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Resolving Your Conflict With Another    wikihow

    Remain calm

    Tempers will stand in the way of working through your differences. After all, the goal is making peace with one another, not getting revenge. Respectfully communicate to them, through a mediator if necessary, that you should both take some time to calm down. Then agree on a time and a place to discuss and resolve your conflict.

    Make a list of your concerns

 Before you meet with the other person, sit down and write out exactly what you think led to the conflict. Try to take personal history and personality out of the equation as much as possible. Think about the root of the problem and what specifically you need to change.

    Allow the other person to talk.

    You will still be able to make all of your points, but make sure to let the other person state his or her concerns as well. Let them talk, even if you disagree, because interrupting will only add to the conflict. It is most important for each of you to figure out the conflict you disagree on than the ‘correct’ solution. Working toward accepting each other’s differing views is at the center of this process.

    Stay away from negative talk.

    Focus on the positive things instead of saying things like, "can't," "don't" or "no." The negative words will only make the conflict harder to resolve. They dwell on the conflict rather than the solution. At the end of the day, what you need the other person to accept is how you want to move forward.
        For example, don’t tell the other person: “I don’t like the way you borrow my car without asking.” While this may be an important aspect of your conflict, in the solutions phase of the conflict resolution, it keeps you dwelling on the past.

    Look for compromise.

    In many conflicts, no one person is completely wrong, so try to find a compromise that you can both be happy with. Always try to be the ‘bigger person’ by finding a resolution that satisfies both of you. Don’t let this turn into a competition to see who can be ‘more reasonable,’ however.
What are the tips for resolving conflict?
How to remain calm during any argument or conflict situation?
How to stay away from negative talk?
How to compromise?
How to control your temper?
「Ways Your Friends Influence You」的圖片搜尋結果
Ways Your Friends Influence You  (Elizabeth Mitchell)
1. Your Eating Habits
Have you ever gone to a restaurant with the healthiest of intentions — a salad followed by grilled fish and steamed vegetables — only to find yourself halfway through a bacon cheeseburger and onion rings? Or, on the other hand, have you ever listened to everyone at your table order a salad with grilled chicken, only to hear yourself echo their order?” As it turns out, eating is a contagious behavior.
In fact, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which analyzed data from 32 years, found that your chances of becoming obese actually increase by 57% if you have a friend that’s obese.
2. Your Exercise Regimen
One of the best ways friends influence each other is to encourage, irritate, remind, show up, and be there for exercise, says Anne Kelly, President of Junonia. “Research proves that having friends to exercise with really improves both persons’ health, even if that friend is just a walking canine companion.” Vice versa, if your friends aren’t physically active at all, it’s likely that exercise will become less of a priority for you.
3. Your Self-Esteem
Think about it: we tend to compare ourselves to the people in our social group, and the social group we wish we were in, so if our friends have more than us (money, looks, things, etc.), then we tend to feel worse about ourselves and our lives, notes Dr. Don Nations, professional coach, consultant and the founder of DNA Coaching. “On the other hand, if we have a bit more than most of the people in our group, we tend to feel better about our lives.”
4.. Your Style
Along with your geographic area, your family, and the media, friends have a big influence on what you wear, says style consultant and author of Steal This Style, Sherrie Mathieson. “The more important fitting in is for you, the greater your friends' influence will be. So when it comes to your clothes, whatever style it is that you’re used to seeing on a day-to-day basis, the more likely it is you’ll adopt this look for yourself.”
5. Your Career
 How many times have you heard, or said, ‘It’s who you know,’ when speaking of someone successful?” It’s true, says Tina B. Tessina, PhD, psychotherapist and author of Money, Sex and Kids. “In order to succeed in many things, you need to know the people who have the power in that field. Throughout your school years, you build friendships with people who will turn out to be the powerful ones.

1. Do you think that friends influence your eating habits?

Do you think that your chances of becoming obese increasing if you have a friend that’s obese?

2. Do you tend to compare yourself to your fiends?

3. Do you think that friends influence your style to your clothes?

4. Do you think that friends influence your self-esteem and your career??

5. Do you have celebrities’ friends?

6. Is it fair to have an opposite sex friend after marriage?

7. How to end a friendship - cutting off a bad friend? How to deal with toxic friends?


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