週四 (2/21)1.享樂是重要的 2.櫻花季

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「Entertainment Is Important」的圖片搜尋結果
Reasons Why Entertainment Is Important    topictrends

We face a lot of hardships, frustrations, and disappointments every single day. With this blazingly fast pace, taking time out for yourself seems impossible or not as important compared to deadlines or projects. Add to that the fact that technology has made it easier for us to connect or keep in touch with other people within our own home, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a shut-in.

After work, you simply plug in your headphones, and then head over home so that you can simply browse the net or watch TV. You won’t find the need to go out so you might skip out on physical contact or socializing totally. If you need to check-up on a friend, you can simply call them or send them a message. You can even have a video call if you’re up to it. This replaces a lot of social interactions for many people out there. However, man is still a social being whether he’s comfortable with it or not. To further motivate you, here are some of the reasons why you should go outside and socialize once in a while.
Mix Things Up

During workdays, your schedule will more or less be the same. Wake up, eat breakfast (optional), head off to work, come home, and then spend the rest of the day surfing the internet or watching TV. It sounds like a real bore – and it is. Frequent activities like these make your life mundane and can lead to a build-up of stress. It will spill over from your personal life to your work, eventually adversely affecting your career or relationships.

Unwind Your Stress

When you’ve had a stressful day and when you come home directly, it’s very easy to vent your anger on the nearest living thing you see. Even though you’re not really angry at that person, it’s easy to lose control since you were angry before even coming home and your fuse is relatively short. Sleeping on the couch might be a common thing for you by now.

However if you entertain yourself or keep yourself busy before coming home then you can come home more relaxed. Dinners will be pleasant, and your conversations with the people around you will be brighter. There won’t be any nitpicking or sudden flaring of tempers. This is all just because you chose to have fun for a few minutes or hours before coming home.
Develop Friendships

If you become a regular at a place (a bar or restaurant) of your choosing, you’ll eventually become close with the people working there and even the other patrons as well. You won’t have to go out of your way and go to bars or other unknown places just to meet people. You could do it at your watering hole. Since they also like that place, you can just meet up there after work or during weekends. Keeping yourself entertained with your friends will help keep your outlook positive and you’ll have healthy relationships as well.
Significance of Sakura: Cherry Blossom Traditions in Japan
| Erina Takeda

Spring has arrived! The cherry trees are starting to bloom again around the National Mall and Potomac Park in Washington, D.C. In Japan, cherry blossoms are called sakura, a special flower for the people and the country.

Cherry blossoms are a symbolic flower of the spring, a time of renewal, and the fleeting nature of life. Their life is very short. After their beauty peaks around two weeks, the blossoms start to fall.

During this season in Japan, people like to have cherry blossom parties with colleagues, friends, and family. A cherry blossom makes people merry. They enjoy eating, drinking, and barbecuing underneath the cherry blossoms. We call this custom hanami. Hanami literally means “watching blossoms,” and the tradition can be traced back at least a thousand years. We bring cooked meals, alcohol, snacks, and sweets, like a potluck party. Schools and offices hold welcome parties during hanami, a chance for people to bond and meet new friends.

Even at night, viewing spots are crowded with people enjoying the blossoms in a beautiful, romantic atmosphere. Couples go at night to enjoy the special mood created by cherry blossoms. Hanami at night is called yozakura.
Hanami at night is called yozakura, when the trees are illuminated. Photo by Yamaguchi Kazunori
The exquisite beauty of cherry blossoms only occurs for a few weeks from the end of March to the beginning of April. Photo by Maki Matsuda
A hanami picnic in Tokyo. Photo by Tomoko Ishigaki

While American schools begin in the fall, the Japanese fiscal and school year begins in April, the season of sakura. We feel like the fully bloomed cherry blossoms are celebrating and welcoming our brand-new start. Many schools and companies have cherry trees outside of them. This is why Japanese people have special feelings for the cherry blossoms.

I have lovely memories from when I was young, doing hanami with my parents, brother, and sister. My mom packed a special lunch box, hanami bento, full of our favorite foods. My father was in charge of securing a good place for us at the famous park by placing a blanket under the cherry trees in the early morning.

Now I like to go to hanami with a few of my close friends just to enjoy the cherry blossoms, but if I go with a lot of friends or a group of colleagues, it mostly means having a party with lots of eating and drinking.

Cherry trees have spread throughout the world to other Asian country, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Turkey, Spain British, Australia, and beyond. We’re lucky to have thousands of cherry trees around the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C.

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