週四 (11/15)1.富人窮人之差別 2.好習慣增進生活品質

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7 Major Differences Between Rich People and Poor People
Major Differences Between Rich People and Poor People - Manifestation Miracle
 By: Mark Williams

Here are the 7 biggest reasons why rich people and poor people stay the way they are:

#1: Rich people know their HOWs and WHYs, poor people are wishy-washy about getting wealthy

This is one of the biggest problems I see with a lot of folks.

They always talk about wanting to raise their income and improve their lives…

but it’s just empty words and not a lot of follow through.

Intention is good, but taking action makes the REAL difference.

And a lot of people end up getting stuck in the “wanting” stage because they don’t have a crystal clear idea of two important things:

 WHY they want to get rich
 HOW they’re going to get rich
Having a sense of direction and purpose are crucial to making anything happen.

Without it, you’ll be stumbling aimlessly through life, then complain about the negative balance in your bank account.

Here’s a quick assignment you can do: make a mission-vision statement.

Do a little reflection and think about where you want to go in life. Consider the principles and values you live by, and how they fit into your overall plans.

Visualize the future you want, then get as detailed as you can about it.

Maybe you’re dreaming about being a world-class chef running a Michelin-starred restaurant. Or you see yourself putting up an animal shelter for abused and abandoned pets.

Think about what a typical day in that life would be like.

Imagine the kind of value you’d be adding to people’s lives, and the kind of positive impact you’d make in your community.

Then ask yourself, “What role does WEALTH play in realizing my big goals in life?”

Once you’ve got your compass pointing to your “True North”, you’ll have a much clearer set of goals to shoot for – and get excited about making money.

And best part is that it’ll be easier to break down those goals into smaller, more actionable steps.

That will make your wealth-building mission a lot less intimidating. This is definitely a good thing – fear is what stops most people from fully committing to their goals.

#2: Rich people love challenges, poor people run for the hills

I’m not judging anyone for avoiding their problems, but it certainly won’t help them get rich.

Procrastination, denial and blame are the top three symptoms among people who stay poor all their lives.

They put off working on a solution to their problems…

deny the problem exists in the first place…

and to top it off, they take zero responsibility, blaming everyone and everything.

Meanwhile, wealth-minded folks eat adversity for breakfast and dive headfirst into the uncomfortable.

They know it’s not always a pleasant thing to do, but they embrace it anyway.

Rich people treat challenges as a test of character. They get to work by figuring out how to improve themselves, or find out what they’re doing wrong.

In most cases, it’s a little bit of having to do both.

And after they get over a particularly pesky hurdle, they’re all the wiser and stronger for it.

#3: Rich people INVEST, poor people SPEND

Every payday, it’s the same cycle for poor folks.

Once the money comes in, they go out and buy the latest gadget they’ve had their eye on for the last couple of months.

After scratching that itch, they get around to paying the bills and other necessities.

Then they spend whatever they’ve got left on other stuff that doesn’t bring any value or help them make more money.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

If you want to be rich – and STAY that way – you need to get your priorities straight.
「good habits improve your life」的圖片搜尋結果
Habits for Improving the Quality of Your Life
Alex Noudelman  carmelvision

Are you finding yourself feeling frustrated day in and day out? Do you feel like a zombie, waking up each day to the same mundane things that seem never-ending? Has the quality of your life decreased every year, resulting in a loss of energy, vitality, and enthusiasm? Here are 7 habits to adopt in order to improve your quality of life in 1 year from now.
1. Read a book every month

Even if you’re relatively new to and not particularly fond of reading, you will learn a lot. Some books will disappoint you with their mediocrity, some will make you happy with a good plot and some more will have you running to the dictionary every few pages; all of them will teach you something new.
2. Think carefully before making a judgement

I used to be very judgmental. However, over the past year I closely thought about how unfair I have been in the past and all the things I have done because of this. Before you make a comment about someone and their actions, put yourself in their shoes and think about why they do the things they do. You’ll see them in a different light. And even if you don’t, at least you’ll puzzle over instead of making a snap judgement.
3. Reduce smartphone usage

If you have one, that is. If you don’t, more power to you. I cannot tell you how many times I go out with people and they stick to their smartphones. Some are Whatsapp-ing, while others are checking office e-mails and taking pictures. They’re so busy interacting with people online, they pay little attention to people around them.
4. Smile and talk

Greet everybody you know. Also, try to smile while you talk to people. This makes you appear approachable, and amiable.
5. Exude Positivity

Try being honest with yourself and others, refrain from gossip and be willing to forgive people who make mistakes because no one is perfect. As well, stop hanging around with negative people and spend more time with happy, productive, and smiling individuals.
6. Choose a hobby you like

It could be anything…biking, writing, exercising etc. Or go back to one you left. And keep a record of your work. As you change, your work will also change to reflect you. I like writing and I have a blog. Once in a while, I read my older entries and don’t even recognize the person who wrote them. It teaches you a lot about your

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