周三(9/14) 1.熬夜毒害身體!2.讓自己快樂的事

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Reasons Why Staying Up Late Can Be Toxic for Your Health    By Livingly Staff

It Creates Bad Eating Habits
This is an issue for almost everyone who stays up late at night. In fact, "people who go to bed late and sleep late eat more calories in the evening. Yes, that's right. Sadly it's possible for late-night sleepers to eat 248 more calories a day than those who get to bed at a decent hour, and all of that can lead to about two pounds per month.​ Although co-lead author Kathryn Reid admitted that the study and research couldn't confirm whether or not people choose poor food options at night because they're night owls or simply because those specific, unhealthy options are the only ones available, the correlation between weight gain and the time participants went to sleep was prevalent.

Late Nights Weaken Your Immune System
According to a study in the "Cancer Research" journal from researchers at the University of Chicago and University of Louisville, "Poor-quality sleep marked by frequent awakenings can speed cancer growth, increase tumor aggressiveness and dampen the immune system’s ability to control or eradicate early cancers."
​A lack of sleep has often been linked to a poor immune system, so it's no wonder that so many college students, and just night owls in general, get sick so frequently.

Melatonin Production Can Be Affected
In relation to a lack of sleep potentially bringing about various illnesses in your life (cancer being one of the most extreme possibilities), when people don't hit the hay earlier in the night and get less than the recommended hours of sleep, their melatonin levels can go down.

So while it may different for someone with insomnia who simply just can't go to sleep though they're laying in bed in the dark, for a night owl who stays up late gaming, studying or binge-watching TV shows, the light proves to be detrimental. With modern technology, all that glare can actually be hurting your sleep. So if you want to improve your health, try turning off your phone a few hours before you go to sleep and avoid watching any TV beforehand as well.

You Can Be Prone to Negative Thoughts & Anxiety
Jacob Nota and Meredith Coles of Binghamton University published a study in December 2014 noting that, "people who sleep for shorter periods of time and go to bed very late at night are often overwhelmed with more negative thoughts than those who keep more regular sleeping hours."
Why staying up late can be toxic for your health?  
Pros and cons of staying up late?
Pros and cons of early birds?
Do you think that being night owls getting sick so frequently?
Do you think that games, TV, phone affected sleeping?
Why staying up late pronging to negative thoughts and anxiety?
How do bad eating habits affect health?
「happy life」的圖片搜尋結果

有多久 沒有仰頭看閃亮的星星呢?坐在微風輕吹的河岸呢?
Ways to live your life happy    Stacy Tornio

Go to a concert. Music feeds the soul, and experiencing it live is like no other. You don't have to go to a big, crowded concert in order to enjoy live music. Though, if that's your thing — go for it! Also look for small venues and independent bands in your area.

Surprise someone. This one is completely wide open — interpret it in any way you want. You could send someone flowers, take a special friend lunch or have a treasure hunt with your kids.

Go to somewhere new in nature. Here's another good outdoor challenge. Pick a sunny day, and then go to a park, preserve or other natural area for the day that you've never been to before.

Spend time with your pet. When life gets busy, our pets often fall a few notches on the priority list. Try to spend good, quality time with your pet, and it'll naturally lift your spirits, too.

Gaze at the stars. If you live near a city, do yourself a favor and drive out and away from the lights on a clear night. This will give you the best view to find those constellations you learned about as a kid.

Sit by the lake or water. There's something about water and its movement that naturally soothes the soul. Hike to a waterfall, find a river you've never been to or just sit and enjoy your favorite body of water.

Enjoy art. This can mean 10 different things to 10 different people, so take your pick. Maybe you want to hit up an art museum, or perhaps you want to check out a shop in your area featuring local artisans.

Cook something challenging from scratch. The best part of this one is the research involved in finding what you want to make. Luckily, there are all kinds of websites out there dedicated to awesome recipes, so start searching. Try to push yourself, and don't take any shortcuts.

Challenge yourself physically. Set a goal like hike 7 miles, bike 15 or do 50 push-ups in a day. Only you know the right challenge for yourself.

What are your ways to live your life happy?   
Do you like to go to a concert?
How to surprise someone?
How often you go to in nature? How often you go sit by the lake or water?
Do you like cooking?
Do you enjoy art? Are you a museum goer?
What do you think the idea that set a goal like hike 7 miles, bike 15 or do 50 push-ups in a day?
「女博士 于娟」的圖片搜尋結果
復旦大學女博士 于娟遺作


于娟,女,年32歲,祖籍山東濟寧,海歸博士,本科就讀上海交大,在復旦讀完碩士博士 ,後赴挪威繼續深造。


201012日,于娟被確診乳腺癌晚期 2011419日淩晨三時許,于娟辭世。




于娟: 在生死臨界點的時候

















下午5——7點酉時 腎經當令

晚上7——9點戌時 心包經當令

晚上9——11點亥時 三焦經當令

晚上11——1點子時 膽經當令

淩晨1——3點丑時 肝經當令

淩晨3——5點寅時 肺經當令

淩晨5——7點卯時 大腸經當令









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