週四 (1/12)1.感謝傷你心的人/感謝工作2.燒炭自殺/為何自殺?

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「grateful 」的圖片搜尋結果

Things You Should Be Grateful For     lifehack

Your Heartbreaks
Each heartbreak made your heart stronger, wiser, more experienced. It gave you the wisdom to tell between loyal and faithful, a lie and a truth, and eventually between reality and expectations. Your heartbreaks taught you to bounce back and introduced you to your quieter side and your best friends. Be grateful for that knowledge.

Your Mistakes
A clouded judgment, a tinted perspective, an unfair remark, that stupid, stupid, phone call. Some mistakes that were forgiven and some that weren’t. Some mistakes that warranted an answer and some that didn’t. Every mistake helped you grow, to learn, to understand. Be grateful for the wisdom that your mistakes enabled.

Your Mentors
Be it your family, friends, professors, or bosses, be grateful for those individuals who took time out of their lives to help you. To make you feel more competent and give you the cheat sheet of life that they never had. Be grateful for their guidance.

Your jobs
For all the hard work you put in and for the job that pays your rent. It may not be the best yet, but it could help you get the best. It’s one door that will lead to another. It’s a door that you had to fight to get to. Be grateful the door opened.

Your Enemies
Your enemies taught you about the world the way that no book or reality show could. They taught you how to fight, how to be true to yourself and, most importantly, what not to be like. Be grateful to your enemies for showing you who you never want to be.

Your Pain
The funny thing about pain is that when you feel it, it hurts so bad, but when it’s gone, you can’t remember how it felt. You have an idea that you hurt but not how much. Be grateful that it’s over, that the pain you once felt is no more. And the pain you feel will slowly die out. Be grateful for the pain for it introduced you to a greater joy after it passed.

Drinking Water
Everyday on the streets of my hometown I see children begging for mercy, for food, but even more so, for water. Be grateful for the water you drink. For the ease of the availability of that water and the purity of the water. Be grateful, for millions are dying because they don’t have water. For water, too, is a privilege.

Your Name
It’s an identity you were born with. Your name gave you a place in the world. It doesn’t matter whether you changed it, or kept it or hate it, it’s your first, not only, identity, but an identity nonetheless. Be grateful for an identity.
What are the other things you should be grateful for? 
Do you really thanks your heartbreaks?
How to learn from your mistakes
Do you like your jobs?
Do you really thanks your enemies
Have you ever appreciated the drinking water you drink?
Do you like your name?
「 suicide」的圖片搜尋結果
Three are dead in mass suicide in Penghu    By George Liao, Taiwan News

Taipei (Taiwan News)--Three have died since five women from two families were found to have committed charcoal-burning suicide in a house in Magong City, Penghu County on Friday night.  

All of them were rushed to hospital on Friday night. An 18-year-old girl surnamed Chen died on the same night. On Saturday night, 54-year-old and 55-year-old women surnamed Tsai and Wang, respectively, also died after emergency treatment. A 23 year old surnamed Chen and a 25 year old surnamed Tsai are still under treatment.   

Common Reasons Why People Commit Suicide    listaka.com

It is one of the leading causes of suicides around the world. People who suffer from depression feel like their existence doesn’t matter anymore. You can often hear them saying things like, “my friends will be better off without me”, “I’m a burden on my parents”. They are unable to feel happy about anything, nothing really interests them. They are convinced that they are worthless and that they will never get past this stage.

Some people have a tendency to set unrealistically high standards for themselves and are likely to be overly critically in their self evaluation.Perfectionism may increase the chances of suicide more than hopelessness. Suicide is an attempt to escape shortcomings of self rather than accepting them. The problems begin with one or more stressful life events in which the person’s expectations and standards are not met.

Regrets are a part of life. Everyone has some regrets in their lives, all of us have made mistakes in our past that we regret. We can either make peace with our regrets or keep on sinking by thinking about them. While many of us choose to move on, rest of us may not that efficient at coming to terms with our mistakes. They keep lamenting about their mistakes and drown in guilt. They submerge so deeply in guilt that they can go as far as committing suicide to get rid of it.

Traumatic experience
People who have been through traumatic experiences like wars, sexual assault, losing a loved one or any terrifying ordeal may develop Post Traumatic Stress disorder. Some people experience trauma at such intensity that it affects them both mentally and physically and leaves them scarred for life.  
They no longer feel secure in this world and thus they are driven to the idea of suicide and sometimes end up taking their life.

Finding a decent job to make ends meet is not as easy as it sounds. Unemployment is a major reason for suicide among the youth. With the competition so high and the number of opportunities so less, it becomes a tedious task to bag a job. Around 45,000 people commit suicide each year because of unemployment.
What do you think this news reported that charcoal-burning suicide?
How to overcome depression?
What are the causes why people commit suicide?
How to cope with emotional and psychological trauma?
Do you regret anything in life?
Why perfectionism is bad for you?
What to do when you lose your job?

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