周六(12/28)1. 新年的新希望2.如何 排毒?

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「new year」的圖片搜尋結果
Top 10 Most Common New Year's Resolutions
Brad Zomick

Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, hoping to spark positive change. The recurring themes each year include a more active approach to health and fitness, improved finances, and learning new things for personal and professional development. Chances are, more than a couple of the top 10 most common resolutions will look familiar to you:

    Exercise more
    Lose weight
    Get organized
    Learn a new skill or hobby
    Live life to the fullest
    Save more money / spend less money
    Quit smoking
    Spend more time with family and friends
    Travel more
    Read more

However once the glow of a fresh new year wears off, many people struggle to make good on their plans. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, only 46% of people who made New Year’s resolutions were successful. That means over half of the people who set a goal for the new year will fail!

The study also involved non-resolvers, people who did not make a New Year’s resolution, but had a goal they wanted to achieve that year. Only 4% of non-resolvers were successful at achieving their goals, a far bleaker result than those who did make a New Year’s resolution.

Naturally, we don’t want to be in the camp of folks that fail to achieve their aspirations and dreams for 2020, so we’ve put together an exhaustive plan for following through on your resolution.

. Mentally prepare for change

Changing ingrained habits is no easy task, so before diving head-first into your New Year’s resolution, it is important to take a step back and get ready for that impending change.

The first breakthrough in change is taking a personal inventory. Being that it’s the end of one year and the beginning of the next; it’s perfect timing to take stock in the past year’s accomplishments. Think about the following:

    What did I set out to do in the past year?
    Where did I make progress?
    Where didn’t I see progress?

Naturally, your resolution may focus on areas that lack progress, but don’t forget to savor the progress made, and find some small way to celebrate. Those happy feelings are useful! If possible, try to associate them with an object or word related to your accomplishment.

You will want to keep upbeat with your new resolution, so you can use that positive association with last year’s accomplishments to remind you of those good feelings when you are feeling challenged.

As you start thinking about the changes you want to implement, make sure to do the following:

    Stay positive
    Try not to make big/quick changes
    Change should be gradual
    Build on smaller changes
    Allow a little room for error

. Set a goal that motivates you

You would be surprised how often people set goals that are not for themselves. These goals could be dictated or coerced by a manager, spouse, or parental / peer pressure.

While it’s nice to have some external support, if you don’t share the same passion, the resolution has a small chance of succeeding and could even be dead on arrival.

To do this, you need to make sure the goal you set is important to you and only you and that there is value or benefit for you in achieving the goal. It is these two things that will provide the reason and willingness to take action. This is also known as motivation!

Thus, it’s a safe bet if your resolutions align with the following:

    Your goals
    Your priorities
    Your dreams
    Your aspirations
如何 排毒?
6 Easy Ways to Detox Your Body in Just 24 Hours
By byrdie.com

While we reject the notion that indulging in champagne toasts and holiday cookies qualifies as "overdoing it," we also get it: After several weeks of merriment, it's easy to feel a little sluggish, bloated, and in need of a little detox.

1. Binge on sleep

"Giving yourself a good night's rest is one of the best ways to detox your body and reset," Asay says. "Sleep has been connected to weight loss, reduced cortisol levels and stress, and improved overall health." The best part about sleep is that it takes absolutely no effort—just make sure the temperature of your room is cool, and give yourself a 10-hour block to snooze.

2. Drink a big glass of water right after you wake up

and right before you go to sleep. And throughout the day. "When you think about it, while our bodies are asleep, we go seven or more hours without any hydration," Asay says. "By providing your body with hydration upon waking, it refreshes and energizes our cells."
3. Take a lot of stretch breaks

"Take a break once an hour, even if only for five minutes, to stretch and move around!" Asay encourages. "This will decrease fatigue, get your blood flowing through the muscles, and get your heart rate up, burning calories." (Plus, a quick stretch break is probably one of the most enjoyable ways to detox your body, no?)

4. Reach for bloat-busting beverages

At the top of the list of nutritionist-approved drinks: herbal teas, mineral broths, and (you guessed it) good old H2O. (You can find more ideas here.)
5. And avoid alcohol while you're at it

Sadly, that "hair of the dog" mimosa is not detox-friendly. "To our bodies, alcohol is a toxin, which means when we ingest it, our bodies will work to metabolize the alcohol before other sources of energy," Asay says. In other words, while your body is busy working on the alcohol, the other calories in your food or drink will store as fat.

Alcohol will dehydrate and fatigue you. If you're serious about detoxing quickly, lay off the stuff and drink more water.

6. But don't deprive yourself

When your body feels gross, your gut reaction (no pun intended) might be to swear off everything but green juice and water. But Asay says this type of thinking can be a mistake. "No single food or drink should be considered off-limits," she says. Instead, picture the foods you love on a spectrum, from those you should eat a lot of to those you should eat more sparingly.

"Some examples of items to consume sparingly would be deep-fried items, sugary beverages, unfulfilling snacks like candy or chips, and highly processed meats such as hot dogs or bologna," Asay says. But if 7 p.m. strikes and you find yourself desperately craving chocolate, don't stress. You can still have a few squares of the stuff or a handful of chips. As long as your choices are mindful, your detox will still work.

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