
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉  聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
Bargaining in China  travelchinaguide.com

In bargaing with the seller, stay relaxed but always polite. Be patient and unflappable to facilitate the bargaining process. There are some skills that can be used in the course of bargaining:

1. Cut down considerably from the asking price. The shopkeeper often charges higher prices than the actual value of the goods. Try to reduce the price to half of the asking price, and then spend some time on further negotiation.Generally, the basic rules and conditions of bargaining in different shopping areas are different, so you should know them first in order to make comparisons. Then you can bargain and arrive at a good price that will enhance your shopping experience.

Bargaining when shopping
2. Never express how much you like the things you want to buy, as the seller may use this information to jack up the price. Pretend to be casual and indifferent while strolling around in the shops.

3. Try to find and point out as many flaws as possible in the product. The seller will always describe its excellence and will avoid talking about blemishes; but no product is completely perfect, and you should learn to identify all the flaws in order to gain bargaining leverage. In response, the seller may reduce his asking price.

4. Take some time when choosing and comparing the goods before you propose the price you wish. In this situation, the seller may compromise with you.

5. Pretend to walk away. Generally, this skill works quite well in most shopping places. If the price proposed by the seller is still unacceptable and outside your budget, you can use the walk away technique. Usually, you will be called back again, and the price you offer may be accepted by the shopkeeper.

6. Try to wear plain clothes without jewelry. If your clothes and ornaments make you appear to be rich, the price proposed by the seller will accordingly be a little higher. But this is not a must and should not prevent you from being be yourself.
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「secrets to happiness」的圖片搜尋結果
The secrets to happiness revealed by the Harvard 75 years study    Businessinsider.com  Tanya Lewis

The researchers surveyed the men about their lives (including the quality of their marriages, job satisfaction, and social activities) every two years and monitored their physical health (including chest X-rays, blood tests, urine tests, and echocardiograms) every five years.

1. Close relationships
The men in both groups of the Harvard study who reported being closer to their family, friends, or community tended to be happier and healthier than their less social counterparts. They also tended to live longer. By comparison, people who said they were lonelier reported feeling less happy. They also had worse physical and mental health, as defined above.

A 2014 review of dozens of studies published in the journal Social and Personality Psychology Compass suggests that loneliness can get in the way of mental functioning, sleep, and well-being, which in turn increases the risk of illness and death.

2. Quality (not quanity) of relationships
It's not just being in a relationship that matters. Married couples who said they argued constantly and had low affection for one another (which study authors defined as "high-conflict marriages") were actually less happy than people who weren't married at all, the Harvard study found.

However, the effect of relationship quality seems to depend somewhat on age. A 2015 study published in the journal Psychology and Aging that followed people for 30 years found that the number of relationships people had was, in fact, more important for people in their 20s, but the quality of relationships had a bigger effect on social and psychological well being when people were in their 30s.

3. Stable, supportive marriages
Being socially connected to others isn't just good for our physical health. It also helps stave off mental decline. People who were married without having divorced, separating, or having "serious problems" until age 50 performed better on memory tests later in life than those who weren't, the Harvard study found.

All of this suggests that strong relationships are critical to our health.
Society places a lot of emphasis on wealth and "leaning in" to our work, Waldinger said. "But over and over, over these 75 years, our study has shown that the people who fared the best were the people who leaned in to relationships, with family, with friends, with community."
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「secrets to happiness」的圖片搜尋結果
哈佛大學長達75年的「快樂」研究:擁有美好人生的 3 個秘訣      TED X Taiepi




由美國哈佛大學教授塔爾班夏哈(Tal Ben-Shahar)所撰寫的暢銷書《更快樂》(Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment)中,以「正向心理學」說明了拼命三郎型的人們把達成目標當成衡量成就的標準,而不重視追求目標的過程,以致於他們無法享受所做的事情,老以為達到某個目標就能得到快樂。




哈佛大學醫學院臨床精神病學教授羅伯威丁格Robert Waldinger從他所主持的史上最長的「幸福感」(Happiness)研究,給了我們一個值得參考的答案。









I. 孤單有害,社交活躍有益健康


II. 友不在數量多寡,而在關係深淺



III. 良好關係不只保護身體,也保護腦力




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