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Good Habits Attract Good Luck - Rich Habits Institute
Thomas C. Corley

I have a childhood friend, who was raised in a family of five. His father was a NYC school teacher, at a long ago time when public school teachers did not make much money. His mother was a homemaker. While they were not considered “poor”, they did struggle financially.

This friend of mine worked as a lifeguard during the summers in his high school and college years. He save nearly everything he made and was able to pay for college with those savings.

He worked for three years, after graduating college, in a large, prestigious CPA firm. He lived at home and commuted to NYC and saved a significant amount of his income. He decided to invest his savings in law school.

After graduating NYU law school, again on his own dime, he met his future. wife, who was also paying her way through NYU. Like my friend, she shared his savings Rich Habit. Thanks to frugal living and their savings Rich Habit, my friend was able to buy himself the freedom to leave his big company law position, along with its grueling hours and stress, to take a lower paying job with a smaller, publicly-held company.

After many years of working at this smaller company, it was acquired by a private equity company and my friend received a windfall. That good luck acquisition gave my friend the freedom to retire. He was only 52. All thanks to one Rich Habit – saving.

Good habits create a unique type of good luck called Opportunity Luck. The Opportunity Luck for my friend was the unexpected acquisition of his company. My friend, because of his smart money Rich Habits, was able to make choices that put him in a position to become the recipient of good luck.

One of the individuals in my Rich Habits study had the Poor Habit of spending too much money. In his case, he spent a lot of money gambling. His gambling Poor Habit forced him to liquidate all of the college savings his children had inherited from a deceased Uncle, in order to pay the bills at home. With the loss of that college money, his kids were unable to afford to go to college and became stuck in dead end jobs, as adults.

This person was eventually forced to turn his home over to the bank in foreclosure. He now rents a very small and very inexpensive apartment, alone and all but abandoned by his children. He still gambles what little money he has. His life is miserable and lonely. All thanks to one Poor Habit – gambling.

Bad habits create a unique type of bad luck called Detrimental Luck. The Detrimental Luck event that occurred for the individual in my study was the the foreclosure of his home and the loss of the love and affection of his children.

Habits, good or bad, create luck. The type of luck created depends on your habits. Good habits attract good luck and bad habits attract bad luck.
You Can Learn to Be Happy and More Optimistic. Really.    psychologytoday

The scientific study of what enables individuals to thrive and increase their levels of happiness is called Positive Psychology. This new field is based on the concept that people naturally seek to develop meaningful and fulfilling lives, and to encourage and support their best selves which leads to enhancing the love, work, and play in their lives and relationships.

The source of Positive Psychology movement dates back to William James and more recently, Martin Seligman who made it the theme of his 1998 American Psychological Association Presidential Address. Since then it has expanded and evolved.  Positive Psychology focuses on strengths and positive characteristics instead of on psycho-pathology and what’s not working in people’s lives. That is a significant departure from what psychology has historically focused on understanding.

What’s the point?  The point is that now there is a body of both research and clinical development to enhance your ability to cultivate the skills for creating positive emotional states and greater capability to enjoy life. One of those developments is the University of Berkeley’s course on happiness. This eight-week course (free to the general public) teaches the science and application of the principles of Positive Psychology.

If you are interested in learning more about this exciting new direction for yourself, click here and you can enroll at no cost, unless you want a certificate of completion.


所有人都會遇到本書所描述的大部分特定挑戰或人生轉折,在這當中可能描寫出我們昨日、今日或明日的部分模樣。隨著年齡增長,責任與失去的事物逐漸累 積,人生變得更加複雜、更具挑戰性,有時候則令人更加困惑。在事情接踵而來之前,花時間仔細檢視我們人生的主要過程和標準,以及了解什麼會激起我們的反 應,這對我們是有益的。



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