周六(3/23)1.免費環遊世界2.從第三者角度看事情 晚7:00-9:00

星期六 聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:00
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
Young Sydney millionaire offering ‘job of a lifetime’
Shireen Khalil

Self-made millionaire Matthew Lepre is looking for a personal assistant to travel the world with him as his e-commerce and coaching businesses continue to expand globally.

The 26-year-old from Sydney had no idea that six months after dropping out of university he would go on to create a business that would allow him to work anywhere in the world.

And now he is on the hunt to hire someone to take up a “job of a lifetime” — an assistant who’ll be paid $52,000 (base rate) a year, plus travel, accommodation and insurance benefits to help him take care of business in countries around the world.

I have had so many people contacting me wanting to know how they can also live the dream lifestyle and now I need someone to help me out,” Mr Lepre told news.com.au

I’m after someone that is organised and has great management skills, can arrange travel itineraries, has strong knowledge of social media channels, ability to multitask, excellent attention to detail along with other business admin tasks such as computer skills.”

The person must also hold a valid passport for at least 12 months and be willing to work hard.

The opportunity would allow the lucky applicant to experience the cultures of the world, in particular some of the currently planned trips to Spain, Greece, Croatia and Miami.

Travelling while I work has allowed me to live my ideal life, and I want to give someone the

opportunity to do the same alongside me,” he said.

He said as long as an applicant was over 18 and had the necessary skills, he would consider a uni grad or student.

After all I didn’t finish university!” he said.

Mr Lepre is an e-commerce mastermind having created the business eCommerce Warrior Academy when he was just 23.

He had no intention of staying at university — nor did he have any interest in pursuing a dentistry degree at the University of Melbourne. After two weeks, he decided to return to Sydney and worked three manual labour jobs to help his single mother financially.

In his downtime, Mr Lepre researched how to kickstart an online business and would soon go on to develop a business that would earn him a comfortable $120,000 a month.

At a seminar in Sydney, I was introduced to a business coach from America where I began to learn all the basics of starting an online business, and from there I started my own e-commerce online stores,” he told news.com.au last month.

He’s also been working on projects to help others to also build their wealth.

His newest team member will ensure his business runs smoothly while he’s travelling as well as help to promote his newest ventures.

I’m looking for someone to join in all of my adventures. I love what I do, and I love exploring new place,” Mr Lepre said
 「Things You Need to Look at from Another Angle to Succeed」的圖片搜尋結果
Learning to see things from another's perspective
DAVID CHAN straitstimes

Even partners will face conflict, although the situation is very different from that faced by foes. Partners who share many similar interests, goals and values can sometimes find themselves in disagreement.

Differences and disagreements can occur between partners or people in close working, social or family relationships. We can all recall experiences of conflict with a boss we respect, a colleague we like, a close friend we confide in or a family member we love, or even with a politician we support.

When partners are in conflict, it is constructive to do less political strategising and more perspective-taking - by which I mean to consider how things appear to the other party.


Depending on where we stand, the view of our living room and the things in it can look very different. Just like our perception of the physical world, perspective matters in our subjective experience of the social world.


The same facts can have different meanings when seen from different perspectives. The perspective each person adopts influences what is considered central or peripheral, obvious or obscure, and even present or absent.

If someone has a tunnel vision, we try to offer a different perspective that has a more complete view. Sometimes, two perspectives may be completely opposite - but each is yet completely valid in different ways, much like the views from opposite sides of a room.

If we do not understand a person's perspective, what is very meaningful and sensible to him may look absurd to us. But if we are going through the same situation, we may behave just like the person did, and think it is perfectly normal or the right thing to do.

So, reality is what things actually are, but a person's reality is what the person thinks and feels it is, given the circumstances. The person's reality affects his actions.

Studies in the behavioural sciences have shown that we don't see things as they are. We see things as we are, and how we are affected by the events or situation. We make interpretations according to our beliefs and past experiences about ourselves and others. We give meanings to things in the context of the circumstances we live or find ourselves in.

Once we have adopted a perspective, it is difficult to suspend or change it. It is even harder to take another's perspective that is different from ours.

This is mainly due to the human tendency called confirmatory bias. We see what we expect to see. We seek out and interpret information in a way that will likely confirm our perspective.

If we can and when we do so, we may find our own perspective not as valid as we thought. Or, at least, it is not the only valid one. Of course, we may still hold on to our perspective for good reasons. But we are now able to address the differences better because we understand the other perspective.

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