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「lucky days」的圖片搜尋結果
Make Sure Every Day Is Your Lucky Day: How To Create Your Own Luck In Life

Oprah Winfrey once insightfully commented, “Luck is preparation meeting opportunity.”

Yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day – a holiday that many celebrate by wearing the color green, pinching, and keeping their eyes peeled for that lucky Irish leprechaun.  There’s nothing particularly lucky about a calendar day, but who doesn’t like a good reason to celebrate?

Everyone, on some level, has a desire to be lucky. Although it is typically thought of in association with things such as gambling or finding your soul mate, luck can mean something different to different individuals. Whether you believe in luck or not, I think it’s safe to say that you wouldn’t mind a stroke of good fortune.

If you had the power to create your own luck, would you do it? Well, you sort of can! I know, I know – isn’t creating your own luck pretty much taking the real “luck” out of things altogether? We are all well aware that we can’t reasonably expect to control everything within our lives, but we can certainly point ourselves in the right direction. If we make a conscious effort to steer ourselves toward our goals and what we want, you will begin to notice that a big part of those “lucky moments” is simply due to setting yourself up for good things to happen.

How To Create Your Own Luck

1. Seek out the silver lining of situations

Much of this can be boiled down to having a positive attitude opposed to a negative one that views everything that happens in a pessimistic light. It has been shown that those individual who purposefully look for the good and positive aspects of things tend to feel that they are luckier. Perhaps that luck of the irish is more along the lines of luck of the optimistic.

2. Put yourself out there and take those chances

Chances are you won’t feel very lucky if you are just sitting at home on your couch waiting for luck to happen. Taking risks not only expands your personal world, but it also opens you up to countless opportunities for lucky occurrences to take place. Step outside of your box every now and then – you may find that luck is simply waiting for you right outside of your comfort zone.

3. Start to look at yourself as a lucky person

Believe it or not, self fulfilling prophecies are totally a real thing. That’s right – studies have shown that those who consider themselves to be lucky individuals actually are luckier! One particular study, for example, surveyed individuals regarding their views of themselves. Then the researchers placed a bit of money along the street that those people were walking down. Of those surveyed, those who reported being “lucky” much more frequently noticed the money and picked it up. Those who considered themselves “unlucky,” on the other hand, almost never noticed the money.
 「pick on you」的圖片搜尋結果
Learning how to handle someone who "busts my balls" and makes fun of me a lot

This may seem like a strange thing to need help in, but I have an acquaintance (don't really like this person, but I'm kind of obligated to hang out with him, as he is friends with a couple of good friends of mine) who insists on making fun of me relentlessly when I'm around him.

He doesn't take me seriously at all, treats me as the butt of jokes constantly, and is incredibly condescending to me. His jokes are incredibly immature as well and focus on my sexuality (he basically orchestrates all his jokes to imply that I'm gay, which is so incredibly childish and homophobic as well).

Most people in my life have been incredibly respectful to me, so I am often very uncomfortable in situations like this, and don't really know how to handle it very well. I also don't feel very good at reciprocating that kind of behavior, as I've never really needed to do so. It also doesn't help that I don't really like this person very much either, which makes it very hard to tolerate his comments.
I bust peoples balls all the time. It's really an expression of me caring. I wouldn't poke fun at someone I didn't feel I had a good relationship with.

But it doesn't sound like your "friend" is just busting your balls. It sounds like he's using you, like you said, as the butt of his jokes. This isn't caring. It's mean spirited. I've dealt with people like that before. One of my best friends used to do that all the time, but over time we found ways to work through it.

I genuinely don't believe that his intent is to hurt you. It's out of insecurity. HE feels insecure about whatever, so he does his best to bring the attention to you and try to point out your (perceived) flaws. Try to forgive him for this. He's probably just as uncomfortable when he does this as you are.

Next time he does it just look him straight in the eyes and say, without being too stern or taking yourself too seriously, "I know you're just joking around, but I feel that's crossing the line," and then move the conversation elsewhere. Don't expect an apology. Don't expect a big confrontation or scene. Just set boundaries and move on.

He will fight you on this. I would put money on him trying to justify his actions. He will say "how is that crossing the line?? It's true/it's not mean/whatever". Acknowledge what he says by saying something like "don't worry about it," "it's fine dude," or anything that's dismissive (not in a condescending way) while not engaging in his battle.

If it gets worse or he doesn't respect your boundaries after doing this a couple of times you have two options. Remove this person from your life entirely, or have a conversation between the two of you. Remember that you don't have to justify your feelings to him. If his jokes make you uncomfortable, then as a friend he should respect that. If he doesn't the bold letters don't apply.

You'll keep your dignity and confidence intact by handling it like a man. A man doesn't seek needless fights or cower because of his fear. This is how you establish healthy relationships. It is always difficult, but they are the most rewarding.

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