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Health Benefits of Hiking
By Health Fitness Revolution -

    Increases fitness: Just one hour of trekking can burn well over 500 calories, depending on the level of incline and the weight of the pack you’re carrying. Hiking trails are often softer on joints than asphalt or concrete, so it’s easier on your ankles and knees compared to running. If you head for the hills, weight loss results are even better. Not only are you burning serious calories, but altitude itself has also proven to be a weight loss ally.
    Helps prevent and control diabetes: Regular hiking helps you control, or even prevent, diabetes by lowering your blood sugar levels. Hiking gives your muscles a workout, which moves glucose from your bloodstream for energy.

    Lower blood pressure and cholesterol: Hiking through the trails on a regular basis decreases blood pressure and cholesterol, thus reducing the danger of heart disease, diabetes and stroke for those at high-risk. In fact, hiking downhill is two times more effective at removing blood sugars and improving glucose tolerance.
    Hiking heals: Some research suggests that the physical benefits of hiking extend far beyond cardiovascular health, and may even help cancer patients recover. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine  found that long distance hiking trips may improve the antioxidative capacity, which helps fight off disease, in the blood of oncological patients. Another study showed that breast cancer survivors who exercised regularly — many in the form of hiking — believed that physical activity complemented their recovery from cancer treatment.
 Is a social activity: Hikers always recommend using the buddy system.  A regular weekend meet-up or a planned long-distance trek can help you forge bonds while you shape up. Plus, interaction with the larger hiking community encourages you to engage with your workout as a lifestyle, rather than a chore, which will make you more likely to stick with it for the long haul.
 Increase creativity: Research shows that spending time outdoors increases attention spans and creative problem-solving skills by as much as 50 percent. The authors of the study also point out that the results may have as much to do with unplugging from technology as they do spending time outside. Researchers from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Education also found that walking gets the creative juices flowing far more than sitting.
 Increase happiness levels and curb depression: Research shows that using hiking as an additional therapy can help people with severe depression feel less hopeless, depressed and suicidal. It may even inspire those suffering from it to lead a more active lifestyle.
    Commune with nature: Being out in nature, away from the chaos of our daily lives and technology, can allow people to connect with themselves and nature in a way that brings about peace and a sense of well-being.
 「the benefits of competition」的圖片搜尋結果
Benefits of Competition | Evolve Vacation

 Competition is a true test of your skills.

You’ve attended countless classes, drilled for hours at a time, perfected your techniques, built strength and flexibility—why not put all that to the test? A fight can gauge where you are in terms of technique and athletic ability. It can also test whether or not you have the mental strength to push through tough times.  It is a great way to learn where your weaknesses lie so that you can begin working to improve them.

There’s nothing like that competition rush!

There is no other feeling like stepping into the ring for the first time. It’s sensory overload; battling your nerves with a crowd watching along is definitely unforgettable. Whether you win or lose, there’s nothing quite like the experience of competing!

You’ll gain self-confidence.

Putting yourself out there isn’t the easiest thing in the world, and anyone who is willing to step up and compete deserves respect. By competing, you are showing the world that you believe in yourself and your skills. It also proves that you are okay with whatever the outcome may be. You know that win or lose, you have learned something from this experience.

 If it happens, you can learn from your losses.

So you’ve dedicated every single waking hour to preparing for your competition. You’ve dieted so that you can make weight, you’ve drilled your techniques for hours and hours, you’ve started lifting weights so you can get stronger, and you’ve been putting in extra sparring time. You’ve done all that you possibly can to win, but unfortunately, someone else’s hand is raised instead of yours. Instead of being angry, look at the bright side of the experience. Ask your coach about the mistakes you made and analyze them together. Work on these mistakes and make sure they never happen again. In the end, you will learn far more from your losses than you ever will from your victories.

Because it helps you get over the fear of competing and makes you want to compete more.

Once you’ve experienced the nerves and jitters of your first competition, the next one won’t be as bad. You’ll know how to prepare better, and fix your game plan based on the strengths and weaknesses you saw in your last competition. For athletes who compete all the time, they know that regular sparring sessions with teammates just can’t mimic the adrenalin and experience of competition.

Because it feels great to win!

After all the hard work, preparation, and pre-competition jitters—you’ve finally reached your ultimate goal. You’ve competed, given it your all, and emerged victorious! There is no greater feeling than having your arm raised in victory. You’ve put your blood, sweat, and tears into your sport, so why not take recognition and appreciation for it?

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