周六(1/7) 1. 團結冰箱/防止食物浪費2.好習慣帶領成功 下午 4:00pm--6:00pm

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間下午4:00pm--6:00pm
「Solidarity fridge」的圖片搜尋結果

Solidarity fridge     Written by Anne-Laure Fayard

"The Solidarity Fridge is a project to fight against food waste. 40% of the food products in the world don’t even get sold, whether it is due to less than perfect looks, not being part of the latest food trends, or being too close to the sell by date, the fact is that they just end up in the garbage." (excerpt from the Solidarity Fridge website).

It all started in  Galdakao, Spain: "Galdakao, population 29,000, has been home to Spain’s first “solidarity fridge”, in which residents and restaurants can drop off leftover or unused food otherwise destined for the bin. Anything left in the fridge can be picked up by anyone who wants it. “I would guess we’ve saved between 200 and 300kg from the rubbish bin,” said organiser Álvaro Saiz. A typical day might see leftover lentils, a few sandwiches and unopened milk cartons left in the fridge.

The idea came about as Saiz and other members of the city’s volunteer association were reflecting on the sheer amount of food being thrown out by supermarkets. “We started to think that if even just one of their rubbish bins was replaced with a fridge, people could take advantage of these items.” After an online search revealed a network of shared fridges in Berlin, he said. “We realised we could do this – so we did.”

While inspired by the Berlin model, Saiz wanted to do a version more low-tech so that his elderly neighbors, who are not on the Internet, could access it. He pitched the idea to the Mayor who loved the idea and the city approved a small budget of 5,000 euros to pay for the fridge and an initial health safety study, as well as electricity and upkeep. Interestingly, from the start legal issues were taken into account: the fridge was granted a special independent legal status - so that the city can't be sued if someone gets sick.

There are a few rules:

"No raw meat, fish or eggs. Homemade food must be labeled with the date, and thrown out after four days. Members of Galdakao's volunteer association take turns cleaning out the fridge.

But otherwise, it operates largely on the honor system, and so far there's been no abuse. In fact, food rarely ends up staying a whole day - much less four." 

Local restaurants actively participate. "The fridge has also allowed local restaurants to alleviate guilt over their food wastage, said Álvaro Llonin of Topa restaurant. “Before we used to throw away a lot of food – and it was food that was fine to eat.”  

An interesting aspect, and "the beauty of the project, organizers say, is that no one knows how many people use it. Shame of poverty forces some people to visit the fridge at night, under the cover of darkness." 
What do you think the Solidarity fridge?
Why does almost half of the world food go to waste?
Do you think that food waste problem serious in Taiwan?
How to reduce wasted food at home?
How can we stop food waste? 

How can we help the poor?
Daily Habits That Will Make You Successful       therichest

Develop the Habit of Viewing/Defining success in Relation to Happiness

This habit tops the list of top habits that are bound to make you extremely successful. According to most highly successful individuals, happiness is the most important thing in life. When you develop a habit of seeing yourself successful and happy you will surely become highly successful.

Spend More on Things That Grow or Propel your Dream

Although spending on entertainment isn’t bad, over 80% of your money should be channeled on personal development such as your business in order to fuel growth. Avoid the habit of spending to boost your image or impress people at all costs.

Exercise Regularly and Eat Healthy

Highly successful people understand the importance of having a healthy body and mind. You can’t work if you are sick. You must therefore do everything possible to remain healthy. Exercise 3 to 4 days weekly and eat healthy diets to be able to keep you body and mind healthy.

Avoid the Unsuccessful

You should avoid ”suckers” and the unlucky at all costs because they will destroy your dreams and influence you in a negative way. If you happen to have friends who are ”suckers”, stop spending time with them. They are not worth your time if you really want to achieve success.

Use a Board

A white board is an important accessory to help you keep your goals close and visible. Most highly successful people have big boards in their places of work that remind them why they are working so hard.

 Develop the Habit of Working Harder and More Effective than your Competitors

If you purpose to work harder than everybody else, success won’t be able to evade you. Forget about the saying that you don’t need to work hard but work smart. You must combine both and make them a habit to become highly successful.

Wake up Early

This is another very important habit developed by highly successful people. Forget about those opportunities that promise you overnight success while you sleep. You have to wake up early. Good luck finding a highly successful person who wakes up late. You have to wake up early before everyone else for you to achieve what most people haven’t.
Keep Your to-do List Scaled Down

You should have at most two important tasks to finish everyday if you really want to become highly successful. The remainder of your tasks must be done only after you have completed the most important ones. This habit is important because it keeps you focused on the most important goals.

Read Before You Start Your Day

Many highly successful people admit that they had to develop a reading culture somewhere along the way in order to succeed. You must spare at least 30 minutes every day to read. Reading is important because it grows your knowledge base. Reading also keeps your creative juices flowing. All of which are crucial keys to success.
What are the Habits That Will Make You Successful?     
What is the most important thing in life?
How to spend money on your personal growth?
How Avoid the Unsuccessful people?
How to Exercise Regularly and Eat Healthy?
Do Read books Before You Start Your Day?


為了打擊食物浪費, 西班牙巴斯克自治區加爾達考(Galdakao)郊區街頭日前出現一台冰箱,讓民眾將自己未使用的食材擺放入內,供人取用,一來不僅減少食物浪費,二來甚至解決街友飢餓問題,因此當地民眾稱之為「團結冰箱(solidarity fridge)」。

根據《衛報》報導,想出這個點子的塞茲(Alvaro Saiz)先前任職於西班牙一處小鎮的食品銀行,主要幫助低收入居民解決食物議題,其後因接觸到德國一間機構有效解決民眾未使用之食材後,進而提出團結冰箱概念。這個點子隨後獲得加爾達考小鎮鎮長烏里韋(Ibon Uribe)支持,隨後編列5500歐元(約新台幣20萬元)的預算,作為冰箱採購、電費以及後續維修費用,並在今年5月應運而生。


塞茲最後補充提到,「團結冰箱不是慈善機構,而是涉及食物的妥善利用,否則未用食材最終也只是在垃圾桶內。至於何人去取用都不要緊,即便是當紅的胡利奧•伊格萊西亞斯(Julio Iglesias)也能停下腳步選取他要的食物;目的是要大家重視食物的價值。」


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