週二(9/13)1.給個 ”面子"2.學習如何”通靈”

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「Losing Face in China」的圖片搜尋結果

Gaining and Losing Face in China   By Sean Upton-McLaughlin

Gaining Face and Losing FaceMost Westerners who are planning to China for business have almost certainly heard of the concept of Face, or Miàn zi (面子). Chinas more traditional  society indeed places a great deal of importance on Face within society, business, and politics. However it can be difficult for Westerners to understand the specific rules relating to Face in China, as well as the different contexts where it should be used. For example, what actions will cause someone to gain or lose Face? In what situations should Face be given? How can Face affect your business and daily life in China? In the following article, several of the basic points surrounding Face will be explained, which all Westerners need to be familiar with to succeed in China.

What Is Face?

In China and much of Asia, Face represents a person’s reputation and feelings of prestige within multiple spheres, including the workplace, the family, personal friends, and society at large. The concept of Face can be understood more easily by breaking it down into three separate components: the individual view, the community view, and actions. The “individual view” pertains to the amount of prestige individuals feel based on their accomplishments, and the amount of respect they feel they are due based on their position and status, such as in a company or the home. For example, in the modern Chinese economy there are many opportunities to buy status symbols, which help a person gain prestige. 

What is Face? The “community view” pertains to the amount of respect individuals feel necessary to give to someone else based upon that person’s position or status, such as in a business, the family unit or within a group or friends. For example, status in a Chinese family is divided by very distinct roles; there are even separate terms used to address older and younger cousins, aunts, and uncles. Giving the same amount of respect to older and younger aunts or uncles might be viewed as a serious breach of etiquette.

Face is very visible in the Chinese business environment and plays an important role in inter- and intra-company communication, business negotiations, and the development and maintenance of relationships. In China, company hierarchy is much more important than in many Western countries. Not only are leaders and managers placed on a higher pedestal, but the distinction between different levels of management is much clearer and more important.
Why Chinese consider that face, or miàn zi (面子) is important?
Is “face” important to you?
Hoe to keep someone’s face?
What to do if you make some losing face?
What would do if someone make you lose face?
How to build a good reputation?
How to have good manners?
How to Develop Psychic Abilities   wikihow

Psychics are people who can tap into the sub-conscious mind. Most people have some psychic abilities, however they may be clouded by too much clutter or you haven’t figured out how to enhance or use them. Psychic abilities can be fine-tuned, brought out, and developed.

Learn about the different kinds of psychic abilities. Some psychics are strongest in one psychic area or they choose to focus on one at the expense of others.

    Imagine you are using your “third eye” – the chakra (or energy field) that is located above your real eyes. Visualize this third eye opening and expanding. See what you notice in the mind’s “inner screen.” Try this with your eyes shut.

Clairvoyance. Clairvoyant mediums can see spirits, auras, objects and places that are not perceptible to others. People who have passed away may appear to them in visions, or they may be able to vividly sense a place to which they have never been. Psychic mediums see these visions with their third eye, located between the two physical eyes. Everyone has a third eye, but the average person's is closed or too weak to use.
    Clairaudience. Clairaudient mediums can hear messages from the "other side," either physically or psychically. They are able to communicate with spirits that are thousands of miles away, or in another dimension altogether.
    Clairsentience . Clairsentient mediums experience psychic communication through pure knowing. They get surges of knowledge given from the spirits, that they then interpret.

    Put the object in your hands, close your eyes, relax, and feel – what your body feels. You could ask yourself whether you think the object belonged to a man or woman, what the emotions were of the person who owned it, and what kind of work they did.
    Write what comes to you as instinct. This is called an energetic impression. Don’t edit anything. It’s best if the person who gives you the object actually knows the owner but doesn’t tell you. That way you can compare what you write down to the actual facts.

 Learn how to rely on and recognize intuition. Intuition is a belief or sense of something that is not anchored to logical reasoning. It’s a gut instinct that transcends logic.
Although everyone has intuition, some people are able to develop it more than other people. Work on developing your intuition by trusting it; it’s the gut feelings you get when you first meet someone. Make sure your motives are pure; that will free up psychic tendencies.
How to develop psychic abilities?
Do you believe somebody could predict future?
Do you curious about the “third eye”?
Do you believe psychic mediums could communicate with spirits?
Do you think that some people could hear messages from the "other world?"
How to discover your psychic tendencies?

How to rely on and recognize intuition? 

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