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「Japan battles heat wave」的圖片搜尋結果
Japan battles heat wave as 3 confirmed dead, hundreds hospitalized   By Elizabeth Shim
TOKYO, July 14 (UPI) -- Three people are dead and more than 800 hospitalized after a heat wave took over various parts of Japan on Tuesday.

Nearly a week has passed since temperatures surpassed 95 degrees Fahrenheit, The Japan Times reported. A 92-year-old man was found collapsed in a field on Tuesday afternoon, in a town in western Tokyo and later confirmed dead at a hospital.

Between July 6 and July 12, more than 3,000 people were taken to hospitals to be treated for heat exhaustion, Japan Today reported. On Tuesday the Japan Meteorological Agency reported average temperatures in Japan soared from 86 to 95 degrees at 550 of its 928 monitoring locations.

Some areas experienced hotter weather than others.

Tatebayashi in Gunma Prefecture reported the country's highest temperature at 102.74 degrees, followed by 100 degrees in Fukushima City, and 97.34 degrees in Kyoto.

Four schoolchildren were hospitalized after falling ill while playing soccer at a Tokyo elementary school but Japan press reported they were not in serious condition.

Japan's Fire and Disaster Management Agency official told the public to frequently drink water to combat the heat wave, and to avoid dehydration.

Last week's hospitalization rate was six times greater than the number of people who fell ill in the previous week.

Close to half the people who were hospitalized were aged 65 or older.
How to Survive a Heat Wave?
How to Cool Yourself Down on a Hot Day?
How to Cool Yourself without an Air Conditioner?
How to prevent heat exhaustion and sun stroke?
How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day?
What are the good summer activities?
Do you like summer or winter?

Actress Yang Ko-han, 27, dies after attempting suicide  CNA

Actor Chang Ting-hu, left, and actress Yang Ke-han pose in an undated photo.

Photo: by Taiwan Television

Actress Yang Ko-han (楊可涵), 27, died yesterday after 12 days in Cathay General Hospital in Taipei following a suicide attempt.

Doctors pronounced Yang brain dead yesterday at noon and her family donated her organs to grant her last wish — as requested by Yang in a note, Yang’s agency said.

Yang was found hanged at her residence in Taipei on July 6 by her boyfriend, actor Chang Ting-hu (張庭瑚), and was given emergency treatment and immediately taken to hospital.

Beginning her career as a regular on a variety show, Yang in recent years gained celebrity in TV dramas and commercials. Her career escalated this year as she played the lead in a popular TV serial.

Yang’s agency said yesterday that she was a professional and devoted actress but had suffered from depression for years.

Yang’s agency said that it chose to suppress information of her condition while she was in hospital and refused interviews to allow her and her family to recover without disturbance.

The Yang family and her agency expressed gratitude to the hospital staff and the paramedics and police officers who attended her on the day of her suicide, her agency said.

Saying that Yang made a bad example by taking her own life, Yang’s family and her agency called for the public to cherish life and not to commit suicide.
What do you think Actress Yang dies after attempting suicide?
Why people commit suicide?
How to deal with depression?
Why do Japan and Korea have such a high suicide rate?
Where to find help when at the end of rope?
How to help friends get out of depression?

楊可涵輕生搶救12天仍不治 器捐遺愛人間

2015-07-18 21:16:28 聯合報 記者陳慧貞/台北報導



楊可涵結束了27年的芳華,演藝夢碎。 圖/摘自臉書

三立電視劇「珍珠人生」女主角、暱稱「小白兔」的女星楊可涵6日傳出輕生獲救,未料經過12天的搶救卻終告不治,年僅27歲正值青春年華的她,18日中午 在家人及男友張庭瑚陪伴下,神情安詳平和地離開人世,人生正式畫下句點,家屬和經紀公司在事後發布沉痛訊息表示根據楊可涵生前留下的親筆遺書,將做器官捐 贈遺愛人間。

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