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「how to pick up a girl」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Pick Up a Girl  wikihow.com

    Broaden your horizons. Don't get sucked in to thinking that you can find girls only to date when you're out at a party or at the bar or pub. You never know where or when you might meet a girl who would be open to a night out with you if you play your cards right. The saying “there are plenty of fish in the sea” reflects this fact. If you want to find a girl to pick up, keep your eyes open everywhere you go: at work, in cafes, on the street, pretty much anywhere public. That being said, there are a couple of important things to keep in mind.

        A supermarket pickup is a hard sell. Most people don't go to the grocery store or the bank because they are hoping to find romance, which is why the conventional wisdom rightly suggests that bars, clubs, and parties are the best places to meet potential dates. Do not expect a good response if you try picking up girls in places they have to go because life demands it.
        Instead, consider open-air markets, cafes, and other places people go because they want to be out. It is likely that girls in such places will be at least somewhat more receptive to meeting new people, since they are not on important business.
      Understand the (straight) male-female dynamic. This varies widely from country to country, but generally speaking, there is a clear paradigm in the Western world (that is, Europe, Australia, and North America) that defines what men and women find attractive in the opposite sex. It's actually very complicated, but at the most basic level, it works like this: Women are primarily attracted to social power and influence; men are primarily attracted to fertility and health (which is why Western culture is obsessed with making women look youthful).
        There is a whole universe of things that men can do to suggest social power and thus become more attractive. Consider developing a strong sense of style or a clever sense of humor. Physical wealth is a strong display of social power, which is why some guys maintain beautiful cars even though they're otherwise living in poverty. Think about how you can accentuate your life to emphasize your own strengths.
        The most basic and perhaps most useful way to show that you have social power is to be confident. By demonstrating an ability to speak and act in a self-assured manner, you can show that you have nothing to fear from other men, which makes you seem relatively powerful. This is why it is often said that confidence is everything in the dating world. Become confident, and the rest of the pickup game boils down to details; fail to exhibit confidence, and you will always struggle to get dates.
    Perfect your body language. Body language is more than just standing with a straight back and making eye contact: it's the whole package, everything you do to communicate that isn't the words coming out of your mouth. Body language is the primary way that human beings communicate emotional states to each other, making it an all-important “language” to learn if you want to be at the top of your dating game. The rules of thumb are as follows:
        More eye contact is better than less eye contact.
        Smile whenever you make eye contact. Don't look away until you've smiled.
        Don't stare. Try to keep your eyes from glancing at a woman's body if you're talking to her.
        Adopt an open stance: legs and arms uncrossed, shoulders back, head level. This makes you appear confident, relaxed, and receptive.
        Don't mumble. Speak clearly and without hesitation.
        Lean in slightly to the person you're interested in when you speak to her. Bringing your head slightly forward is fine if you're seated.

「GOOD HABITS」的圖片搜尋結果
Daily Habits Highly Successful People Have
By Christina DesMaraisContributor, Inc.com@salubriousdish

Work out for a strong body, which holds up a strong mind.

"Successful entrepreneurship requires more than just mental fitness, it requires physical fitness as well. I have a daily workout regime that started in 2013 and has grown and evolved in step with our business. It started with CrossFit (high intensity interval type training) and has expanded from there. Clearing your mind and challenging yourself physically with a tough workout every day prepares you for the daily challenges of business. A strong body holds up a strong mind."

Never give up.

"My daughter would say my favorite saying is 'Never give up!' It sounds trivial, but there are so many times that if I accepted 'No,' I would not have moved along the pendulum. It's a delicate dance of fortitude, polite aggression and compartmentalized fear. Sometimes you just have to hit at it from a different angle. I often conceptualize chipping away at the wall. Different angles, different tools and a little muscle. Rarely you get the answer you want out of the gate and often times through the process you find you need to adjust your approach, but the end goal always the same."

Surround yourself with positive people.

"Social media has become a cesspool for the haters and trolls. Don't let negative people hold you back. Understand that negativity generally comes from unhappy people and those who envy you. Happy successful people don't tear others down. Surround yourself with ambitious, positive people. It's too easy to focus on the negative and there's just no upside to that."

Listen and learn.

"Listen to your peers, employees and customers.  You will always learn something from listening.  I also find that it could facilitate relationships just by listening, and really let people feel that you care.  It helps ease any tensions, even if it doesn't immediately solve a problem, it could relieve any negative feelings just by letting people express themselves whether it be an unhappy customer, a stressed employee or colleague."

Put in extra effort to stay organized.

"Making lists and setting daily goals helps us stay focused each day. There are so many fires to put out each day when you own your own business and working to stay organized and task oriented helps us stay on track and meet our goals. We also have planning meetings to map out our vision and goals for the next six and 12 months. This helps us focus on the big picture of growing a new business and measure our success and failures over the year."

 Pick three things to do each day.

"Running a business can be quite overwhelming, with the work truly never ending. When you have a lot to do, my philosophy is to just pick 3 things to do each day. Do those three things first in the morning, and then wherever the rest of your day takes you, you know at least you're progressing and have accomplished what you needed to."

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