周六(6/8)1.從屈原談自殺! 2.繡球花季 PM 7:00-9:00

星期六 聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:00
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
Qu Yuan During his many years of exile, Qu grew increasingly depressed, he could no longer stand the emotional despair and decided to end it all. He picked up a rock, waded into the Miluo River, and committed suicide.
人間挫折處處 煩惱困難時時
今日端午節 從屈原談自殺!
 來談談 自殺是出路嗎?
Why does suicide seem like a solution to your problem(s)?
Gulf Bend MHMR Center
Natalie Staats Reiss, Ph.D., and Mark Dombeck, Ph.D.

You may not be aware (or you may be forgetting) that there are other means you might bring to bear in solving your problems and coping with your stressors. Examples of coping mechanisms you might not be taking full advantage of include but are not limited to: psychotherapy, medication, various forms of social, occupational and educational assistance, and the support of other people who get where you are coming from.

You may be confusing thoughts that feel true for thoughts which are true. There is a difference! Just because you feel hopeless doesn't mean that life and your situation are truly hopeless. In most cases, a variety of thinking errors (called cognitive biases) conspire to make situations seem more dire than they really are.

You may be assuming that your current feelings and situation will never change for the better. This is not likely. Suicidal feelings and thoughts tend to decrease over time. Suicidal feelings are NOT a permanent state in most cases. Your mental state will change with time, your pursuit of treatment, and your active efforts to alter the things in the environment that are bothering you. It is very likely that if you kill yourself, you will have confused the temporary for the permanent.

You may not be thinking about the other people you will harm. Suicide will affect your entire family as well as your close friends. All of the people who are close to you will be very wounded by your death, and the ones who care about you the most, or need you the most, will be the most affected. If there is even one person in your family (or one friend, even) that you care about, your suicide will carve a permanent hole into that person's heart that will never quite successfully heal. Life will go on, of course, but living with a permanent grief is never a good state of affairs.

You may be thinking that this is an effective way to punish or communicate pain to people who have previously hurt you. You may be thinking "I will show them all", that you'll prove something, or get someone to listen to you or take you seriously. Your decision to commit suicide won't prove anything. Plus, if you're gone, how people react to you or think about you doesn't matter anyway. There is nothing you can do, ultimately, to force other people to change, or to care about you. However, you can change your responses and reactions to them. Also, if you can learn to care about yourself, you will find that various people notice that, and will start to care about you. It's not a paradox, but it may seem like one at first.

Are you the only person that feels this way?

Absolutely not!!! You're in good company, in fact. Estimates suggest that approximately 800,000 people commit suicide per year. This number most probably underestimates the true magnitude of the issue, but there is no way to tell for sure.

We don't present this number in order to lead you to think that suicide is the best way to handle your situation. Just to show you that a lot of people come to see suicide as attractive in any given year. Use this statistic to remind yourself that you are not alone, and that mental health professionals have tons of experience helping people who have been through experiences that are similar to what you are going through now
Hydrangeas in bloom in Taipei's Yangmingshan National Park
Hydrangeas in bloom in Taipei's Yangmingshan National Park (By Central News Agency)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — As the calla lily season comes to an end, different colors of hydrangeas are now in full bloom in Taipei's Yangmingshan National Park, becoming a famous tourist spot in northern Taiwan during the long weekend.

The Department of Economic Development (DED) of the Taipei City Government has joined hands with Beitou Farmers' Association in presenting a half-day hydrangea tour. Visitors are welcome to explore the ecological and humanistic development of Bamboo Lake (竹子湖) at Yangmingshan. For more information, please visit the Beitou Farmers' Association website.

Yangmingshan Hydrangea Garden

The flower garden of Hydrangea that located in Yangmingshan National Park, northern part of Taiwan, is now open to public around May until July every year. For the ones who love taking portrait photos, this place may suit you better. Location of the garden is on a hill of this mountain and it takes some time when you drive from Taipei city. For international visitors or the ones without vehicle, there are also some other options by public transportation so don’t worry then, but you might have to walk around from one to another tourist spot by foot.

It was quite rainy that day, when my friend and I visited to the place. Lucky there wasn’t any fog at all, just a shower rain. Because of the rainy day the garden was quite muddy, so I will be better not wearing white shoes during the day. With the light condition on that day, the photos that we took were spectacular with the ambient light in such environment. The hydrangea garden is not that wide, but the flower is really all over the place with different colors; such as violet, light blue, white, and many others. The flowers are planted in some flat surface and incline surface on the hill, so this might look like you take a picture with a wall of hydrangea flowers wallpaper. However, as a reminder, during the weekend this place might be full of visitors, so you have to patiently wait in line to take a picture at some great spot. For some additional to your photo shoot property, you can also buy the hydrangea for 100NT dollars to go with you.

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