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... Photographed Transparent Creature Near Jiaming Lake In Taiwan
Taiwan Alien : Policeman Photographed Transparent Creature Near Jiaming Lake In Taiwan      ufo-blogger

Taiwan UFOlogy Society (TUFOS) on Saturday announced a transparent alien creature was photographed by a police officer near Jiaming Lake, located at an altitude of 3310 meters, in the southern part of the Central Highlands in Taitung.

Above photograph shows large alien creatures with transparent body, webbed hands, seen from a distance. Due to its odd shape, TUFOS certain, it's not human, but a creature from outer space.

Chairman TUFOS, Huang Chao-ming revealed, the photo was taken by a police officer with his iPhone 4.

Jiaming Lake

Jiaming Lake is located in Haiduan Township, Taitung County. It is situated on the east side of Mt. Sancha, and is 7 kilometers from Mt. Xiangyang as the crow flies.

The water reaches a depth of 6 meters, and no streams enter or leave the lake. The lake nevertheless remains full of water at all times of the year. The water in the lake is a deep sapphire blue, and has been described as "angels' tears.

Geologists have determined that the glass found at this lake shows signs of extreme internal stress. Since there are no nearby volcanoes, nor have there been glaciers or signs of erosion by ice or snow, it is therefore thought that Jiaming Lake was indeed probably formed by meteorite impact.
What do you think of this reported news that policeman photographed transparent alien creature at Taitung?  
Do you believe aliens exist?
Do you curious the outer space?
What should you do if you meet an alien?
In your opinion, what will aliens really look like?
How to survive a kidnapping in an alien spaceship?
Is it really possible to fall in love with alien?
various trash items in trash can
The world’s first supermarket selling only expired food has opened in Denmark      qz.com

Walk into WeFood, a new supermarket in Copenhagen, and you’ll find prices up to 50% lower than any other grocery store in the city. The only catch? The food is past its official expiry date or has damaged packaging that would’ve caused it to be thrown away at a regular store.

WeFood, which threw open its doors on Feb. 22, is Denmark’s first-ever surplus food supermarket, aiming to cut down on the massive amounts of food wasted every year—700,000 metric tons in Denmark, and 1.3 billion metric tons around the world.
The supermarket hopes to draw both environmentally conscious shoppers and low-income individuals with limited budgets, according to Folkekirkens Nodhjaelp, the local non-profit that set up the project over the past year. Already praising the effort—which took a fair amount of legislative wrangling to set up—is Danish food minister Eva Kjer Hansen, who called the amount of food wasted each year “ridiculous.”
Denmark as a whole has been doing a good job of cleaning up its act. The country throws away 25% less food than it did five years ago and many of its supermarkets sell food that is near its expiration date at reduced prices. Elsewhere in Europe, France has banned supermarkets from throwing away unsold food and is asking restaurants to provide take-out containers.

None of this means the global fight to reduce food waste is anything close to over. In the US, people are tossing out 50% more food these days than they did in 1990, for instance. Looking to inspirational projects like WeFood might help other countries get their priorities in order.
What do you think that the supermarket selling only expired food has opened in Denmark?   
Do food expiration dates really matter? 
How to deal with the food is past its official expiry date?
Do you think food waste issue serious in Taiwan?
What are the ways to stop food waste?
Your opinion about supermarkets?
What should be done to protect our food resources?

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