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「helping others」的圖片搜尋結果
Helping Others Can Increase Happiness and Reduce Stress
By verywellmind

According to an annual survey from the American Psychological Association, stress is an all-too-common experience and far too many of us feel stressed beyond our coping abilities. Between work, money issues, family stress, and other obligations, it can be easy to feel overworked, frustrated and burned out. While you can practice stress-relieving techniques like yoga or meditation, you may find that helping others, while it can make a schedule busier, is also a powerful form of stress release that could even improve your physical health.

When you focus your attention on the needs of someone else, your stress levels have been scientifically proven to go down. That helps minimize the impact of stress on your body, improving your physical wellness as well as your emotional health. Research backs this up.
Impact of Stress on Health

A 2015 study published in the Clinical Psychological Science journal found that relieving the impact of stress on health can be accomplished by helping others. While it was a small study, its results were eye-opening. 77 adults between the ages of 18 and 44 participated in the study. Each night, they received an automated call reminding them to complete a daily questionnaire.

The questionnaire had queries about the day's stressful events, such as the commute, work, and finance. It also tracked helpful behaviors and small acts of kindness and the resulting emotions. The researchers found that those who performed more daily acts of kindness were less likely to feel stressed. On days when they could not do any acts of kindness, they reported more stress and negativity. The study suggests that we can help ourselves manage stress and feel better by doing good deeds for other people.

Further study will need to be done to analyze this theory, but it has promising implications for those experiencing high levels of stress.
Small Acts of Kindness to Reduce Stress

You don't need to be extremely wealthy or have tons of free time to get the benefits of altruism. Even small gestures, like holding the door for a stranger, had the potential to reduce stress. Here are a few simple deeds you can do to help others and potentially lower your stress levels:

    Pay It Forward: When you're at the drive-thru window, you can pay for the car behind you. When they get to the window, it will be a very unexpected surprise for them and requires only a small amount of money.
    Share With Others: Bake a cake or other dessert and bring it into the office break room for everyone to share. Your coworkers will be thrilled. Or simply bring a little extra with you when you're packing materials. Bringing extra earplugs to a concert, extra tissues during cold and flu season, or sharing whatever you can spare is a simple way to help others.
    Clean out the Closet: De-clutter your closet or basement and donate old clothes, toys and books to a nearby shelter. You'll help people in need of these goods while streamlining your home. You'll also be reminded of how much you have and how lucky you are to have it.
    Volunteer: Volunteer your skills to a local non-profit. Whether you are a photographer, web-designer or cook, non-profits are always in need of help from professionals and would appreciate the assistance. Or, you can work directly with those in need by volunteering at a homeless shelter, animal rescue or soup kitchen. If this is more of a time commitment than you have, you can always simply donate your change to charity when you go grocery shopping, or help in smaller ways like this.
    Share the Love: The best things in life are free, and this applies to smiles, hugs, and other gestures that show you care. You don't have to commit your time or money to do something kind for someone else. A simple squeeze on the shoulder can let people know you're supporting them and that you care.

You don't need to do grand gestures in order to make a difference and help your health. Small acts of kindness done over time can reap large rewards for your well-being.
7 Benefits of Foot Massage & Reflexology - Foot.com

Our feet, which bear the weight of the whole body, allow locomotion and do a lot of work. Still, they are the least pampered part of the body. To pamper your feet and keep them strong and flexible, a daily foot massage for a few minutes is good option.

A regular foot massage along with reflexology helps in promoting physiological as well as physical health.

Reflexology is an ancient healing practice based on the principle that there are reflex points on the feet that correspond to the body’s different organs and glands. Remember that human foot is an evolutionary marvel, capable of handling hundreds of tons of force and your weight in motion. It has 42 muscles, 26 bones, 33 joints, 250,000 sweat glands and at least 50 ligaments and tendons—plus almost 15,000 nerve endings!

In reflexology pressure is applied to these reflexes on the feet, which promotes good health. Here are some health benefits of foot massage and reflexology:

    Improves blood circulation:
    Due to a sedentary lifestyle, many people don’t use their feet muscles properly, thus impeding good blood flow. Also, tight, pointed shoes­–especially high heels–hinder circulation. Ten minutes of foot massage daily helps in transporting oxygen to the body’s cells, which is essential for overall health.
    Helps in relaxation:
    After a tiring and stressful day, a foot massage is a soothing and relaxing way to relax, particularly after a long day of standing and walking around, as the feet tend to swell up. Massage and reflexology of 5 to 10 minutes before going to bed can improve feelings of general well-being.
     Promotes better sleep:
    The best time to do foot massage is before going to bed. A soothing and relaxing foot massage improves the blood circulation. This helps in getting a peaceful sleep.
    Relieves body pains:
    This is the best part of reflexology. If done carefully, it treats pains and aches such as headaches, migraines, neck pain, lower and upper backaches.
    Improves mood and fights depression:
    Foot massage and reflexology helps in fighting depression. Certain points on the feet are helpful in alleviating depression symptoms. Massaging these points or applying pressure to them for a few minutes 2 or 3 times a day can help relieve symptoms of depression.
    Makes feet healthier:
    One easy way to help keep your feet healthy and free from foot problems is a regular foot massage. It helps stimulate the muscles around your feet, lessens stiffness and even reduces pain in the ankles or the heels. Plus, a short 5-minute foot massage daily will make your ankles strong and flexible, thus preventing unpleasant ankle and foot injuries.
    Alleviates swelling (edema)
    Regular foot massage during pregnancy can help reduce the effects of edema, which is swelling in the feet and ankles due to fluid retention. This is very common during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester.
    ExtraTip: It has been found that massaging your feet with warm olive oil or coconut oil can give much relief from the pain and inflammation caused by foot tendonitis.

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