週二(3/20)1.愛的語言 肢體接觸2.雙修! 譚崔瑜珈

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「 physical touch important」的圖片搜尋結果

愛的語言 肢體接觸
Reasons Why Physical Touch Is The Most Important Love Language -
James Woodruff

When I first took Dr. Gary Chapman’s Love Languages test, my primary love language was words of affirmation followed by physical touch. That was about 7 years ago. At the time, the results didn’t surprise me because they were in direct correlation of what I’d been lacking in my marriage and previous relationships.

Fast forward to present day, I took the test the other day. My dominant love language now is quality time, with physical touch as the second most important. I think the questions, and the test as a whole, are structured in a way that subtly center the power of touch in relationships. We already know how important intimacy is to relationships. But I think we sometimes underestimate just how much we need it survive; both within relationships and as individuals.

Removing the relationship component for a moment – when was the last time that you as a man hugged another grown man who wasn’t your relative? Not one of those pathetic “bro” hugs, but a genuine “I love you, man” hug? We don’t do that. We’re not taught how to hug without feeling weird or apprehensive about it. Compound that with the ingrained homophobia that men pass down to their sons and physical touch becomes something that men are scared of unless it involves a woman.

Now here’s where it gets tricky. Men from an early age attach physical touch to sex. We grope, we grab, all for the purpose of acquiring sex. Physical touch takes on this unsavory connotation when it doesn’t have to be that way. Once you reach an age of maturity, physical touch is really about heightening the existing emotional connection. And when it comes to intimacy, so much of the unspoken can flow from the power of touch.

Physical Touch Can Be Assuring

Along with quality time, there’s nothing better than getting a hug after a long, trying day. In the times we’re living in, you can’t escape negativity and it’s hard to find joy in the normal. But knowing that you can go home to a warm embrace is invaluable.

Physical Touch Helps To Build Trust

One thing I’ve struggled with in the last few months is consistency. I’ve had way too much start and stop in my personal life. I realize the main reason for that is the lack of attention, or in other words, quality time. It’s difficult to trust someone who is inconsistent with the amount of time they give to you. If they’re stingy with their time, then the physical connection will soon dissipate as well. For me, I know that I’m craving physical touch more lately because I want to vulnerable. I want to trust someone. I want to be myself with someone. That total nakedness is helped through the ability to feel and see each other’s physical reactions.
Why a lover's touch is so powerful?
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「what is tantra yoga really about」的圖片搜尋結果
What is Tantra Yoga Really About?

What comes to mind when you hear the term Tantra yoga? If you guessed it was something sexual, well, you're sort of right... but not exactly.

It's true—Tantra yoga may improve your sex life, but only because of what it does to help you get in touch with your own body and your own energy. Tantric practices, including Tantra yoga, work on the subtle energies within the body to enhance spiritual growth and physical wellbeing.

Why Practice Tantra Yoga?

According to Rod Stryker, one of the most renowned teachers of Tantra yoga, the goal of Tantra Yoga is three-fold:

    To thrive
    To prosper
    To bring the spiritual world and the material world into one

Stryker says, "Tantra yoga shows us what is blocking us from thriving, and offers techniques that will help us attain spiritual and material prosperity."

So, What Exactly Is Tantra Yoga?

The word tantra means to weave or expand. The idea with Tantra yoga, then, is to weave together many yoga practices, and other spiritual styles and teachings, in order to connect with others and the universe. When practiced consistently, Tantra Yoga can help you get in tune with who you are, achieve your goals, and, when done with a partner, deepen your relationship.

Tantra yoga takes the whole body and whole person into account and works with five different bodies:

    The physical body
    The energetic body
    The mental/emotional body
    The wisdom body (the inner teacher)
    The bliss body

Each of these bodies has its own weaknesses and its own strengths—all of which are usually buried deep down. When we can bring them all to the surface, we can stop responding unconsciously and gain control over our desires. Through Tantra yoga, one is said to be able to ultimately reach a state of eternal bliss.
What is Tantra yoga really about?
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