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「Pay on the First Date」的圖片搜尋結果
Reasons Why Women Should Never Pay on the First Date

1. Dating is really about data gathering.
 Usually, you know little about a man when you first start dating him. That’s why observation mode is so critical. Since you can’t know his attitudes about money or how he’ll react, why risk taking the wrong action? Relax and watch what happens without prompting or paying. You can learn a lot more by observing then by jumping in to handle things.

2. At the beginning, a man will try to impress and please you to win you over.
 Think of a peacock spreading his tail feathers to attract a mate. That’s what paying for you is all about. If he doesn’t do this, it may be a red flag that he’s not generous with his wallet or his heart.

3. Most men expect to pay – it’s part of the chase and traditional dating ritual.
 While we’ve come a long way regarding equality in the workplace and in marriages where men share the chores, child rearing, and bringing home the bacon, dating remains an archaic activity that has simply not caught up. This fact may make you mad, but that won’t change the truth about dating, even today.

4. If you offer to pay, how will you know if he’s interested or generous?
 You won’t know if you offer to pay, but you will short-circuit your ability to observe his natural tendencies. Instead of jumping in to avoid feeling obligated or because you feel it’s "the right thing to do," sit back and let him handle it. One thing is for sure, if your date wants you to split the check, he’ll tell you or the bill will sit there for an hour. Either way, you won’t be wondering, so stop worrying about it.

5. Men are caught in a difficult social dilemma when a woman offers to pay.
 He has to determine if you’ll be insulted by his refusal to take your money or not. While some men confidently wave aside the offer, others won’t want to risk offending you. Many men have encountered angry females who insist on paying so they aren’t "controlled by a man."

6. Some men think a woman’s offer to pay signals that you’re not interested.
 You may use this trick from time to time with a guy you don’t want to see again, but don’t confuse a man you actually like by asking to split the check!

7. Recognize that you are setting a precedent for how you want to be treated.
 If you don’t plan on splitting every check down the center, don’t set that pattern up from your very first date. Of course you’ll reciprocate at some point and you might offer to pay for the movie if you’ve already been to dinner, or for the after dinner drink on the second or third date. But, hold off particularly on the first night to see how he treats you. Everyone is on their best behavior for the first few dates so watch and learn what he’s all about.
Who should pay for the first dating?
Should woman offer to pay?
How to impress your dating partner at first time?
Where are the good places for first date?
How to show your generosity?
「dreams can predict the future」的圖片搜尋結果
Premonitions - how dreams can predict the future
Most premonitions will come true very quickly. So if something unpredictable happens the next day then your dream could be linked to it.

Many people are dubious about premonitions. They are sceptical and rightly so. Its easy to justify a premonition - a dream about a snake could represent ANY problem? Eventually we all suffer some ill fortune that could be put down to a snake dream - so a sceptic would say its really just a coincidence.

Personally I believe that premonitions ARE a very real phenomena. They are much easier to prove than you would think. The reason being is that if a dream is going to come true it will come true very quickly. So if its a premonition then you merely have to wait until the end of the day to see if it comes true.

One dream I had myself made me very worried when I woke up. I was extremely scared that a dream could represent something really bad. If ever a dream was a premonition this was it! I tried to decode the dream. I linked the dream with one person - and this woman's two sons also appeared in the dream. By the end of that day I was surprised that the day had passed without incident. But just at that time the person I linked the dream with died in a car accident. The dream featured a car accident which was identical. I was absolutely convinced beforehand that this dream was significant. So the premonition was quite astonishing. It certainly convinced me.

So if you get a snake dream which is truly a premonition it could come true very quickly. Usually only one bad thing will happen per day(usually none). So it could be considered much more than a mere coincidence. Often other little things in the dream may help convince you.

Dreams need not pinpoint bad things. They may foretell a good day ahead. They show us having a good day or bad day. A dream may foretell something that happens by surprise which we would not associate with premonitions. A surprise event or unusual incident or even something on TV (if it sticks in your mind).
Most ordinary dreams link to important events and emotions from the day before. Premonitions are also very much in the here and now - they come true very quickly.

Do you believe that dreams can predict the future?
What Causes Vivid Dreams?
Is it normal to have weird dreams?
Can animals predict futures?
Experiences for Sleep Disorders and Treatment for Sleepwalking?
Do you believe in fortune-tellers?
Why do we have Nightmares? How to Stop Having Nightmares?

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