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「taiwan presidential candidate」的圖片搜尋結果
Leadership Qualities That Make Good Leaders
Sarmad Hasan

 Honesty and Integrity
The 34th President of United States, Dwight.D.Eisenhower once said, “The supreme quality of leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.” Honesty and integrity are two important ingredients which make a good leader. How can you expect your followers to be honest when you lack these qualities yourself? Leaders succeed when they stick to their values and core beliefs and without ethics, this will not be possible.

 Inspire Others

Probably the most difficult job for a leader is to persuade others to follow. It can only be possible if you inspire your followers by setting a good example. When the going gets tough, they look up to you and see how you react to the situation. If you handle it well, they will follow you. As a leader, should think positive and this positive approach should be visible through your actions. Stay calm under pressure and keep the motivation level up. As John Quincy Adams puts it, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” If you are successful in inspiring your subordinates, you can easily overcome any current and future challenge easily.

Commitment and Passion

Your teams look up to you and if you want them to give them their all, you will have to be passionate about it too. When your teammates see you getting your hands dirty, they will also give their best shot. It will also help you to gain the respect of your subordinates and infuse new energy in your team members, which helps them to perform better. If they feel that you are not fully committed or lacks passion, then it would be an uphill task for the leader to motivate your followers to achieve the goal.

Good Communicator

Good Communicator - TaskQue BlogUntil you clearly communicate your vision to your team and tell them the strategy to achieve the goal, it will be very difficult for you to get the results you want. Simply put, if you are unable to communicate your message effectively to your team, you can never be a good leader. A good communicator can be a good leader. Words have the power to motivate people and make them do the unthinkable. If you use them effectively, you can also achieve better results.

Decision-Making Capabilities

Apart from having a futuristic vision, a leader should have the ability to take the right decision at the right time. Decisions taken by leaders have a profound impact on masses. A leader should think long and hard before taking a decision but once the decision is taken, stand by it. Although, most leaders take decisions on their own, but it is highly recommended that you consult key stakeholders before taking a decision. After all, they are the ones who will benefit or suffer from your decisions.

Creativity and Innovation
What separates a leader from a follower? Steve Jobs, the greatest visionary of our time answers this question this way, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” In order to get ahead in today’s fast-paced world, a leader must be creative and innovative at the same time. Creative thinking and constant innovation is what makes you and your team stand out from the crowd. Think out of the box to come up with unique ideas and turn those ideas and goals into reality.
leader stand out.
 「criminal sketch artist」的圖片搜尋結果
What Will My Career Summary Be as a Sketch Artist?
Source: *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

As a sketch artist, you'll create likenesses of people, usually drawing by hand and using a variety of art supplies. Your skills and services may be used by law enforcement agencies pursuing suspects or missing persons, people seeking recreational portraits or media outlets depicting courtroom scenes. Law enforcement and media employers will want you to construct accurate, realistic representations of your subjects. However, private patrons may want you to elaborate and exaggerate certain features for their personal amusement.
What Is My Job Outlook?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of positions for all craft and fine artists, is expected to increase only 2% over the 2014-2024 decade, while the more specific category of fine artists, including painters, sculptors, and illustrators, is expected to increase by 3% (www.bls.gov). You can expect stiff competition for available jobs, and you'll likely be self-employed. Persistent networking with news companies, law enforcement offices or private patrons may help you grow your freelance opportunities. If you're considering becoming a criminal sketch artist, then learning facial reconstruction, composite drawing or age progression techniques may provide you with a wider range of job opportunities.
What Training Requirements Will I Need to Meet?

You won't have one set route for becoming a sketch artist, but formal education and training may help you gain the experience necessary to meet potential employers' standards. Many universities have accredited art programs that offer classes on realistic depictions and life drawings, such as a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art degree program. You can also develop your skills by attending workshops taught by experienced sketch artists. These workshops may cover topics like front and profile views, shading techniques, facial structures, facial reconstruction and sketching speed.

If you feel drawn to a courtroom sketch artist career, you can make frequent courtroom visits and practice your craft. You might benefit from learning how to sketch quickly and accurately from memory, since you'll sometimes get only brief glimpses of courtroom participants during proceedings. You may seek voluntary certification as a forensic artist through the International Association for Identification.

As a criminal sketch artist, you'll work without the benefit of a live subject. You will interview witnesses and have them choose from a variety of facial features as you create a composite sketch. Gaining experience in communication and interviewing techniques can help you gather useful information, especially when dealing with difficult or distraught witnesses.
What Are Some Related Alternative Careers?

Other careers related to sketch artists that fall under the category of fine artists include cartoonists, painters, medical and scientific artists, illustrators and tattoo artists. Outside of the the fine arts, multimedia artists and animators use computer art programs to create images for printed media, movies and TV. When it comes to capturing images in real time, as some sketch artists do, there are a few overlapping skills shared between sketch artists and photographers.

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