週二(11/27)1.公投否定同性婚姻 2.魯蛇的習慣

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「same sex marriage」的圖片搜尋結果
Taiwan voters reject same-sex marriage  bbc

A same-sex marriage supporter in Taiwan cries after Saturday's referendums in Taiwan. Photo: 24 November 2018 Image copyright Reuters
Image caption Same-sex marriages supporters reacted as it became clear that they lost the vote

Taiwan has rejected same-sex marriages, in a blow to the island's reputation as a rights trailblazer in Asia.

The results in referendums come despite a high court ruling in March 2017 in favour of such unions.

The court also gave parliament two years to amend laws or pass new ones. It is unclear how Saturday's voting will affect legislation.

What were voters asked about same-sex marriage?

The marriage issue was actually the subject of three separate referendums on Saturday, which were put forward by rival camps.

Conservative groups asked whether the legislation - defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman in Taiwan's Civil Code - should remain unchanged, while LGBT activists asked for the marriage law to be amended to include same-sex couples.

Results show voters backed the conservative "pro-family" groups.

The government earlier said Saturday's referendums would not affect it bringing in the changes required by the court ruling. The authorities are now expected to pass a special law, without amending the Civil Code.

But campaigners fear the eventual legislation will be weaker.

One possible outcome could be that gay couples are given legal protection - but not allowed to get married, correspondents say.
Habits of Losers   megainsights
Pay attention and be ready to make amends if any of the things listed below resemble your way of life.
1.    Losers are lazy

Losers could think big like winners, but they are so lazy that they cannot pursue their dreams. Losers give up easily and they’re not ready for any hard work. That’s why they continue to lose out.
 2.    Losers complain too much

Nothing is good in the sight of losers. Instead of identifying ways to make their life better, they keep complaining every day; harboring bitterness and sadness. That’s another habit of losers.
 3.    Losers are reckless

Losers are reckless with money. Their personal financial management is zero. That’s why they complain too much. Let them have a little change in their pockets; they will blow it away on frivolous things within minutes. That’s why they continue to lose…theyre senseless gamblers!
 4.    Losers are “too much” people

Losing connotes scarcity or lack of abundance. But losers are actually people of “too much.” They have too much of everything regressive – they drink too much, they eat too much, they sleep too much, they talk too much, they even work too much!

Yes, don’t be surprised about that bit on working too much. The issue here is that losers work too much to the detriment of their health, family, and their future. Their life is in total disarray on account of work or business.
 5.    Losers watch too much TV

If this describes you, don’t get upset. Just bear in mind that every minute you spend in front of that box could be utilized for other positive things. By watching those so called favorite TV programs, every other person involved in their production wins; but you lose!

By watching, you enrich the TV house, the producers, the actors, the advertisers etc. And what do you get? Nothing, except backache and a protruding stomach!
 6.    Losers are rude

Losers are rude. They lack manners. That’s because they vent their bottled frustrations on others at the least provocation. They blame others for their backwardness and believe that their progress is hindered by their fellow men. How wrong they are!
 7.    Losers flock with losers

Like attracts like, they say. Losers are in the habit of surrounding themselves with other losers. They hang around negative people of the same mind. That’s why their position is ever the same. Or, how can anyone expect a sheep to give birth to a puppy? Losers are always in the family of other losers.

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