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「your enemies」的圖片搜尋結果

8 best ways to deal with your enemies     earning-mind.com

How to deal with ill-wishers? Of course, they are all different, but here are a few good general tips:
1. First, learn to identify them.
Sometimes we just do not realize that someone is our ill-wisher. They can be close friends or family members, so when they say negative things, we often believe them and take them to heart. You should remember that there is a big difference between realists and sceptics. Learn to listen to what others say, and note your reaction. If that upsets you and makes you feel depressed, then probably these people are your ill-wishers.

2. Reject any negative thoughts they bring.
Enemies will always try to bring to you their negative thoughts, which can raise doubts about your rightness. Then it can grow and affect the way you feel about your goals. Stop these negative thoughts as soon as possible! Replace them with positive beliefs. Do not let them beat you!

3. Understand that you will always have enemies, and don’t take them to heart
In everyone’s life there is at least one enemy. You can not avoid seeing them but you can avoid listening to them. Just smile and do not pay attention to their words. They will not be able to affect you if you ignore their words.

4. Try to win them over.
Sometimes ill-wishers are your close people and you can’t ignore them. If so, it is better to enlist the help of these people, rather than fight them. Try to do it as soon as possible. Tell them that it is very important to you, and you need their help. Tell them that you understand their concerns, but you really need a positive attitude and support. If they are your close people who care about you, they will become your best allies.

5. Laugh with them.
Sometimes people feel uncomfortable when you take some changes and in order to get rid of this discomfort, they come up with different jokes and begin to taunt you. They just do not know how else to react. Be aware of this and just laugh. If you take their words as nothing more but just a good joke, it disarms them. They can continue making jokes at you, but it won’t longer affect you if you’ll just laugh at them.

6. Have ready-made counter-arguments and use them.
Sometimes people are just misinformed about what is happening. They may misunderstand what you are doing. Think on all their arguments and prepare your counter-arguments. Conduct your small research and justify the correctness of your actions. Then try to enlighten” your ill-wishers. If you do it correctly, with a positive and sincere attitude, you can manage to make a person listen to you, and perhaps even change his opinion. If you fail, then at least you will be much better informed about their arguments and won’t let them give birth to doubts in your head.
Do you have enemies? How to identify your enemies?
What are the ways to deal with your enemies?
How to win friends and influence enemies?
What to do when you feel misunderstood?
What are the ways to deal with negative or difficult people?
「polite Manners」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Have Good Manners  wiki

    Practice basic courtesy. Say "Please" and "Thank you," when you need to, even to the person behind the counter at McDonald's. People notice when you're courteous and respectful toward them, and it can count for a lot.
        Additionally, say "Excuse me" whenever you accidentally bump into someone, or if need to leave a social setting temporarily.

    Speak politely. Keep the volume of your voice as low as possible while still allowing people to hear you, and don't use slang or filler words (such as "like," "uh," "so..." and so on). Remember that the people around you are not all deaf, so you don't need to shout at the top of your lungs. They might think that you are rude.
        If possible, try not to drop your Gs. For instance, instead of saying "hangin' out," try to enunciate "hanging out."
        Don't discuss rude topics in public, such as bodily functions, gossip, dirty jokes, swear words, or anything you wouldn't want your mom (or someone you have a crush on) to hear you say.
        Don't interrupt or override another person when he or she is speaking. Practice being a good listener, and talk when it's your turn.

    Give up your seat on public transportation. If you're on a crowded train or bus and you notice someone struggling to stand up. (For example, an elderly person, a pregnant woman, or someone with a lot of parcels), offer him or her your seat. Saying something like, "Excuse me, I'd be delighted if you'd accept my seat," can make the situation less awkward for the other person. If he or she declines, be gracious; say, "Please feel welcome to let me know if you change your mind."

    Congratulate people. Offer your congratulations to someone who's just made a big accomplishment (such as graduating or being promoted), has added to his or her family (such as getting married or having a child), or has otherwise done something worthy of praise. People that you praised will be inspired and touched because of you. They will also do this when you achieved something.
        Be a good sport. Congratulate anyone who beats you in a race, sporting event, election or other competition.
    Know how to greet people. Whether you're in an informal or formal situation, acknowledging the presence of another person is a fundamental point of having good manners.

        Make any necessary greeting gestures. For informal greetings, how you physically interact with that person is your choice - you could do nothing at all, or offer a hug, handshake, or other greeting based on your relationship with that person. For formal greetings, though, it's appropriate to offer a handshake or bow your head forward slightly. If the person you're greeting formally goes in for a hug or an air kiss, accept it graciously.
How to have good manners?
What are the polite ways to greet people?
How to speak politely?
What are the rude topics should not discuss in public?
How to deal with someone who like talking gossip, dirty jokes?
Do you think that is necessary to give up your seat on public transportation?
How to congratulate people?

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