周六(1/21) 1.用聲音創造好印象2.如何過有意義的生活? 下午 4:00pm--6:00pm

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「voice to make a good impression」的圖片搜尋結果
How to use your voice to make a good impression    BY WILMA DEN HARTIGH

How to Talk, Act and Dress Your Way to Success, says good communication is a powerful sales tool and one of the most important factors that can influence business success.
Rissen-Harrisberg advises that people stay away from fake accents and an unnatural or forceful voice. "Use your voice pitch, which is how high or low the frequency of your voice is when you speak, to come across as sincere and confident", she says.
"The more serious you are, the more slowly you need to speak"
She adds that people who speak with a rich, resonant voice in the lower frequencies, are generally perceived to be more credible and sincere.
What can I do right now to improve my voice?
1. Practice breathing consciously. This means to breathe deeply. In this way your voice will come like a balloon from the stomach and will be projected out in a resounding way.
2. What if I mumble all the time? Open your mouth and project your voice. What often stops the sound is your teeth and lips. Practice opening your mouth by saying the word ‘ouch’.
3. Slow down. Speaking too quickly makes it difficult for other people to grasp what you are saying. Giving your speech meaning comes from using the correct pace. The more serious you are, the more slowly you need to speak (but within reason). This gives the listener time to pick up everything you say and understand that it is important.
4. Pause. While talking you would naturally pause to breathe. But pausing is also a powerful tool that adds colour and variety to speech. It gives listeners time to think about what you have just said and creates a bit of suspense.
5. Let down your barriers. Vulnerability and authenticity are two of the most captivating characteristics in a public speaker.
6. Don't over prepare. Know what you will be talking about, but over preparation can create separation from your audience. Sometimes the most memorable presentation is one where people can sense that you are present and say what comes to you in the moment.
7. Seek professional help. Voice training can help you develop a more flexible vocal tone using proper breathing techniques and vocal exercises to achieve a more flexible and varied tone.

How to use your voice to make a good impression?
How to make a speech more attractive?
How to make a good impression?
How to sharpen your communication skills?
How to talk in a sincere and confident voice?
How to make the listener fully understand everything you say?
「to Live a More Meaningful Life」的圖片搜尋結果
Ways to Live a More Meaningful Life      David Loker   lifehack

Know What’s Important
Know what’s important for you. Write down your top 5 things that you believe are the essence of how you want to live life. This can include things like “family time,” or “sing every day.” It could also include more complex ideas, like “honesty” and “simplicity.”

Discover Your Life’s Purpose
If you had to give yourself a reason to live, what would it be? What would you stand for? What principles do you hold highest? Is your life’s purpose to help others? Is it to inspire others with great works of art, or you words? Finding your life’s purpose is a daunting task, and when I first heard the idea, I had no idea where to start. For methods on discovering your life’s purpose, I recommend Steve Pavlina’s blog entries on the subject. I also recommend reading the article What Makes Life Worth Living.

Be Self-Aware
Be aware of yourself and your actions. Remain mindful of what you do at all times, and make sure you are living life according to your principles, your life’s purpose, and what you are passionate about. Review your actions each day, taking stock of those that strayed from your path. Work towards correcting any incidents in the future. Meditation is a great tool for accomplishing this task. It helps us increase our self-awareness throughout the day.

Rather than chasing 3 or 4 goals and making very little progress on them, place all of your energy on one thing. Focus. Not only will you alleviate some of the stress associated with trying to juggle so many tasks, you will be much more successful. Try and align your goal with something you are passionate about, so that there will be an intrinsic drive to work hard and do well.

People More Than Things
Often, we are faced with wanting to buy material goods. I recommend you consider carefully what you purchase, and think more about spending your money on experiences with friends and family. Not only will this give deeper meaning to your life by focusing on your relationships rather than material wealth, but you will be a happier person as a result.

Find a Way to Give Back
Do something that both honors your beliefs and passions, while giving something back to the world. By giving something back, we inevitably find purpose in the act. By cultivating more of these activities, you will find your life has more meaning and purpose behind it.

Set Daily Goals
In the morning, before you start your day, create a list of 3 goals that you find fulfilling and meaningful. Make sure they adhere to your set of principles and beliefs. Tackle the hardest things first! Don’t make this list too long. By placing too many things on the list, you’ll feel the urge to multi-task, which is not good, or you’ll feel overwhelmed, which isn’t good either. By trying to do less, you’ll end up doing more.
How to live a more meaningful life?
Do you know that what’s important to you?
Sharing your top 3 things that you believe are the essence of how you want to live life?
How to discover your life’s purpose?
How to be focus?
What are your opinion about this saying “life by focusing on your relationships rather than material wealth”?
How to find a way to give back?

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