週四 (12/22)1.人生低潮不放棄2.一粒就懂你要什麼!「數位藥丸」

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「Don’t Give Up」的圖片搜尋結果

Don’t Give Up When Life Gets Hard      healthylifestylesliving
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.- Dale Carnegie

I know you’ve been fighting so hard to make ends meet, to keep yourself going when things just don’t seem to be working out. Yes life may well be proving unbelievably frustrating at the moment but you try so hard not to let it get you down. It’s important to remember how far you’ve come. So that you never give up.

Many of you live from day to day with unrelieved pain. You suffer at times with mental and emotional torment. For too many this takes up a large, unbearable part of your life. And you feel there is no getting away from it.

    Don’t give up. There are too many nay-sayers out there who will try to discourage you. Don’t listen to them. The only one who can make you give up is yourself. – Sidney Sheldon

Give Up is defined as the loss of hope, admitting defeat and the act of surrendering with no will to fight again. Life is filled with so many challenges. You’ve got to constantly regain control of your emotions and stay on top of each situation despite its difficulty. But you can do it!

    Nothing could be worse than the fear that one had given up too soon, and left one unexpended effort that might have saved the world.- Jane Addams

At some point on your life journey you get to the point where you feel like giving up. Often it feels like life has thrown you into the deep end yet you can’t swim. You find yourself in crushing situations that you don’t know how to get through. But never give up, because you don’t know when you are reaching the point where you are just about to make that break through.

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. – Thomas Edison

We all have our fair share of good days and bad days, days when we feel more certain than others. You have to understand that you are the one who ultimately dictates how you react to situations.

Be a warrior, don’t give up on life, face your challenges and stay strong. Understand you can’t change the past, because it’s already happened. Yet you can design your future by dealing with the current challenges of life positively.

You can face those challenges by taking a single new step every day. Just don’t give up. Be proud of what you have already achieved. Congratulate yourself for the achievements you have already made.
What do you do when you find everything going wrong in life?
How to get through tough times?
How to encourage yourself when life gets hard?
What are the most of the important things in life?
How to control your emotions in any situation?
Why you should keep trying?
How to face your challenges and stay strong?


British Airways could serve passengers 'digital pill' to monitor in-flight happiness   telegraph.co.uk

British Airways could soon serve passengers a “digital pill” so it can monitor their stomach acidity levels and change their in-flight dining options accordingly.

This is just one way the British flag carrier thinks having fliers swallow an “ingestible sensor” could help improve their travel experience.

The pill would be one part of a myriad of sensors, including temperature, sleep phase and heart rate, that the airline would use to check on a passenger’s physiological state through a flight and manage their sleep times, meals and in-flight entertainment usage.

The system “for controlling the travel environment for a passenger” has been explained in a patent application filed to the Intellectual Property Office earlier this year.

What is desired is a system that facilitates greater efficiencies within the aircraft travel environment and enables improved control and personalisation of the passenger’s travel environment, in particular for enhanced passenger wellness and wellbeing when flying,” the application says.

It cites a “Jet Lag Fighter” app from Virgin Atlantic that allows users to enter personal data to acquire a programme to alleviate jet lag as a similar approach to customer wellbeing in the industry.

British Airways reckons that by using data from a number of sources it can best understand how to manage a passenger's sleeping, eating, stretching and entertainment preferances on flights. The sensor could help tell whether a passenger was “awake, asleep, hungry, nervous, hot, cold [or] uncomfortable” - and inform crew.

Of the “digital pill”, technology developed in the last few years, BA’s patent said: “Digital pills or other ingestible sensors, that detect internal temperature, stomach acidity and other internal properties and wirelessly relay this information outside the passenger’s body.”

Lighting, seat position and air conditioning are other “environmental conditions” that could be altered according to information from the sensor.

The idea is that it would save the passenger from entering data manually.

According to the patent application, BA wants to create an app that helps aids passengers’ entire travel experience, from leaving their house or work, through the airport and flight, to their onward journey.

A spokesperson for British Airways told the Standard: “We are always looking to deliver new innovations for our customers, whether it be in design or digital transformation. As such, we develop many ideas and submit many patents.”
What do you think about the 'digital pill’?
Do you really want that someone know what you are thinking?
Is there a mind reading machine?
What are the new app functions?
Sharing your travel stories with friends?
List of pros and cons of technology?

What do you think of the customer service in Taiwan?

一粒就懂你要什麼! 英航提供「數位藥丸」

不久的將來,英國航空將提供乘客「數位藥丸」(digital pill)的服務。待乘客把藥丸吞下肚,空服員就開始監測他們腸胃道的ph環境,加以調整客人的機內用餐選擇。而這,僅是這家英籍航空公司試圖讓乘客吞下感測器後,想出的其中一種運用方式。不管如何,他們相信這樣可以讓乘客的旅行經驗更美好。



申請書上更引用維京航空的「時差戰鬥機」(Jet Lag FighterAPP作為客製化服務的例證。用戶只要輸入個人資訊、行程細節到APP上,這套應用程式就會作出適當建議,用戶可以根據建議調整、訓練自己的身體來適應新的時區,提升旅遊品質。






例如空中巴士公司就提出要在同一層機艙內新增「夾層」,類似樓中樓的概念,增加機內空間使用。或是B/E Aerospace 公司則規劃讓座椅可以依據乘客,及前後排的乘客的身高移動、調整,讓大家都有舒適的空間伸展腿部。

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