周六(12/7)1.最佳睡姿? 2.如何成為 人生勝利組?

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「is good sleep on your stomach」的圖片搜尋結果
The Best Sleep Position for Your Body

Your sleeping pose can have a major impact on your slumber—as well as your overall health. Poor p.m. posture could potentially cause back and neck pain, fatigue, sleep apnea, muscle cramping, impaired circulation, headaches, heartburn, tummy troubles, and even premature wrinkles.
Wondering which sleep spot is best? Check out the rankings, below, from best to worst.
1. On Your Back

Though it’s not the most popular position—only eight percent of people sleep on their backs—it’s still the best. By far the healthiest option for most people, sleeping on your back allows your head, neck, and spine to rest in a neutral position. This means that there’s no extra pressure on those areas, so you're less likely to experience pain. Sleeping facing the ceiling also ideal for warding off acid reflux. Just be sure to use a pillow that elevates and supports your head enough—you want your stomach to be below your esophagus to prevent food or acid from coming up your digestive tract. However, snoozing on your back can cause the tongue to block the breathing tube, making it a dangerous position for those who suffer from sleep apnea (a condition that causes periods of breathlessness). This position can also make snoring more severe.
2. On Your Side

This position (where your torso and legs are relatively straight) also helps decrease acid reflux, and since your spine is elongated, it wards off back and neck pain. Plus, you're less likely to snore in this snooze posture, because it keeps airways open. For that reason, it’s also the best choice for those with sleep apnea. Fifteen percent of adult choose to sleep on their side, but there’s one downside: It can lead to wrinkles, because half of your face pushes against a pillow.
3. In the Fetal Position

With 41 percent of adults choosing this option, it’s the most popular sleep position. A loose, fetal position (where you're on your side and your torso is hunched and your knees are bent)—especially on your left side—is great if you're pregnant. That's because it improves circulation in your body and in the fetus, and it prevents your uterus from pressing against your liver, which is on your right side. This pose is also good for snorers. But resting in a fetal position that's curled up too tightly can restrict breathing in your diaphragm. And it can leave you feeling a bit sore in the morning, particularly if you have arthritis in your joints or back. Prevent these woes by straightening out your body as much as you can, instead of tucking your chin into your chest and pulling your knees up high. You can also reduce strain on your hips by placing a pillow between your knees.
4. On Your Stomach

While this is good for easing snoring, it’s bad for practically everything else. Seven percent of adults pick this pose, but it can lead to back and neck pain, since it’s hard to keep your spine in a neutral position. Plus, stomach sleepers put pressure on their muscles and joints, possibly leading to numbness, tingling, aches, and irritated nerves. It’s best to try to choose another position, but if you must sleep on your stomach, try lying facedown to keep upper airways open—instead of with your head turned to one side—with your forehead propped up on a pillow to allow room to breathe.
 「who to be a winner in life」的圖片搜尋結果
如何成為 人生勝利組?
Killer Tips to Become a Winner in Life - Motivation
AuthorCris Nikolov 

How and why you should become a winner in life!

Since ancient times, society has always praised winners. Winning is and has become the central core of society , and everything that we do revolves around this one dynamic. And I just want to add a favorite quote “Winners never quit and quitters never win.
The benefits of winning

Victory tastes very sweet and there are many advantages to winning, as the harder the win was, the sweeter the taste of victory is.  You start feeling better about yourself and you improve your confidence, you boost up your morale and your desire to win, becomes greater than the fear of losing.

So you ask how to become a winner?
Here you go – killer tips to become a winner in life.
1. Set up specific goals, you need to know where you are going.

Imagine you are in a race, but you don’t know where is the finishing line, would you be able to win? No, you wouldn’t. That’s why you need a specific target, you need to know exactly what direction are you going in, and where  the finishing line is.  And learn to work towards something rather than working aimlessly.
2. You need to learn to take responsibility for your actions

You can’t blame others for your mistakes, and you can’t use excuses. Winners are people that are self aware about their own mistakes, they understand that it’s their choices and decisions that brought them there. Winners don’t use excuses, they find solutions.
 3. Form a winning habit

Strange right? But that’s what you have to do. You have to form a winning habit, and habits are hard to develop. To form a winning habit, you need to start looking things at a different perspective, you have to look at them like challenges. You should try to challenge yourself daily, form a habit of doing every day something you couldn’t do before.

4.  Be eager to learn every day

Try to learn something new every day, read a book or meet new people or do something different. Because when it comes to winning, having more knowledge is basically power.

5. Take risks

Don’t be afraid of taking a risk. Because if you are too cautious, you might miss the opportunity and you might not have a second one.
6. Stay focused

Keeping your focus towards the finishing line is what matters.  Don’t slack, always keep your mind and focus towards your goal. Because if you are not focused, then you are not doing things seriously! And if you are not doing things seriously you can’t become a winner guys.. It’s simple!

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