週四(7/28) 1.要成功 要早起?2.憂鬱症與殺手

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉  聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
「Wake Up Early」的圖片搜尋結果
要成功 要早起?
Why You Should Wake Up Early?   feelgoodhomeopathy

Do you want to be extremely successful in life? Do you want to get ahead of your competition? Do you want to stay energized all day? Do you want to enhance your productivity and work more efficiently?
In this blog we want to tell you what are the benefits of waking up early.

You get time to exercise

When you wake up just 2 hours early then you can get time to exercise. Well I am not saying that you exercise for 2 hours rigorously, you just need to exercise 30-40 mins which is just enough for an average person. You can exercise at home or go for jog outside or if it is easier for you to visit the gym then nothin like it. Any form of exercise for just 30 mins is good enough to energize your body for the day ahead.

Plan your day

You all have some goals in life and you want to achieve lot of things in life. For instance you want to buy a big house or you want a stable income or you are looking for promotion. Well your goal could be just anything but the key to achieving your goals is to plan how you will get to your goals.

If you start your day and spend at least 15-20 mins planning about what things you need to do during the day and more importantly in which order you should do them. You can just maintain a dairy or a planner where you can simply write down daily tasks. Mornings are the best time to do this activity and when you wake up early you have time to plan your day.

Experience the Beauty of Nature

Early morning is a great time to appreciate the wonders of the nature. Just go out in the park watch the sunrise and listen to the chirping of birds or watch flowers blossom. Nature is at its best early morning when everything is quiet and so natural. This will help you a lot at emotional level.

You get time to eat Breakfast properly

When you get up early you get time to make yourself a good health meal and also to eat it properly. When we are in hurry we tend to eat things that doesn't take much time to cook and we eat in hurry without chewing food properly. Well if you have time to eat your first meal properly them not only you will get all the nutrients but also less stress which is next in our list.

Get more Happier in Life

When you make it a routine habit to get up early morning then eventually you will become more happier in life. The benefits of waking up early is almost instant. Within just few days you will realized that on an emotional level you are very relaxed and stress free. You also have been spending time in the morning just thinking about things and this is very important activity. When you just think and do nothing this clears up lot of messed up things in your mind and you get answers to you problems.

Why you should wake up early?
What are the benefits of waking up early?
Is being a night-owl a bad thing?
Do you get time to do exercise?
How often you experience the beauty of nature?
Do you make a plan for your day?
Why eating the right breakfast is important?
Munich shooting: Gunman was a shy teen with depression and an obsession with mass shootings

A picture is emerging of the Munich gunman who killed nine people and then himself suggesting he was a shy teenager with depression and an obsession with mass shootings.

Ali David Sonboly, an 18-year-old German-Iranian, was described by a neighbour as "very quiet".

"He only ever said 'hi'. His whole body language was of somebody who was very shy," Stephan, a coffee shop owner who would only give his first name, told the Press Association.

Video footage of the shooting shows the gunman claiming he was "bullied for seven years" before saying "and now I have to buy a weapon and shoot you all".

Investigators said his room contained documents on "frenzied attacks" and a book titled: "Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters."

Germany's top security official Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said other information showed the shooter had researched a 2009 school shooting in Germany, and the bomb and gun attacks in Norway by Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people exactly five years ago Friday.

"There was material found in the apartment of the suspect that showed a particular interest in shooting sprees, [but] there is so far no indication of any connection to international terrorism," Mr de Maiziere said.

Authorities are still trying to determine a motive for the attack, and Mr de Maiziere said they were investigating reports that the shooter had been bullied "by others his age".

Initial investigations suggest the shooter, a student who was born and raised in Munich, had been in psychiatric care where he was treated for depression.

Diagnosed depression linked to violent crime, says Oxford University study   theguardian

People diagnosed with depression are roughly three times more likely than the general population to commit violent crimes such as robbery, sexual offences and assault, according to psychiatric experts.

A study based on more than 47,000 people in Sweden, emphasised that the overwhelming majority of depressed people are neither violent nor criminal and should not be stigmatised.

One important finding was that the vast majority of depressed people were not convicted of violent crimes, and that the rates ... are below those for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and considerably lower than for alcohol or drug abuse,” said Seena Fazel, who led the study at University of Oxford’s psychiatry department.

The researchers found that 3.7% of men and 0.5% of women committed a violent crime after being identified as clinically depressed. This compared with 1.2% of men and 0.2% of women in the general population.
What are your opinions about Munich shooting?
"What makes normal people commit crimes?"
Do you think that depression linked to violent crime?
What to do when someone is shooting at you?
What are the traits of a potential killer?
Are quiet loners linked with violence?
Why do some people become loners?

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