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「winning lottery does make people feel better」的圖片搜尋結果
Scientists say winning the lottery does make people feel better about life
Shana Lebowitz businessinsider

    According to a study by scientists in Sweden and the US, lottery winners in Sweden are more satisfied with life than those who lost the lottery.
    What’s more, that boost in satisfaction doesn’t fade over time, the study found.
    Previous studies have found that winning the lottery doesn’t ultimately change our life satisfaction or happiness.
    It’s probably best to rely on things other than money – like close relationships – for health and happiness.

Social scientists spend a lot of time thinking about all the ways your life might be different if you came into a massive fortune. Not just about whether you’d be able to buy a fancy house and car – but also about how you’d feel about your new financial prowess.

Over the past few decades, multiple studies have suggested that your day-to-day experience wouldn’t change much at all, and that the excitement of striking gold would, eventually, wear off. But a working paper comes to a different conclusion, reporting that winning the lottery, as compared to losing, really does lead to greater life satisfaction.

The research was cited in The New York Times by Justin Wolfers, an economist who has conducted other research on the link between income and life satisfaction. The study hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed or published in a scientific journal.

For the study, scientists in Sweden and the US surveyed 3,362 lottery players (winners and losers) about their well-being between five and 22 years after the lottery drawing. Respondents were asked about their happiness, overall life satisfaction, mental health, and financial life satisfaction.

Results showed that winning the lottery had a positive effect on all these outcomes – especially on life satisfaction. Most interestingly, these effects didn’t dissipate over time, with the exception of financial life-satisfaction.

It’s important to note that the study relied on surveys, meaning there was no objective measure: Respondents themselves indicated how satisfied they were with their lives. What’s more, other research has yielded different conclusions.
Other studies have found that winning the lottery doesn’t ultimately change our life satisfaction

Previous studies have found that winning the lottery doesn’t have a significant effect on life satisfaction.

Business Insider previously reported on two studies that found lottery winners end up about as happy as they were before their big win. That’s possibly due to a phenomenon called hedonic adaptation, which means we have a set point for happiness, and return to it even after major life events like winning the lottery.
「your strength」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Co-authored by Trudi Griffin, LPC
     Write down what you do. In order to identify your strengths and weaknesses, think about the activities you either participate in the most or get the most pleasure out of. Spend a week or so writing down all of the activities you do throughout a given day, rating them from one to five, depending upon how much you enjoy doing or participating in them.
        Studies have found journaling to be a great method for becoming more self-aware and reflective towards one’s personal strengths and desires.This can be as simple as listing all of the most memorable moments of a given day to writing detailed narratives about your deepest thoughts and desires. The more you come to know yourself, the easier it will be for you to identify your personal strengths.
    Reflect on your values. Sometimes, it can be difficult to identify our strengths and weaknesses because we haven't taken the time to clarify our core values. These are the beliefs that shape how you think about yourself, others, and the world around you. They are fundamental to your way of approaching life. Taking some time to identify your values will help you decide whether aspects of your life are strengths or weaknesses to you, regardless of what others may feel about them.
        Think about a few people you respect. What do you admire about them? What traits do they possess that you value? How do you see these in your own life?
        Imagine you could change one thing about your community. What would it be? Why? What do you think that shows about what's most important to you?
        Remember a moment in your life where you felt very satisfied or fulfilled. What was that moment? What happened? Who were you with? Why did you feel that way?
        Imagine that your house is on fire (but all pets and people are safe) and you can save just 3 objects. What would you save, and why?
    Determine whether your life aligns with your values. Sometimes, we may feel like we have a weakness in a particular area when our lives don't align with our core values, for whatever reason. Living a life aligned with your values is called "value-congruent" living, and it can lead to greater feelings of satisfaction and success.[5]
        For example, perhaps you value Ambition and Competition, but you feel stuck at a dead-end job where you're never challenged or given an opportunity to prove yourself. You might feel that you have a weakness in this area because your life isn't currently aligned with what's very important to you.
        Or perhaps you are a new mother who really wants to go back to your job as a teacher because you value Intellectual Status. You might feel that "being a good mom" is a weakness because your value (of achieving Intellectual Status) appears to conflict with another value (Family-Orientedness). In this case, you can figure out how to balance your values so that you honor both. Wanting to go back to your job doesn't mean you don't also want to enjoy your new child.

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