周六(11/18) 1睡得好 會成功2. 做一個伸手的善人 下午 4:00-6:00

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「Why Good Sleep Is Critical to Your Success」的圖片搜尋結果
睡得好 會成功
Science Proves Why Good Sleep Is Critical to Your Success               inc.com

1. You'll be happier while on the job.

Psychologists from Sweden surveyed about 5,000 employed adults about their sleep habits and workplace attitudes. Krim takes their findings seriously: "A single night of sleep directly impacts your day and even your week. Being consciously aware of your sleep habits allows you to really evaluate your happiness both inside and outside of the office." If you're consistently unhappy at work, try getting more rest before going in search of a new job.

2. You'll stay cooler under pressure.

Have you ever noticed that your own fuse seems shorter when you are tired? Your family and coworkers can probably confirm that it is. "A well-rested mind is always more at ease. A good night's sleep helps you tackle all of life's curveballs," he suggests. Vitamin Zzz may be the best type of "chill pill."

3. You'll be more popular.

Krim also references a 2016 study from US and Pakistani business school professors, where those who prioritized sleep were considered more engaging and likable. "Turns out, well-slept leaders are perceived as more charismatic." It should really be no surprise, as a lack of sleep tends to make almost anyone cranky...and it's hard to be cranky and charming at the same time.

4. You'll be less accident prone.

Krim references a 2010 survey of more than 4,000 employees at four U.S. corporations, which linked insomnia and insufficient sleep to decreased productivity, performance, and workplace safety. He explains:"Promoting a good night's sleep across the company will not only save money but also increase productivity and employee happiness."

5. You'll be smarter.

"Sleep improves our ability to problem solve and recall information. By getting a good night's rest, you'll perform better the next day," insists Krim. If that's the case, then one of the keys to working smart instead of just hard is knowing when it's time to knock off and go to bed.
Do you think that good sleeping is critical to your success?               Inc.com
What are the benefits of getting more sleep?
Do you think that good sleeping help you be more popular?
Do you think that sleeping well make you be smarter?
What a bad night's sleep really does to your body?
How to stay cooler under pressure?

「help car accident」的圖片搜尋結果
Reasons To Be A Good Samaritan Today
Julie Scagell   scarymommy.com

The term “good Samaritan” comes from a parable in the Bible. In the parable, a traveler is attacked along a dusty stretch of road between Jericho and Jerusalem. A priest and a Levite passed the bruised and battered man by, but it was a Samaritan who had mercy on him. The Samaritan took him home, nursed his wounds, and paid an innkeeper to look after the traveler. Hence, the term good Samaritan is used to describe anyone who offers reasonable assistance to someone believed to be in peril.

Even though I stopped at the scene of the accident to help, I realize that there are many people who are hesitant or afraid to stop to offer help in a crisis. Fears of doing the wrong thing or worrying about not having formal training are common reasons for people to avoid helping in a crisis situation, but here’s the thing: There’s no need to be afraid of being a good Samaritan, and here’s why:

In all 50 states, there are laws that protect citizens who stop to offer reasonable aid to someone in need. Simply put, when you stop at an accident scene, your state has a law to keep you from being prosecuted, so don’t be afraid to stop and lend a hand because you won’t wind up in court. But it’s a good idea to clarify the good Samaritan laws in your state because the laws are so varied.

When an accident happens, it’s everyday people who are there to witness it. It’s the mom in the minivan who can detail the moments leading up to the accident to the police. It’s the man in the parking lot who quickly dials 911. And it’s the woman who stops and simply asks, “Are you okay?” to a scared teenaged driver. You don’t have to perform heroic lifesaving measures to be a good Samaritan. Simply calling 911, and waiting in a nearby parking lot for police, is helpful. Even taking a basic CPR class and learning the signs and symptoms of a heart attack could save a friend’s life.

There are laws to protect good Samaritans in non-crisis situations too. In 1996, the Bill Emerson good Samaritan Food Donation Act was signed into law. This act ensures that anyone who donates reasonably labeled food to local community food banks cannot be prosecuted if the food is damaged or spoiled. Donating food, supporting blood drives, and raising money for a local cause are all part of being a good Samaritan. So even if you feel helpless in situations of crisis, you can do your part for your community in a variety of other ways.
Reasons to be a good samaritan?
How to be a good samaritan?
Have you ever stopped at the scene of the accident to help?
How to help someone in helpless in situations of crisis?
What are the common reasons for people to avoid helping in a crisis situation?
Sharing your experience for calling 911?
Do you know the basic CPR life rescue method?
How to perform first aid to save lives?

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