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Why Charismatic People Are More Successful            Elite Daily
Charisma is one of the most essential traits of a successful person. If you look at the leaders, innovators, legends and the generally successful, the one quality all of them possess is charisma. In order to aspire to such heights, it's important to understand why charisma is so necessary for success.

1. They Inspire Others

As the good old saying goes: it's not what you do, it's why you do it. Charismatic people inspire action within others. They make others believe in what they are doing to inspire them to help them achieve their goals. They make them believe in their dreams, goals and a greater purpose. On top of all that, they make everyone around them feel special and a greater part of the cause rather than just a pedestrian employee.

2. They Only Bring Positive Energy

You can sense a charismatic person as soon as they walk into the room. They just have something about them and possess a certain type of energy that many lack. They bring light in and have the whole room interested in what they have to say — because of their charisma they can entertain anyone and get along with whomever they choose to.

3. They Have A Vision

Charismatic leaders always have a target, they know where they are heading and they know where they want to be. Clarity within the vision is what gets people to believe in and work hard for it. And it's not just any vision, it is one that is incredibly compelling and is in line with your values, interests and desires.

Your passion for this vision should be so intense that other people will fall in love with it. A powerful and current vision – one that really connects with your deepest passions and triggers your highest potential – it should help you to know why you're doing what you're doing, regardless of what's going on outside of yourself or the challenges presented to you at any given time.

4. They Understand How Important Others Are

Rome was not built in a day, nor was it done by just one person. We live in a world where we need others to help us get to where we want. Not only can you learn from other people, but you can use them in your favor as well. Charismatic people understand that it is not the quantity of people that you have in your life, but rather the quality of them and they value those relationships pretty highly. It's not what you know, but who you know nowadays.
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Ways To Read Someone’s Mind Easily   By Jesse Herman   spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com

Many of us think of reading somebody else’s mind as a sort of control mechanism. If you can figure out their next move, you can manipulate them or anticipate their future actions.  In reality, it can be far more practical and personal.

1) Body Language

Body language is another clear indication as to what somebody is thinking. If their forehead is creased they are stressed. How are they sitting or standing; what is their posture?
You can learn a lot about a person’s mental state from their body language, posture, and energy levels.

2) Watch their breath

How are they breathing? If somebody breathes through the base of their spine it means they are relaxed. If ones breathe is shallow, they are tense. If you want to know someone’s mental state, observe their breath.

If their breathing is choppy, they are most likely nervous which means they don’t want you to know something.  They may be shy, anxious, or hiding something from you.  If someone has a relaxed breath, you know that their mental state is calm which typically means they are being truthful.

3) Read their eyes

The eyes can also be revealing. The pupil is said to be a portal to the mind. Some studies have shown that when one thinks hard, pupils dilate.  Interestingly, when the brain is overloaded the pupils will constrict.

Also with pupils, when you first meet someone they widen. If they widen but then constrict, it means they are not really interested in you. If the remain dilated, it means they are excited to be with you.

4) Listen to their tone of voice. Not the words, their tone.

The tone of voice can also tell everything. The speed of somebodies voice. Slow is calm, fast in nervous. The words are not as important as the energy behind them. This does not even need to be explained because you know what a certain tone means. But sometimes we must really tune in and listen to get answers.
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