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「talk to stranger」的圖片搜尋結果

Steps To Turn Strangers Into Connections
Stephanie Vozza  fastcompany

1. Look approachable

We’ve all seen people walking down a hall with their head down or sitting at a table engrossed with their phone. Body language speaks volumes, and they’re sending signals that they don’t want to be bothered. Instead, get interested in the people around you, says Robinett. “A smile shows that you’re open to a conversation,” she says.

2. Say hello

It sounds simple, but a quick “hello” will break the ice. Marriott Hotels has a “15-5 rule” for its employees. Whenever an employee comes within 15 feet of anyone in the hotel, they must acknowledge the guest with eye contact or a friendly nod. If the person comes within five feet, then the employee must smile and say hello. Robinett suggests that you take on the Marriott rule for yourself.

3. Assume the other person is shy

Seventy percent of people proclaim they’re shy, says Robinett. Knowing this puts you in the same boat.

You don’t have to be an extrovert to talk to a stranger,” she says. “We’re all so worried what other people might think about us. The truth is that no one cares because they’re worried about themselves.”

Instead, take the focus off of you and put it onto the other person. “The best connectors I know will tell you they’re shy, but that doesn’t stop them from creating powerful networks,” says Robinett. “They simply know that it takes other people to get to their goals and they come out of their comfort zone.”

4. Find common ground

Whether it’s a mutual friend, location, experience, or point of view, find something in common with another person and start a conversation. While the weather is always a safe topic, you can also ask the person if they have children or pets. Or pay attention to your environment. Robinett, who grew up in Idaho, says she once made a new acquaintance because she noticed he had an Idaho license plate.

5. Be fully present and listen

Give the people you are meeting with the courtesy of your full attention when you are with them, says Robinett.

Bill Clinton is known for his ability to be fully present even when he is with someone for a few seconds,” says Robinett. “The average attention span is eight seconds. Paying attention makes you more memorable and your communication richer.”
How to strike up a conversation with a stranger?
What are the steps to turn strangers into connections?
How to find common ground in conversation?
How to look more approachable?
What are the ways to make people like you?
How to develop good communication skills?

「mental Wound hurts」的圖片搜尋結果
Ways to Turn Your Wounds into Wisdom and Strength        marcandangel

View every challenge as an educational assignment. – Ask yourself:  “What is this situation meant to teach me?”  Every situation in our lives has a lesson to teach us.  Some of these lessons include:  To become stronger.  To communicate more clearly.  To trust your instincts.  To express your love.  To forgive.  To know when to let go.  To try something new, learn something new, and never look back.
Ask yourself more positive questions. – If you ask negative questions, you will get negative answers.  There are no positive answers to, “Why me?” “Why didn’t I?” “What if?” etc.  Would you allow someone else to ask you the demoralizing questions you sometimes ask yourself?  I doubt it.  So stop and swap them for questions that push you in a positive direction.  For instance, “What can I do right now to move forward?”
Make small adjustments as you figure out what works and what doesn’t. – A big part of your life is a result of the choices you make.

Keep putting one foot in front of the other. – Winston S. Churchill once said, “If you are going through hell, keep going.”  In other words, never, never, never give in!  The brick walls in life are there for a reason.  They are not there to keep you out.  They are there to give you a chance to show how badly you want something.  Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it as badly as you do.  They are there to stop the other people.

Keep calm and focus on the positive. – The realist sees reality as concrete.  The OPTIMIST sees reality as clay.  Be the optimist and mold the clay your way.  Take what you’ve learned and build something new.  In other words, don’t see the difficulties in today’s opportunities, see the opportunities in today’s difficulties.  Write it on your heart that today is a chance of a lifetime.  And remember that there is always a reason to celebrate.  Slowing down long enough to celebrate the small victories creates momentum and inspiration to keep on.

Remind yourself that you are not alone. – To lose sleep worrying about a friend.  To have trouble picking yourself up after someone lets you down.  To feel like less because someone didn’t love you enough to stay.  To be afraid to try something new for fear that you will fail.  None of this means you’re dysfunctional or crazy.  It just means you’re human, and that you need a little time to right yourself.  You are not alone.  No matter how embarrassed or pathetic you feel about your own situation, there are others out there experiencing the same emotions. 

Pay less attention to other people’s opinions of you. – The truth is that what people say and do to you is much more about them, than you.  People’s reactions to you are about their perspectives, wounds and experiences.  Whether someone thinks you’re amazing, or believes you’re terrible, again, is more about them.  I am not suggesting we should be narcissists and ignore all feedback, but I am saying that too much hurt, disappointment and sadness in our lives comes from taking things personally.  In most cases it’s far more productive and healthy to let go of other people’s good or bad opinions of you, and to operate with your own intuition and wisdom as your guide. 
What are ways to turn your wounds into wisdom and strength?      
How to let go the painful things?
What is your opinion about the saying: “if you are going through hell, keep going.”
Why we have to pay less attention to other people’s opinions of you?
What do you worry about most?
How to keep calm and focus on the positive?
How to try something new, learn something new?

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