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「Happy People」的圖片搜尋結果跟快樂的人混在一起
Surround Yourself with Happy People to be Happy
Courtney Eaton

Who makes you happy? Chances are it is someone that you spend a significant amount of time with. A study done by Dr. Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School and Dr. James Fowler of the University of California in San Diego conducted a study on how an individual’s social network affects their happiness levels. They found that individuals who associate themselves with cheerful people have a happier demeanor and consequently a better sense of well-being. The effects of one person’s happiness influences another person’s mood which boosts another person’s mood. It is a chain reaction! The closer you are to these people emotionally, the longer the effect of their attitude will be on your disposition. The closer you live to a person, the stronger the effect is, because you are with them more, therefore the effect is nearly constant. It is also stronger between individuals of the same sex.

So surround yourself with people that make you happy. Life’s too short to spend it with miserable people. If there is someone that always brings your down, find ways to avoid them. Busy yourself with other things when they want to hang out. Go out tonight and have a “girls night” (or guys night) with your closest friends! Planning at least weekly gatherings with your friends is a good way to increase your happiness and theirs! Increasing your happiness can relieve stress and increase your sense of motivation and optimism so you can conquer the rest of your week successfully! Then, since you’ve conquered the things you needed to do, you will feel accomplished and even happier! It’s a chain reaction; you just have to push over that first domino!   

Why you should surround yourself with happy people?
Who makes you happy? What makes you happy?
Why do not spending time with miserable people?
Is a bad mood contagious?
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How to plan your week?
「how to be friendly」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Be Friendly

     Smile more. You don't have to give every person you see a huge grin to be more friendly. However, making a goal to smile at least 30% more on a daily basis, whether you're smiling at people you know, complete strangers, or acquaintances who cross your path, smiling will make you look like a much more approachable, friendly person.
    Drop the distractions. Another way to be friendlier is to notice everything that's going on around you instead of trying to beat the new level of Candy Crush on your iPhone. If you're tapping away at your phone, burying your nose in a book, staring at your computer, or even just picking at the paint on your fingernails, then people will think you have better things to do than to talk to them. Instead, look ahead, smile, and be ready for what the world has to offer you.
     Laugh easily. The ability to laugh easily is another trait of the friendly person. You don't have to laugh at everything a person says or you may sound fake, but you should make an effort to laugh about 20% more, especially when people are trying to be funny, say something kind of funny, or just when you feel people need a boost of support and confidence. Laughing more will not only give your conversations more of a positive vibe, but the people around you -- even the people who are just walking by -- will see you as a more friendly person.

    Ask people questions about themselves. If you want to be friendly, then you have to show a real interest in people. They have to see that you really care about who they are, what they think, and what they do. If you want to be friendly, then you have to ask people a variety of simple questions that show them you care. You shouldn't ask anything too personal or they might get offended, though; stick to some of the same topics first and move on from there once you know them better. Here are some great topics to try:[1]
        Favorite sports teams
        Favorite hobbies
        Favorite bands, books, or movies
        Weekend trips
        What they’re trying to achieve in life
        Favorite vacations or where they would like to travel to

     Compliment others. Complimenting people -- when you mean it -- will make you seem and feel like a much more friendly person. Just a small compliment given at the right time will make people think, "He/she's really nice!" and will make them feel more comfortable and happy to be in your presence.
How to be friendly?
Does smiling make you look more approachable, friendly person?
Do mobile phones distract you when you talk to someone else? 
Do you laugh easily? Do you think laughing make you a more friendly person?
What are the talking topics you start talking with new friend?
How to compliment others?


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