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Japanese student spends 19 days on remote island with NO survival training    iyuba.com

Despite having no previous Robinson Crusoe experience, one student decided to maroon herself on a remote island for 19 days.

Reikko Hori, a 22-year-old from Japan, was dropped off on the Indonesian island of Amparo, 4,200 miles northwest of Australia with a magnifying glass for starting fires and a spear gun for killing her dinner.

What’s more, this was a holiday that she’d paid for.

Speaking to MailOnline Travel, Alvaro Cerezo of Docastaway, who organised the project, said: ’When she arrived at the airport on the first day I saw that she hadn’t prepared proper luggage and didn’t bring adequate clothing, only jeans. We needed to go to a local shop and buy trousers for her.

Then when I found out that her knowledge of survival was non-existent, I got more worried. But what was distressing for me was the fact that Reikko had serious difficulties in detecting danger and in feeling pain. She walked barefoot on the sharp coral, just is if she was walking barefoot at home. She slept on the floor in the jungle without it even crossing her mind that an animal could walk over her in the middle of the night.’

Despite the harsh introduction to living in the wild, Reikko soon got to grips with the challenge ahead of her. Using a spear to catch fish, a rock to break open coconuts and a magnifying glass to make fire..

Speaking to MailOnline Travel, she said: ’I thought the island was smaller than I previously imagined but I was scared to see I had to be 18 more days without being able to escape.

There was a big lonely feeling, like being the only person in the sea, but at the same time it was really exciting. When the Docastaway team left, I was happy to be alone at last but this feeling was just momentary. It was full of painful loneliness and helplessness after the second day.’

The student admitted she was ’not good with human relationships’, but says her experience has made her appreciate the feeling of being in a community.
Can you survive on remote island with NO survival training?  
Are you willing to pay holidays that stay on a remote island?
How to develop survival skills?
Where are the good places to escape from your stress?
How to be good with human relationships?
What do you think the business of Docastaway?

Dealing With Sudden Windfalls
(by Miriam Caldwell)
When you receive a sudden windfall of money, it is important to use this money wisely. Well, it is important to plan on how to use this money. Often people will receive a large sum of money from bonuses, tax refunds, inheritances or settlements and the money will seem to magically disappear. Often people will spend more than they received and end up worse off than they were before. Here are five tips on how to handle a sudden windfall.
 1) Before you do anything with the money you should sit down and plan what you want to do with it. You can take this time to dream of all the things that you want to do with the money. You can list anything that you might possibly want to do with the money. Then sit back and decide which things are most important to you.
 2) You should briefly take a look at what your financial priorities are. Then look at where you are in achieving them. If you are debt free and have a good amount in savings, you may decide that you can simply spend all of the money. Otherwise you should put at least half towards your financial priorities.
3) You have been given the gift of money. It is nice to donate some of this to your church or favorite charity. Taking time to help others is always nice. It is easy to pass on a portion of your windfall to bless others.
4) Decide what your splurges will be and then set budget limits for each of those splurges. Then make sure that you stick to your budget. You can get more for your money by taking the time to shop around and make sure that you are getting the highest quality for the lowest price.
 5) Once you have spent the money on the things you chose, stop spending. This way your blessing will always be a blessing. You will not have negative feelings towards it, because you handled it responsibly.
1. How to handle a windfall?
2. How to deal with large sum of money?
3. How did you handle the financial strain?
4. What to do if you win the lottery (or a big windfall)?

5. Would you lie to your partner about money?

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