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「Advertising Influence People?」的圖片搜尋結果
How Does Advertising Influence People?  By Amy Handlin          eHow

Advertising is an effective means of communicating information about products and services to a large number of consumers at once. This information plays a key role in educating people about different brands' functions and features, like how they work, what they cost and where they can be purchased. Because the information in ads comes directly from the manufacturer, it is more likely than secondhand reports to be verifiable and reliable. This helps buyers make choices most likely to satisfy their needs and wants.
Advertising is an effective means of communicating information about products and services to a large number of consumers at once.

Using creative techniques like direct brand comparisons, advertising can persuade people that one product will be better than another in improving their lives or delivering benefits they seek. It can often motivate them to take immediate action, like trying a new brand, redeeming a coupon or requesting more information. By calling attention to different uses for a product, advertising also encourages people to buy in bigger volume and/or more frequently than they otherwise would.
Advertising can persuade people that one product will be better than another in improving their lives or delivering benefits they seek.

Before a buyer completes her purchase, advertising can help her confirm that she is getting what she wants. Even after the transaction has been made, advertising plays a role by reminding a consumer why she spent her money and reassuring her that she made the right choice. This reassurance effect of advertising is especially important when the product was very expensive or the choice was risky. In other words, it helps to eliminate the psychological discomfort commonly known as "buyer's remorse."
This reassurance effect of advertising is especially important when the product was very expensive or the choice was risky.

By reducing a consumer's need to search for products or the stores that stock them, advertising makes shopping simpler and more time-efficient. It helps eliminate unnecessary risk-taking and facilitates easier decision-making at the point of purchase. Particularly in crowded product categories like snack foods, video games, toothpaste or shampoo, consumers rely heavily on advertising to weed out unsuitable alternatives and quickly steer them to the most promising goods.
articularly in crowded product categories like snack foods, video games, toothpaste or shampoo, consumers rely heavily on advertising.

How does advertising influence people?  
Does advertisement helps you make choices when buying something?
What are the brands you trust the most?
How to persuade people?
What makes consumers try new products?
What are the factors that influence your buying behavior?
What are the ways to truly satisfy your customers?
「China Celebrate Christmas」的圖片搜尋結果
How Do People in China Celebrate Christmas?

Chinese Christmas is primarily a non-religious year-end celebration heavily influenced by the Chinese interest in Western culture. Even though most Chinese people are not Christians, there are still some that celebrate the holiday by following Christian traditions.

Chinese Christmas is primarily a non-religious year-end celebration heavily influenced by the Chinese interest in Western culture.Even though most Chinese people are not Christians, there are still some that celebrate the holiday by following Christian traditions.

Decorations: In big cities of China, Chinese decorate trees, called Trees of Light, with paper flowers, lanterns and chains on public places. Chinese Christians often decorate their homes with paper lanterns and lights during Christmas,and children hang stockings made of muslin.

Church Services: Chinese Christians go to church if this religious tradition is an important part of your Christmas celebration. Midnight Mass is popular with the small Catholic population.

Store Santas: In order to promote their Christmas goods, a lot of men dressed as Santa and waitresses wearing Santa hats, distribute candy to shoppers and children.

Gift Giving: when the Chinese wrap gifts, they look for happy colors, such as red, pink or yellow. White, blue and black are mourning colors that should never be used for wrapping there.They should never be covered in wrapping featuring birds, which are a symbol of death in Chinese culture.In China, a recipient traditionally reacts to Christmas gifts.Gifts are exchanged with loved ones to show love and care for one another. And they will say" Merry Christmas "
How do people in Taiwan celebrate Christmas?
How do you celebrate Christmas?
Why is Christmas so popular? Why people like holidays?
Do you know about the Christmas Traditions?
Do you decorate your house on Christmas season?
Why gift giving makes us happy?
Christmas is shopping season, do you like go shopping?
The Dōngzhì Festival and Tangyuan
To Taiwanese people, the festival in winter also plays a very important role. It is also a tradition for Taiwanese to eat tangyuan on this day. They also use the festive food as an offering dish to worship the ancestors.

In an interesting twist, in accordance with ancient Taiwanese history, many people take some of the tangyuan that have been used as offerings and stick them on the back of the door or on windows and tables and chairs. These "empowered" tangyuan supposedly serve as protective talismans to keep evil spirits from coming close to children.

In addition to following some of the customs practiced on mainland China, the people of Taiwan have their own unique custom of offering nine-layer cakes as a ceremonial sacrifice to worship their ancestors. These cakes are made using glutinous rice flour in the shape of a chicken, duck, tortoise, pig, cow, or sheep, and then steamed in different layers of a pot. These animals all signify auspiciousness in Chinese tradition.

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