週二(2/23)1.超級英雄電影受歡迎 2房屋健檢+不安全感

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
Why are Superhero Movies so Popular?     wisegeek
Superman Returns, X-Men, The Fantastic Four, Iron Man; it seems the list of superhero movies since the dawn of the 21st century goes on and on. The revival of the genre has surpassed all expectations, with six of the top 12 highest opening-weekend box office grosses being held by superhero movies. There are many theories as to why these films have become and remained so popular over the last decade, from desperate attempts to escape to an honest yearning for real-life heroes.

Some experts consider most movies to be forms of escapism. They are traditionally meant to be a blend of education and entertainment, and superhero films tend heavily toward the latter element. These movies tend to be powerhouses of action, stunts and excitement, immersing the audience in a colorful and fully-realized world. Watching a superhero movie is a great chance to relax and not think about stress or difficult things in your life.

Historically, during times of war, films have become a hotbed of patriotism and heroic films. Since the 2002 beginning of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, America and much of the world have been enmeshed in the local and global repercussions of armed conflict. Superheroes are quite similar to military personnel in some ways; they are charged with bringing peace, fighting violently if necessary, and trying to maintain a normal life. Some audience members may relate to that concept, either on a personal level or in relation to their ideas about war and any current world situations.

Moreover, most superheroes serve as a hope-inspiring figure, an image of someone who can save us all from dark and difficult times. Superhero movies promote the ideas of peace, safety and freedom. Some experts consider this message a necessary reassurance in difficult times. Unlike during earlier wars, the message in the movies isn’t about the country succeeding, but recognition that there are others with similar hope for a peaceful future.

Superhero movies are many things to many people. To comic book lovers, they are the realization of their favorite worlds. To those feeling the strain of economic, personal, or national problems, they are a welcome escape for a few hours.
Are you a comic book lover? Do you like superhero movies?
Why are superhero movies so popular?    
How to be a real-life hero?
Do you think that watching a superhero movie is a great chance to relax?
If you could have one super power, what would you?
If you could have a superpower, what would you do?
Building check, urban renewal to be new government's priority

Taipei, Feb. 8 (CNA) President-elect Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said during a visit to earthquake-struck Tainan on Monday that her administration will make safety checks of old buildings and urban renewal a top priority.

Her team has realized it has come time to examine old buildings erected during Taiwan's period of industrialization that may need to be reinforced against earthquakes and other potential disasters, Tsai said while visiting quake victims at Tainan's Chi Mei Hospital

Why We Feel Insecure?    Susan Krauss

Everyone feels insecure from time to time, perhaps particularly in certain situations. You may feel that you’re not as attractive, intelligent, or well-situated in life as you could be. Comparing yourself to the people around you can make you feel even worse.

Some people compensate for insecurities by trying to show that they’re better than others. They may constantly brag about their achievements, remind others about their successes (even if others are well aware of these), or belittle their friends and family members.

The psychologist Alfred Adler, who coined the term “inferiority complex,” referred to this tendency as “striving for superiority.” In the worst case scenario, striving for superiority means that you’re stepping on the feelings of those around you. The only way you can make yourself feel bigger is by making them feel smaller.

There are times when insecurities are well-justified, however, and admitting those feelings is psychologically healthy. If you’ve been confronted by a striving-for-superiority co-worker, boss, or friend, it’s normal to feel like questioning your self-worth. However, recognizing that you’ve been manipulated into feeling this way can help you shake aside that negative self-assessment.

You can also be made to feel insecure by actual events in your life: Your romantic partner threatens to leave you or expresses concern about the future of your relationship. Your teenaged daughter shouts in your face that you’re a terrible parent. Or, your parents can make you feel inadequate by pointing out all your failings and missed opportunities. In all of these cases, you wonder what you’ve done wrong. Feeling better in those situations involves separating your contribution to the problem from the other person’s.
What do you think the policy of building check, urban renewal?
What are the earthquake safety precautions tips?
Why We Feel Insecure? How to stop feeling insecure?
Do you think that you feel more insecure live in a major city?
Do you comparing yourself to the people around you?
How to deal with people suffering from the inferiority Complex?

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