbes.com

Living abroad doesn’t have to lead to homesickness. That’s especially true for people who have relocated to New Zealand, Australia or South Africa.

These are the three nations where it’s easiest to befriend locals, learn the local language, integrate into the community and fit into the new culture, according to the results of HSBC’s Expat Explorer Survey, released last month.

New Zealand, in the top spot, had high scores in all four categories. Seventy-five percent of respondents living there reported that they were integrating well in the local community; in Australia it was 77% and in South Africa 79%.

New Zealanders as a whole seem like happy people, and that translates into friendly, helpful and kind people,” notes American expat Kim Brinster. Other positive aspects, she says, include a “pitch-in-and-help mentality,” as well as navigable government and health-care systems. A former New York City bookstore owner, she relocated two years ago to Waiheke Island, off Auckland, to be with her New Zealander partner. She has no plans to leave.

HSBC surveyed 3,385 expatriates in 100 countries between May and July 2011. Because countries with fewer than 30 respondents were deemed statistically insignificant, the findings rank a total of only 31 countries. Bermuda, which ranked highly last year, was not included this year because it had too few respondents.

As the largest global survey of expats, Expat Explorer allows us to capture invaluable insights into expat life and how it differs from country to country, continent to continent and from an expats’ home country of origin,” says Lisa Wood, head of marketing for HSBC. “We want to be a business that truly understands its customers so that we can ensure our products and services meet their needs effectively.”

Respondents rated their host countries on a slew of factors related to economics, raising children and overall experience.

To determine which were the friendliest, Forbes isolated the results in four categories: ability to befriend locals, success in learning the local language, capacity for integrating themselves into the community, and ease in which they fit into the new culture. All play into the ability of expats to create a new support structure, which New York-based expat coach Heather Markel says is among the biggest challenges when relocating.

Because a majority of expats are so focused on closing the life they are leaving, they end up depressed at some point after relocating, because by not focusing on creating their new life before arriving, they end up with ‘nothing’—no friends locally, nothing familiar, a feeling of loss,” says Markel, who heads the Expat Coach Association, a trade organization with 120 members. “Other challenges include learning a new language, experiencing new foods, more or less convenience, how genders might be treated. The sense of loss for what they liked in the culture they left can be a big challenge, as can a changed lifestyle.”
In your opinion where the world's friendliest countries?
Is Taiwan a friendly countries to visitors?
What do you think of living condition/ lifestyle in Taiwan?
Where are the best countries to live?
Which lifestyle do you like: a village or a city?
What are the reasons why you should move to another city?

 血染柏金包 鱷魚遭斷頸抽脊椎

2015-06-27 03:25:47 世界日報 編譯中心/綜合25日電

養殖場狹窄骯髒。 (圖:東方日報提供)


殘忍屠宰。 (圖:東方日報提供)

PETA臥底人員去年深入位於德州的鱷魚皮工場,發現正常情況下,工廠人員會先用電槍擊暈鱷魚,再用鋸刀割頸放血。但當電槍無法使用時,工廠經理竟叫員工 直接把刀插進清醒鱷魚的脊椎,使其與身體抽離,再用棒刺入腦部殺害,受害鱷魚達500條之多。專家指,鱷魚是高智能動物,沒電暈下便移走脊椎,會令牠們極 其痛苦。 鱷魚被屠宰後,遭放到一個浸滿血水的水缸,屍疊屍的場面相當恐怖,有的鱷魚最久會花上6到8小時才死亡。鱷魚的壽命比人類還長,但這裡的鱷魚往往在僅三歲便被屠宰,工廠最終會冷藏鱷魚皮,再送到位於美國其他地方或法國的皮革廠加工。

這個粉紅色鱷魚皮的柏金包在香港佳士得拍賣會上拍出22萬2912美元高價。 (法新社)

1包殺3鱷 愛馬仕柏金包為名人必備潮物,鱷魚皮款更見矜貴,好萊塢女星Beyonce、「貝嫂」維多利亞(見圖,取材自英國每日郵報)等人皆擁有。一個包款動輒數十萬,是富人身分的象徵。但其實一個鱷魚皮柏金包,需用上三條鱷魚的肚皮。

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